Are you looking at attuning yourself to a whole different frequency? Do you want to gain the ability to see things beyond where you are currently able to see? In this debut episode of the wonderful, magical Inspired Messages Show, host Toya Dawn Recla talks about our journey towards unlocking our superpowers and stepping into the divine. Implement the techniques and teachings on every episode into your life and uplift your spiritual devotion. Join Tonya in today’s episode and begin your journey towards discovering your superpowers.

Welcome, everyone. I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today on the IM Show. We’re so excited to have you here in this debut episode of this magical, wonderful show that has already been creating, weaving its beautiful tapestry because we’ve been doing the IM Series through the site for over a year now, or almost a year now. And in that process, the reception that those messages have received is nothing short of miraculous, and we appreciate all of you who are now joining us here on the podcast.

Activate Your Superpowers

If you don’t have any idea what the IM Series is about, we invite you to go to and take a look. It’s the second step on our journey to unlocking our superpowers. The first step is where you attuned yourself listening to the podcast network. One episode a day opens you up to conversations in a new way, attunes you to a whole different frequency, and an ability to see things beyond where you currently are able to see.

It’s a very magical process that occurs as we walk in step with the divine and this show, the IM Show’s a natural outcropping of that. The power of the podcasting mechanism and the collaborative nature of our network really lends itself beautifully to opening our doors to many, many, many more people and inviting them into a space that allows them to discover who they are in a supportive and loving way, and that’s the point and that’s what we do. So step two of the process is learning with us, and that’s where we invite you to join us in the IM Series and watch one of our videos weekly. Basically, it’s a commitment to yourself to say I enjoy the information that’s being disseminated through the podcast.

And I really want to take that next step to integrate that into my existence and allow it to inform my world so that it can be re-imagined and uplifted through spirit into spaces that we never can fathom when we’re in it, right, when we’re stuck in a space beneath that. And that’s our opportunity to share some of our techniques, some of our teachings, information that comes through. And each week you get invited to implement it into your life and we really love when you join us over there. All of that’s free, the network is always free to listen to as is the IM Series is free to watch, and you can access them through the website or through the app.

And now you can listen to this show where we’re going to share the upcoming series with you, get you a little bit behind the scenes on the makings of that. What is it? Why were we called to do it? We were called right as the beginning of the pandemic happened in 2020 and it sounded absurd, right? Justin, my husband, and I looked at each other and we’re like, “No, we don’t need anything else on our plates.” And of course, that’s usually when we hear God laughing, and then of course we know we’re going to do it anyway, and it’s been this beautiful, beautiful journey ever since.

So we really invite you to take a peek at the IM Series and see if it resonates with you. And hopefully, you’ll stick it out with us on the show and allow us to pour into you some of this amazing information that we continue to receive. I’m going to go ahead and take a break, and when we come back, we’re going to talk a little bit more about what you can expect from the series and from the show and then how you can engage with that in your own life and give you some guidance there. So stay with us, we will come right back after the break. You’re listening to the IM Show, we’re so glad you are. We’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.