SPS – Personal Development Question

At some point of our lives, we want to be a better person and improve on our personal development. But what are some personal development questions for growth that you should ask if you want to develop yourself? In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, host Jennifer Urezzio is joined by Dr. Marta Adelsman. Marta writes and teaches others about spiritual law made practical, and mentors others to ditch their drama and enjoy living more joyful peaceful lives. Join them now as Jennifer and Marta discuss the high-level smart questions that can support you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. [...]

2020-05-25T12:29:28-07:00May 31st, 2020|

SPU – Normalizing Spirituality

Mass adoption of high vibrational living requires normalizing spirituality into consciousness. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla talks with Kristine Fredheim about the importance of being open about our relationship with the Divine and guiding others in this pursuit. Kristine is the beautiful being behind the Soul Cards tarot deck. Listen in to find out how to dive more deeply into relationship with Spirit and create a life guided by the Divine.   Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Experts. I always say "excited", so I was looking for another word today. But I'm excited about this conversation. One of the things that we really live for here at Super Power Experts and at the SuperPower Up! Network is this idea of making it, it’s okay, right? It's okay to be yourself. It's okay to expand out. It’s okay to venture [...]

2021-11-22T12:02:14-07:00April 24th, 2020|

YSPM – Using Technology to Accelerate Personal Development

Is it possible to accelerate the personal development process? In this episode,YSPM host Kristin Maxwell is joined by Carl Hunter, the developer of the MindFlavors technology, a brain entrainment system that rewires the brain. Carl explains how limiting beliefs in the subconscious mind block us from taking the actions we know (and want!) to be taking and how, when we reprogram those beliefs, there are no limits to what we can achieve. Listen in as Carl walks you through a process for manually reprogramming the subconscious, then explains how MindFlavors speeds that process up exponentially. Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I'm your host Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today we are going to be talking to Carl Hunter about how to accelerate [...]

2020-02-06T17:56:26-07:00February 17th, 2020|

HFH – Be a Successful Spiritual Leader

Do you have what it takes to become a spiritual leader? Being a spiritual leader is not a job for everybody. This person should be able to create an impact on the world around them while sharing the word of God. Join HFH host AngelaMarίa as she talks with Johanna Alper about how you can become one. Johanna, the Healer’s Coach, assists healers and therapists to attract more clients, prosper, and become the transformational teachers/leaders that this world is crying out for. She has had a successful acupuncture practice and taught business in Boulder, Colorado since 1981. Listen in as AngelaMarίa and Johanna talk about how you can successfully reach the level of a spiritual leader that can change other people’s lives. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts, and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing show, awaken superpowers through higher [...]

2019-11-26T19:14:56-07:00December 3rd, 2019|

ISP – Incorporating SuperPowers

Incorporating SuperPowers is the business show that calls out the shadow side of the business world and uplifts those doing better. Executive Director and Founder of Super Power Experts, Tonya Dawn Recla, kicks off the newest show on the SuperPower Up! Podcast Network. She joins her husband and Incorporating SuperPowers Host, Justin Recla, as they expose the secrets the personal development industry doesn’t want you to hear. Listen in to hear why Super Power Experts is different than anything else in the industry. Hello everybody. This is Justin Recla, I'm your host of Incorporating SuperPowers, and this is our kick-off show. I am super, super excited for this entire podcast series because we're going to be doing things a little bit different. We're going to be calling out the elephant in the room on a lot of different industries, and we're going to [...]

2022-04-12T17:42:50-07:00July 11th, 2019|

SPM – What is Confidence?

In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Tracey Severns, who is currently the Leadership and Learning Strategist for Rutgers Graduate School, joins Laura Greco as they explore the question of what is confidence and how do we model that for our children. Tracey is well positioned to speak to this topic as she has dedicated her entire career to the service of students, teachers and administrators since 1992. In serving as a classroom aide, a special education teacher, a vice principal and a director of student performance and a mom of her own two children, she’s gained much insight to what can assist moms and dads to building and nurturing the confidence that will be life sustaining to our children. So if you’ve ever wondered how you can support, instill and nurture confidence with deep love in your children, you’ll truly benefit from Tracey’s insight. Join us and let’s keep [...]

2020-10-12T18:39:58-07:00July 9th, 2019|

SPM – Personal Development Ideas for Healing Anxiety

In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Ann Hession, an energy healer, joins Laura Greco to discuss personal development ideas for healing anxiety. Ann is certified as a medical intuitive and is also a Body Code Practitioner. She has studied alternative forms of transformational healing for over 30 years. She was a director of a large alternative healthcare center and holds a BA in Psychology from Harvard University. As a momma of two daughters, she has personally walked the road as a parent herself and has much to share on the topic of healing anxiety and why we find ourselves there in the first place. She also shares some great tools. So be sure to listen in and learn how you can create healing from anxiety, move through life with more grace and model this for your children. I am excited to see you there. Hello and [...]

2020-10-12T18:40:19-07:00June 25th, 2019|

SPU – Parent Psychology and Personal Development

Roger Ramsukh, author, speaker and therapist, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the relationships between parent psychology and personal development. Roger is certified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Applied Behavioral Analysis and Crisis Intervention and has worked with clients who exhibit problem behaviours for over 15 years. He teaches parents and helps adults and small business owners find joy in their life, reconnect with their families, get unstuck from mental blocks and find true abundance. Listen in as he shares his experience and insights to illuminate the power of incorporating personal development to understand parent psychology. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm excited to have with us today Roger Ramsukh. We're gonna talk today about, he's the award-winning author of the book The Fearless Parents: 20 Ways to Inspire Success, Respect & Gratitude, which I know all of us [...]

2018-07-01T14:25:18-07:00September 21st, 2018|

YSPM – Personal Growth through Mindfulness

Clarissa Hughes, founder of The Little Breathing Space, a mindfulness coaching business, joins Kristin Maxwell to explore how to achieve personal growth through mindfulness. A former senior level executive at corporations throughout Asia and Europe, Clarissa herself discovered the power of mindfulness to heal her own life. Now an international speaker and mindfulness expert, Clarissa empowers individuals to remove stress and overwhelm and create purposeful lives. In this interview, Clarissa explains how simple mindfulness practices increase self-acceptance and self-compassion. Join Clarissa and Kristin to learn how to increase peace and joy in your own life. Hi everyone, this is Kristin Maxwell and you are listening to Your SuperPowered Mind. We have a really fun topic today. We're talking to Clarissa Hughes about achieving personal growth through mindfulness. Clarissa is the founder of The Little Breathing Space, a mindful coaching business in Sweden. She spent 28 years [...]

2018-07-10T17:16:52-07:00July 23rd, 2018|

SPU – The Role of Assessments in a Personal Development Plan

Tamara Kleinberg, founder of Innovation Quotient Edge, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to explore the role of assessments in a personal development plan. Innovation Quotient Edge is the only assessment able to help you discover your unique Innovator Archetype so you can innovate on demand. Tamara is a sought after keynote speaker, Crossfit addict and knee high sock lover. Listen in as these powerful women share their secrets for development a solid personal development plan. Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm delighted to have with me today. Our guest today – she’s a blast. You all are really going to enjoy her energy and appreciate her. And I want to tell you a little bit about her and then I'll bring her on because I was feeling this conversation is going to be a lot of fun. But we're going to be [...]

2018-02-26T21:14:26-07:00January 16th, 2018|

SPU – Strategies for Personal Development

Peggy Sealfon, internationally-known expert in overcoming fear and anxiety, joins Tonya Dawn Recla to discuss powerful and practical strategies for personal development. Peggy uses her keen intuitive ability to blend eastern and western traditions from ancient yogic techniques, mindfulness and spirituality to functional medicine, modern psychology, energy medicine, nutrition and the neurosciences. Listen as they talk about ways to expedite and expand your personal development.  Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert; and I'm excited to share with you our guest on the show, she is in our listeners choice guest list. For the next couple of  minute we will have her on the show, just saying bye to relax into that space. Peggy Sealfon is a Personal Development Coach and Motivational Speaker an  Internationally known Expert. She's got a remarkable kind of bio. I really want to emphasize what I find [...]

2018-02-26T21:16:17-07:00January 5th, 2018|

SPU – 5 Areas of Personal Development

In this SuperPower Up! episode, Tonya Dawn Recla chats with Donald Allen Williams and explores the five areas of personal development. We discuss how we can use our senses to their full advantage and develop them in a way that helps us shift our lives. Donald believes that our physical sensation meres the importance of our emotional sensation – encouraging us to create a relationship with both senses to better understanding our intentions. Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm very excited to have on the show with us today, a unique man, you're going to love this. As with a lot of our guests, there's a nice juxtaposition of worlds. You know we are the bridge builders and Donald Allen Williams has a fascinating story about recovery, about moving beyond, about questioning realities and he's really good at sharing [...]

2018-02-26T21:18:12-07:00December 15th, 2017|
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