Calm and Connected in Chaos IM Series - shares insights and tips for how to manage family dynamics during challenging times. CEFA teaches us that no matter what’s going on in the world around us, we can choose to lean into our relationships for support and confidence as we navigate life together. #insights #family #challenges #tips #trust #Calm #chaos #series #messages #power #IMSeries #SuperPowerExperts

Calm and Connected in Chaos

How can we stay calm and connected in chaos? Problems and challenges are part of our daily endeavors. We cannot avoid it but we can change how we perceive life. In this new IM series, Amorahki introduces a ground-breaking one that helps your family to remain relaxed while forging meaningful relationships despite the havoc. Stay tuned to this series to know more about how to stay calm and connected in chaos.


Hello, beautiful beings. Welcome to the IM Series. This is Amorahki and I’m so delighted to be your messenger here today, exploring the edge of what is possible for ourselves and for each other. As we journey through this thing called life together. The IM series is one of my favorite ways to stay tuned to a higher frequency. And also enjoy some relaxed time for myself during the week. And I really hope you’re giving yourself some of that to you know, even though it only takes a few moments to reflect upon each message in the series and try out the practices you know, to see for yourself what their impact is on your life, I find the benefits are truly exponential. I’m all for those gifts that keep on giving. And the IM series is certainly one of those for me.

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In last month’s IM Series: Total Emptiness, we learned how to identify the state of total emptiness that is often occurring under the surface. Whenever we’re feeling a little lost or unsure about our path. We learned what to do about it when we find ourselves there, and how to connect on an even deeper level with that energy that will actually guide the entire process for us if we just let go. But sometimes that letting goes, you know that surrender piece can feel like the hardest piece of all, especially when our reality is feeling a little shaky or not quite lining up at this moment. However, we may think it should. 

And I always find it extra difficult in those moments when my family or those who I hold most dear in the world are affected. And there are always challenges in life, right? I mean, perhaps we’d find it excruciatingly boring here without anything to bump up against, who knows. But the real question is when the world around you and your family inevitably starts to get challenging. How do you respond? This is at the heart of our next IM series coming out on Wednesday, calm and connected in chaos. And I don’t know about you. But to me, the power to be calm and connected. 

And chaos is really at the heart of everything. I mean, how many of us really have the tools and the effective strategies in place, within ourselves and within our families, to handle anything that comes up? Such as, I don’t know, maybe a global pandemic, maybe a global pandemic, keeping us completely together? Or completely apart for months or even years at a time? The last few years have been quite the big reveal for many families. 

And let’s be honest, sure, there are super extreme situations like the one we’ve been living in recently. But our day-to-day lives also carry varying levels of stress and uncertainty that really challenge our abilities to stay calm and connected during the chaos of everyday life.

Do you remember that old saying about how we often, you know, hurt the ones we love the most? Seems so counterintuitive, doesn’t it? Kind of like that other old saying about biting the hand that feeds you? It’s like, Why? Why on earth? Would we do that?

I was speaking with Tonya about this recently, and maybe you can relate. But I’m a huge family person born or chosen doesn’t matter. I really stand for family. And I’m an advocate for whatever helps us strengthen and expand our family dynamics and the most powerful and positive ways possible. And so I was talking with Tonya, and I was asking her, you know, like, how is it even possible that we can sometimes seem to forget that we love the person we’re talking to? 

Her answer was pure gold. And it speaks to the value and the importance of this powerful new series. And so when we come back from the break, I’m going to share Tonya’s answer with you. And what she says is the number one reason that we lose our sense of calm connection to the point where it does seem like we’ve forgotten that we actually love this person we’re talking to, and we’ll also dive into all this super juicy, yummy awesomeness in this upcoming series, including the invitation within it that is absolutely available to all the families out there. Before the break please let me remind you that this IM series is absolutely our gift to you. 

And it is here for you every week. To get access to the IM series library that includes all the past videos as well as the masterclasses, group events, and so much more. Please head to superpower to join our growing community today and come play with us to connect directly with me. Head to superpower forward slash social to reach out and say hello anytime. This is Amorahki with the IM show, and we’ll be right back after the break to hear Tonya’s answer and so much more All right, so stay tuned.

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