Scalar Energy

What is Scalar energy, and how is it used for health improvement? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Tom Paladino talk about scalar energy, non-physical energy that impacts health and well-being. This type of energy can also help meet nutritional deficiencies and needs that can increase metabolism and balance hormones. Tune in to know more about scalar energy as clean energy that has the power to change the heart and the world as a whole.

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Ayn Cates Sullivan:

Welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. I’m also the author of the Legends of the Grail series for those who seek inner wholeness and also the Sparkle series for children and inner children and all those who refuse to give up their inner light. And this is important because we are human light beings. We are colored. And we are connected to infinite wisdom and infinite intelligence. And this is what we’re going to be talking about today. It’s one of my very favorite subjects. I really invite you to come and join us.

My guest today is Tom Paladino, and he’s a researcher and a humanitarian. He’s really seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health. Well, all sorts of things. In this podcast, we’re going to find out what scalar energy is and how it can change your life. So you can go and find out more about what Tom is doing on, and you can use it for free for 15 days. We’re going to talk about this and how you can check out this technology and maybe change your whole world, your whole paradigm.

So when we come back from this short break, we’re going to delve into what scalar energy is and the intelligence of the living light. So stay tuned. We will be right back.

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