Finding Hope and Resilience

Is finding hope and resilience difficult? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes Kelley Sgroi as her guest. They talk about the power of recognizing you have the power to manage your mind. Through this, you can forge hope and resilience out of it. However, during the process of taking control of your mind, there are hindrances to staying present and finding safety in the moment. Tune in to hear Kelley as she shares how learning to recognize and name her emotions leads her to find hope and resilience.

Kristin Maxwell:

Hello everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I am your host, Kristin Maxwell. In this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am excited to be talking to Kelley Sgroi about Hope and Resilience. Kelley is a licensed mental health counselor in many states, and also holds a Master’s Degree in Human Services. After facing several life challenges of her own, including divorce, cancer, and partner abuse, Kelley has learned how to transform her own life and now implements her education, her life experiences in training, in coaching programs to help others find their own resilience. 

Kelley, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

Kelley Sgroi:

Hi, thank you for having me. I’m excited to be here.

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Kristin Maxwell:

I am too. I am really curious to hear about your journey and how you help other people to face some of the hardships and challenges that they go through in their own lives.

Kelley Sgroi:


Kristin Maxwell:

Because we all are there. Let me start. My first question is always, what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

Kelley Sgroi:

I think the superpower that I have uncovered would be to stay present. Staying present offers me peace and calmness. In the past, before I realized I had the power within me to manage all of this, I had debilitating anxiety from worrying and trying to control everything. By realizing that it was all within me and I could manage it with my own mind, I realized, “Well, you have the ability to stay calm if you just stay in this moment.” I guess if 2020 taught me anything, it was that everything is unknown. I just never know. Worrying ahead of time wasn’t doing me any good, other than making me crazy.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. The thing that’s so funny, okay, I got into coaching as a result of having just terrible anxiety, for decades, for my whole life. People used to say, “Well, don’t worry. You don’t know what’s going to happen. You have no control over what’s going to happen.” I’d say, “Precisely. That’s exactly why I do worry. That does not help me to stop worrying.”

Kelley Sgroi:

Well, you know what makes that funny because it’s like what I say to people when someone says to you, when you’re not calm, to calm down. Never in the history of ever has anyone ever calmed down when you’ve told them to calm down. Never in the history of ever has anyone stopped worrying when they’ve said to you stop worrying. That just makes me worry more, like, “Well, why aren’t you worried, because you should be worried?”

Kristin Maxwell:


Kelley Sgroi:

Telling someone to calm down or not to worry is almost impossible. How do we do that? That’s the question. How do we implement that? It’s one thing to say, it’s another thing to do it.

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. I am so excited to explore that with you. We’re going to take a break really quickly so we can get into it because I will tell you, that is the process and it is possible because you’ve done it, and I’ve done it, moved from anxiety all the time to much more peace. It is possible for others. Let’s give them that. Before we go to a break, can you let people know where they can find you in your work?

Kelley Sgroi:

Yeah. I’m pretty simple to find, apparently. If you Google me, I pop up everywhere. My primary practice is located in Florida. I’m licensed as a therapist in Florida and in Connecticut. I coach as well, pretty much anywhere. I’m on Facebook. That’s under my Kelley Sgroi name. I’m on Instagram under Kelley Sgroi. My website is under my name. Really, if you just get my name, you can find me.

Kristin Maxwell:

Perfect. That’s awesome.

Kelley Sgroi:

I made it super easy!

Kristin Maxwell:

Yes. That does make it easy. Okay. Hang on everybody. We will be right back and go talk a little bit more about hope and resilience.

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