IMS – Receiving The Gift

How can we be receivers of the gift? What is the gift? In this episode of the Inspired Messages, messenger Amorahki warmly welcomes the start to this holiday series. The Receiving the Gift series illuminates the power of harnessing reciprocity from genuine gratitude. This series will show how you can harness the gifted power of CEFA in your life during this holiday season. Tune in today to learn all about receiving the gift!

2022-11-29T18:20:08-07:00December 11th, 2022|

IMS – Have The Happiest of Holidays

How can you have the happiest of holidays? In this kick-off of the Inspired Messages Series, messenger Amorahki welcomes the topic of the season. As we get into the holiday season, it’s important to have cheer and remember why we love each other. This series reminds us that the holiday spirit starts with us, and how to use our tools such as CEFA to create beautifully magical experiences and memories with those we love. Tune into this Inspired Messages Series all about how to have the happiest of holidays!

2022-11-15T18:31:36-07:00November 20th, 2022|

IMS – Making Space

What does it mean to begin making space in our lives? In this debut episode of the Inspired Messages series, host Amorahki Fenn talks all about the power of making space. This series shows us truly what it means to make space in our lives. Whether it’s taking time for ourselves, being productive, or spending time with loved ones, space is important for everyone. This series will dive into the processes we can use in our lives, to help us make space for what matters. Processes such as CEFA meditations, opening our hearts and letting go of anything that is taking up too much room in our lives. Tune in to this Inspired Messages Series to learn about the importance of making space!

2022-11-08T18:18:21-07:00October 30th, 2022|

IMS – Calm and Connected in Chaos

How can we stay calm and connected in chaos? Problems and challenges are part of our daily endeavors. We cannot avoid it but we can change how we perceive life. In this new IM series, Amorahki introduces a ground-breaking one that helps your family to remain relaxed while forging meaningful relationships despite the havoc. Stay tuned to this series to know more about how to stay calm and connected in chaos.

2022-10-11T14:43:48-07:00October 9th, 2022|

IMS – Total Emptiness

Have you been into the light of total emptiness? In this episode, we talk about the upcoming IM Series that will be airing on Wednesday, Total Emptiness. Tonya Dawn Recla takes us deep into the power of that state of emptiness, surrendering yourself, and connecting to a deeper level with The Spirit, who guides the whole process for you if you let go. Join us for this exciting series guaranteed to help you take true advantage of total emptiness as a gift in your life so you can move forward in grace and faith.

2022-09-19T19:03:25-07:00September 20th, 2022|

IMS – From Expression to Experience

Are you excited about a new IM Series, “From Expression to Experience?” This episode will give you all the important information about the new series airing on Wednesday. Tonya Dawn Recla takes us deep into the power of words, the fuel of emotions, and the energy of vibrations. Tune in and join us for this exciting series, From Expression to Experience, guaranteed to change how you look at yourself as a creator in the entire creation process.

2022-08-22T17:45:13-07:00August 28th, 2022|

IMS – The Secret of Stillness

Do you want to know the secret of stillness? In this episode of the IM Series, host Earlene Coats shares the secret of stillness and how it can open your connection to divine guidance and creative energy. You will discover the process of finding calm amid chaos and coping during paralyzing uncertainty. Tune in to learn new tools that allow you to step into the powerful secret of stillness.

2022-07-19T17:29:45-07:00August 7th, 2022|

IMS – Tapping Into Resilience

What is the power we gain by tapping into ​resilience? In this new IM series, Tapping into Resilience, host AngelaMaría will walk you through the importance of acknowledging moving through and releasing emotions like fear, sadness, and anger instead of suppressing them away. You will understand why your brain is wired to focus on negative situations and how to transform your automatic negative thoughts into more positive, supportive beliefs. Finally, you will learn to tap into a sense of possibility and deepen your trust in your path. So, this series' main idea is overcoming every obstacle, and life struggles through resiliency. If you find yourself asking, what if I am not resilient? What if I have never considered that option in my life, and I am just learning now? ​If so, this is the perfect series for you. Tune in to learn about tapping into resilience because your time is now!

2022-06-28T18:34:12-07:00July 17th, 2022|

IMS – Finding Freedom

Do you find yourself stuck in finding freedom inside a rabbit hole? In this new series, Finding Freedom, AngelaMaría and Tonya explore how we can break through to a position where we can create a free world. It all starts with becoming aware of the discomfort and understanding that the fear that lies beneath only has power over us when we refuse to feel it. Freedom is a concept that may differ from yours and mine. However, we all must arrive at the same particular spot in this IM Series, where freedom is our natural state. We are born with the ability to be free. Tune in to free yourself and see the light of freedom in life!

2022-06-28T18:45:09-07:00June 26th, 2022|

IMS – Money Expanded

Why is it important to talk about money in an expanded way? In this series,host AngelaMaría looks at the evolution of money. Tonya Dawn Recla will share with us the wisdom behind money in three lenses: energy, reflection, and impact. As we move through consciousness, there is no way to talk about money without talking and being aware of the consciousness process behind that. This series is also an invitation to use it to co-create. So, in other words, you will learn the difference between viewing money as energy versus money as a matter. Tune in to learn about how our relationship with money can expand!

2022-06-28T18:46:42-07:00June 5th, 2022|

IMS – The Power of Presence

How can we embrace the power of presence? Do we need to practice awareness in our lives? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares the power of being present, staying aware in the moment. It is pretty challenging. However, we get to master our actions and bring full awareness to the center. If we can do this, we will be able to take our lives to different levels. Tune in to learn some exercises to let you feel the power of presence.

2022-06-28T18:48:23-07:00May 15th, 2022|

IMS – Miracle Maker

What is a miracle maker? As we all know, these series are all based on miracles. In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares how the miracle maker has led her life in the last years. The day that she acknowledged the fact that she came to this human experience to incarnate and be one with God, she asked the divinity for information and experiences and awareness to be able to live it in that way. And that's when, of course, miracles arrive into her life. Tune in and hear AngelaMaría along with Tonya Dawn Recla, who allowed and invited her to join her in these beautiful three messages of the Miracle Maker.

2022-04-11T18:26:30-07:00April 24th, 2022|

IMS – Choose Life

Do you choose life every day, every second? In This IM series, Choose Life, AngelaMaría and Tonya Dawn Recla invite you to feel and go deeper into the experience of the source of life in you. Our experiences in this life are predicated on the ability to entertain something more than a superficial existence. We must be willing and able to perceive beyond material reality. You will learn the importance of seeing beyond fear to change your reality here. And discover how to incorporate faith into your so you can build a trusting relationship with the universe and explore the world of flow as we deepen trust and lean into love. Tune in to learn what it means to choose life!

2022-04-05T19:02:57-07:00April 3rd, 2022|

IMS – Teams that Work

How great it is if we observe teams that work together? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría talks about the importance of cooperation and collaboration. We immediately saw the disintegration of teams at the personal, local, national, and global levels due to the pandemic. Thus, it is vital to bring back the frequency of groups together. To do this, we must see ourselves as part of a whole. By doing so, others can see their reflection through us. Tune in to understand how individuals can collectively turn into teams that work.

2022-03-15T17:13:52-07:00March 13th, 2022|

IMS – Inspired Intuition

What does inspired intuition mean to you? Do you consider yourself intuitive? In this episode of the IM Show, host AngelaMaría guides your experience towards seeking intuitive strategies and practices. Intuition is the innate gift given by nature. However, a growing hesitation still prevents us from relying on this gift. Tune in to hear ways to acquire an inspired intuition through aligning oneself to the Divine.

2022-02-01T17:45:27-07:00February 20th, 2022|

IMS – Apple Flavored Pomegranate

Are you excited for the juiciest podcast show, The Apple Flavored Pomegranate? Do you want to know how to keep the intimacy of your relationship intact? We proudly present the newest IM Series, announcing the launch of the podcast of the same name: The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, co-hosted by Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla. This show will let you explore the intricacies and intimacies of coupling. Also, it dismantles held beliefs and myths about gender roles and intimacy and explores the process of creating a supportive and loving relationship. We invite you to partake in this juicy debut of the sensual, spiritual, sexual series guaranteed to enliven the desire to connect within us all.

2022-03-07T21:11:39-07:00January 30th, 2022|

IMS – Free Will

From our will to God’s will to the creator’s will, the exploration of free will guides us beyond the obvious. In this episode of the IM Show, host AngelaMaría introduces the exciting new IM Series - Free Will. When we explore the concept of God's gift of free will as, instead, the free gift of God's will, we see a totally different reality. Step inside this reality with us as we explore the path that leads us into the symbiotic nature of creator will.

2021-12-14T19:20:35-07:00January 9th, 2022|

IMS – Choose Your Divine Adventure

How can you choose your divine adventure? Does your relationship with God have something to do with this? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría talks about the significance of delving deeper into a relationship with the divine. It can lead to learning that we have the power to choose the type of journey we want to experience. We can choose to operate from fear or love and experience a world that provides an opportunity to do that. Regardless of where we fall on that spectrum, we exercise creative input, share things, and make choices. Tune in to this episode and learn how to co-create with the divine.

2022-06-28T18:49:42-07:00December 19th, 2021|

IMS – Más Christ

En este episodio sobre la serie de IM, Angela María habla de cómo esta serie es una invitación a darle la vuelta a la perspectiva popular de las vacaciones y comenzar a enfocarnos en el mensaje que se esconde en su interior. Decimos que la Navidad no es sólo un momento para los regalos, la comida y la bebida, sir una oportunidad para reconectar esa luz increíble dentro de cada uno de nosotros en un momento de renovación y renacimiento. Escuchemos para recordar el significado real de esta época del año y el propósito real de esta encarnación, Más Cristo, por fuera de cualquier estructura religiosa.

2021-11-09T18:31:41-07:00November 28th, 2021|

IMS – Giving Thanks

How can giving thanks transform people holistically? Why do we need to shift ourselves to connect to the universe? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares her sentiments on holidays and how they come with the energy of profound transformation and gratitude for people who have the gift of seeing the possibilities and opportunities. The changes occurring in our lives are also mere reminders that the cosmic cycle continuously moves. Tune in and listen to AngelaMaría as she talks more about the bigger world and metamorphosis it offers.

2022-06-28T18:51:26-07:00November 7th, 2021|

IMS – Transcendence

What do we mean by transcendence? Why do humans become so critical of themselves and others? In this IM Series called Transcendence, we explore the three main aspects of transcendence: Body, self, and soul. This series serves as a bridge between death and life. It is also a medium for us to extend our existence beyond physical representation, hone thy awareness and consciousness, and open our hearts to be kinder with ourselves and others. Transcendence is a lens for us to see beyond what is obvious and to pay attention to the sound of our voices. Don’t miss this series and explore the soul experience and transcend with the possibilities of the universe.

2021-10-04T10:34:23-07:00October 17th, 2021|

IMS – God is Fluid

Do you believe that God is fluid? Have you felt the divine energy through you? Feel the divine flow through you in this episode of the Inspired Messages Show. Host AngelaMaría talks about breaking away from fear and consolidation of dogmas, rules, and ideas of God and instead, starting to focus on the fluidity of God. AngelaMaría also emphasizes the importance of having to feel the energy of God through our senses.  Tune in and find your emotions and experiences come together with meditation activities from AngelaMaría. AngelaMaría: Welcome, everyone. I am AngelaMaría, your messenger today here on the IM Show. I am so excited to share with you the IM Series content for all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. Let me share with you today our latest series: God is Fluid. Astonia says, [...]

2021-09-13T17:09:10-07:00September 26th, 2021|

IMS – The Frequency of Miracles

Have you ever noticed the frequency of miracles as they happen?  On this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría explores The Frequency of Miracles.  This is an open invitation for you to take action.  This topic is related to the human experience and how you can make it better.  Open yourself up to new possibilities, and be willing to change the way you think and perceive things.  Listen now so you can learn about universal living. You can be in harmony while witnessing miracles and consciously creating your existence.  AngelaMaría: Welcome, everyone. I'm AngelaMaría, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you the IM Series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. So let me share with you today, our latest series, the Frequency [...]

2021-08-31T18:23:12-07:00September 5th, 2021|

IMS – My Journey with Incorporating Super Powers

What is Incorporating Super Powers? How can you begin your own personal journey with Incorporating Super Powers? In this episode of Inspired Messages Show, host AngelaMarìa shares her personal journey with Incorporating Super Powers, talks about her life stories, and the process of accessing the information of the soul. AngelaMarìa also tells the fascinating set of events happening to humans to lead them to their original path. Join AngelaMarìa and listen to her journey with career, money, and finding the divine light from within to heal the spirit. AngelaMaría: Welcome, everyone. I am AngelaMaría, your messenger today here on the IM show. I'm so excited to share with you The IM series content, and also my point of view, and experience of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience in one way or another. Let's begin. I'm going to invite you [...]

2021-08-10T17:18:02-07:00August 22nd, 2021|

IMS – Incorporating Superpowers

What is incorporating superpowers? How can you take frequency, spiritual concepts and apply them to business? In this episode of Inspired Messages Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by the show’s coordinator AngelaMaria, to introduce more fun, informative, and magical new series. AngelaMaria shares her experiences as a CEO of a company and the spirit enguarding her along her business journey. Join Tonya and AngelaMaría to discover the more significant force of love, creation, and wisdom and how to utilize these forces to become superpowers for your business. Tonya Dawn Recla: Welcome, everyone. I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show and I'm really delighted to... For a couple of reasons. One, because we're introducing the new series, which is always a lot of fun, but also because I'm joined today with AngelaMaría, who is our brilliant, amazing, bright shining [...]

2021-08-02T17:39:00-07:00August 15th, 2021|

IMS – The Path: Grow in Community

What’s harder than the path of spiritual growth? How about attempting to grow spiritually without a supportive community? As we continue down the path to uncovering your superpowers in today's episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews fellow superpower expert and host of Superpower Mommas, Tatiana Berindei about how to grow in the community. The two discuss the third step on the path and the power of how a conscious community can support us in expanding past our current realities. Tatiana discloses the secrets to mastering your personal power and becoming trainable in a one-of-a-kind superpower construct. This is the last episode in our I AM series and would like to invite you to tune in to this episode and hear for yourself all about the power of growing within a community of like-minded individuals.  Hello everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger [...]

2021-08-03T18:07:56-07:00August 11th, 2021|

IMS – The Path꞉ Learn with Us

We all are students of life learning as we go, but have you ever taken a moment to ask yourself if you're a teachable student? Are you actually willing to learn with us?? In today's special episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews the host of High-Frequency Healing, AngelaMaria Arizo. AngelaMaría happens to be a coordinator of the IM” series, thus she is more than qualified to break down Step Two on the path to unlocking your superpowers. As AngelaMaría shares her experience opening up to the IM in her own existence as a bilingual woman, she gracefully captures the essence of a quote she stated during the episode: “being teachable is being humble and KNOWING that you are a loved part of God in you.” We’d like to invite you to begin illuminating your path and learning with us by tuning in to this episode.  [...]

2021-07-26T17:41:07-07:00August 4th, 2021|

IMS – The Path: Attune Yourself

What if life came with a blueprint that was as easy as 1,2,3? How can you learn to attune yourself to your divine path? In this special episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews the host of Your Super Powered Mindset, Kristin Maxwell, about the first step on the path to enlightened embodiment. Who’s better than a coordinator from the network to shine a light on how the path ties into the IM show and share how you can get started on your personal path. Together, the two experts break down the process of step one and explain how you can begin attuning yourself to different potentials by simply listening to one episode on the network each day. As Tonya says “there are many walks, but only one path” so save yourself the extra walking by tuning in to today’s show and beginning your journey down [...]

2021-07-26T17:36:31-07:00July 28th, 2021|

IMS – The Path

Do you ever feel like life can be wildly unpredictable and that you are all called to possibly walk a different path than everyone else? How can you learn to attune yourself to your own unique divine path? In this special episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla interviews the host of High-Frequency Healing, AngelaMaría, about the path that was divinely created here for you at Superpower Experts. AngelaMaría is qualified to shine a light on how the path ties into the IM show and to hold space to help others get started on their personal path. Together, the two experts dive deep into the personal power that can be found when one surrenders to their inner voice, submits to their ego, and is willing to let go of control. AngelaMaría shares her first-hand experiences of the times she allowed herself to be guided by spirit including [...]

2021-07-12T17:18:47-07:00July 25th, 2021|

IMS – Superpower Parenting

What is Superpower Parenting? How do you connect more with your kids, and what intentionality will you pour into your relationships with them? In this episode of the IM show, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the practice of superpower parenting and how it is done. Tonya emphasizes that parents should do this early as it dictates what their child sees next. Tonya also adds that pouring the right intentionality is crucial as the world children see when they grow older reflects today's beliefs. Join The Reclas in this insightful episode to discover the practice behind superpower parenting. Welcome, everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you our latest series, Superpower Parenting. What a ride this has already taken us on. I'm so fortunate to have the privilege to share that [...]

2021-06-29T17:27:26-07:00July 4th, 2021|

IMS – Marriage Alchemy

What is Marriage Alchemy? In this episode of the IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares more with us about the upcoming show Marriage Alchemy.  Learn how to master the relationship dynamics of communication, raising kids, and sex, to receive the beautiful gift of an intimate marriage. Throughout this series, we will discover exactly how two become one. Don’t miss the insight of a marriage founded and held in God. Listen in now to learn more about the real meaning of marriage. Hello everyone, I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM Show. This episode today has me so jazzed because I get to tell you about the latest series that we have coming up here in the IM, and it's all around marriage alchemy. What a trip this has been. This has been quite the wild ride. For those of you [...]

2021-06-08T18:07:34-07:00June 13th, 2021|

IMS – Communicreation

What is Communicreation, and how does it work? In this wonderful, magical Inspired Messages Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the newest series called Communicreation. Tonya shares how this new series was born out of the awareness of how powerful our beliefs and thoughts are. This series will focus on the words that we speak, how we communicate with ourselves, the divine, the universe at large, others in it, and how we can effectively communicate after we do all these. Join Tonya in today’s new episode to know more about Communicreation.  Welcome, everyone. I'm Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to introduce to you our newest series coming up, the Communicreation. I am serious. That's right. Communicreation, super creative. I get it. And I love the roots of this series. And I'll talk about that here on [...]

2021-05-17T17:13:38-07:00May 23rd, 2021|

IMS – Inspired

Have you ever felt inspired to the point where your cells light up and you just know that you've touched into something greater than you could have ever dreamt? In this episode of The IM Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the Inspired IM Series designed for us to embrace and illuminate what's possible when we come from a greater space. This series encourages you to step outside of your comfort zone and learn how to find your own resonance and path lit up in front of you. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to discover what happens when we allow spirit to move through us. Hello, everyone, and welcome. Thank you for joining us here. We're so excited to share with you our latest IM Series. What we have coming up, it's such a phenomenally yummy and juicy topic to sink into [...]

2021-04-27T17:40:27-07:00May 2nd, 2021|

IMS – The IM

Are you looking at attuning yourself to a whole different frequency? Do you want to gain the ability to see things beyond where you are currently able to see? In this debut episode of the wonderful, magical Inspired Messages Show, host Toya Dawn Recla talks about our journey towards unlocking our superpowers and stepping into the divine. Implement the techniques and teachings on every episode into your life and uplift your spiritual devotion. Join Tonya in today’s episode and begin your journey towards discovering your superpowers. Welcome, everyone. I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today on the IM Show. We're so excited to have you here in this debut episode of this magical, wonderful show that has already been creating, weaving its beautiful tapestry because we've been doing the IM Series through the site for over a year now, or almost a year now. And [...]

2021-04-20T18:31:28-07:00April 25th, 2021|

SPU – In God We Trust

How do we put our trust in God and walk the path of light and truth? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the In God We Trust IM Series where we explore the complexities involved with truly turning your finances over to God. This series goes way beyond advice like pay down your debt and save for a rainy day. Instead, we look at the patterns and threads that guide us to better understand how God invites us to view the things of this world in remembrance of the true value of existence. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to illuminate an aspect of money you haven’t considered before! Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your SuperPower Expert, and I am so excited about this message regarding our new I Am Series coming up, In God We [...]

2021-05-18T13:42:34-07:00April 11th, 2021|

SPU – Redesign Reality

How do we redesign the realities of our life? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the Redesign Reality IM Series where we move from simply discussing theory to talking about tried and true techniques for altering the fabric of our existence. This series highlights identifying the highest level where cause and effect happen and tracing it back to decisions made and alter the projection. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to discover how you can redesign your reality! Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla Your Super Power Expert. And today we are talking about the latest IM series. So exciting. Redesign Reality, whew, this one's crazy, folks. Trust me when I say that, if you are looking for something, that's going to kind of bend your mind a little bit of stretch the outer limits of what [...]

2021-05-18T13:42:15-07:00February 28th, 2021|

SPU – Love Harder

How do we allow ourselves to love harder? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla shares the Love Harder IM Series where we discover how to shift from looking at love as an emotion to actually embodying it so we can love harder. This series highlights how to look at the highest aspect of who we are through love and seeing all the different facets of it. Tune into this episode and the newest IM Series to discover how you can love harder! Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert. And I'm excited about this episode. We're talking today about the next IM Series, Love Harder. One of our favorite phrases, one of our favorite mantras, one of our favorite campaigns here. This idea of love harder really stems from this where do we pull from? Where do we [...]

2021-05-18T13:42:22-07:00February 7th, 2021|
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