Have you ever noticed the frequency of miracles as they happen?  On this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría explores The Frequency of Miracles.  This is an open invitation for you to take action.  This topic is related to the human experience and how you can make it better.  Open yourself up to new possibilities, and be willing to change the way you think and perceive things.  Listen now so you can learn about universal living. You can be in harmony while witnessing miracles and consciously creating your existence. 


Welcome, everyone. I’m AngelaMaría, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you the IM Series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. So let me share with you today, our latest series, the Frequency of Miracles. But before, let me invite you to sit comfortably. If you are driving please be attentive, keep your hands on the wheels. But if you are at home, if you are at the office, just sit comfortably, take a deep breath, and place an intention to be present here and now to let your senses, those senses that are inside you to absorb all of this information, to digest it, to sink all of this information in your DNA, your heart, your mind, and your emotions.

Activate Your Superpowers

So let’s take a deep breath and begin today with Tonya’s message inviting you to live in Pronoia. Have you heard about this word? I have. Pronoia is when you feel and trust, and even better. When you know that the universe conspires on your behalf, the universe, god, their source of life, the force of creation, the quantic energy, god itself. This is an invitation to show you how to live in harmony believing that there are miracles happening all the time. Then let’s take the invitation to create a space that allows great things to happen to you, to me, to all of us on this planet in our daily lives.

However, it may happen that you are thinking that bad things also happen. Those things that you don’t want to happen. And yes, that is also real, but other frequencies, in lower frequencies. So what if you and me today, choose to live in a higher frequency that is aligned and opens up spaces for the best to happen even when that best is nowhere your persona wants because it doesn’t matter what is your personal idea about the best. Whatever happens, if you are aligned, it always listens, always no exceptions bring harmony in one way or another. The big challenge is that you believe that is possible. Take a deep breath and think about these words, “how willing are you to believe that daily miracles happen in your life?.” Let’s experience the frequency of miracles, let’s open up to this kind of energy of what if. What if this is possible? What if I focus my energy in this direction of infinite possibilities and miracles available to happen in your life. Let’s entertain this idea of living in this frequency daily 24/7 and let’s see what happens.

We’ve been talking about the Frequency of Miracles, this series we are in right now, and when we come back from this short break, we’re going to talk more about this amazing topic. But before our break, let me remind you that IM Series weekly videos are our gift to you each and every week. If you want to receive them in your inbox, go to, take notes, superpowerexperts.com and join the Super Power Universe for free and to get access to the IM Series library, our masterclasses, book releases, monthly gatherings, and much, much more. Join the superpower universe plus. Go to superpowerexperts.com and sign up today. We will be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.