HFH – Healing Through Spiritual Energy Work

Julie Ryan, who senses what medical conditions and illnesses a person has and facilitates energetic healings, joins AngelaMarίa on the High Frequency Healing Show to share all her knowledge and experience about healing through spiritual energy work. Julie communicates with spirits both alive and dead. She scans animals, accesses people’s past lives, and removes ghosts from homes and other buildings. She can even tell how close to death someone is. Julie is a businesswoman, an inventor, an author and a serial entrepreneur. Listen in as she shares with AngelaMaría the spiritual energy work she does to heal the root of the emotions and how, as a result, the physical body is healed. Hello, this is Angela Maria, one of the Super Power Up host and you are listening to High Frequency Healing Show. The only difference between where you are to where you want to be [...]

2024-10-21T16:22:23-07:00October 27th, 2024|

IMS – Tapping Into Resilience

What is the power we gain by tapping into ​resilience? In this new IM series, Tapping into Resilience, host AngelaMaría will walk you through the importance of acknowledging moving through and releasing emotions like fear, sadness, and anger instead of suppressing them away. You will understand why your brain is wired to focus on negative situations and how to transform your automatic negative thoughts into more positive, supportive beliefs. Finally, you will learn to tap into a sense of possibility and deepen your trust in your path. So, this series' main idea is overcoming every obstacle, and life struggles through resiliency. If you find yourself asking, what if I am not resilient? What if I have never considered that option in my life, and I am just learning now? ​If so, this is the perfect series for you. Tune in to learn about tapping into resilience because your time is now!

2022-06-28T18:34:12-07:00July 17th, 2022|

HFH – A Shortcut to Self-Loving

Is there a shortcut to self-loving? If there’s one, are you willing to take it? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, AngelaMaría welcomes Christina Beauchemin, a mindset coach, a speaker, and a workshop facilitator for both private and corporate groups. She only had one chance to raise good kids, so she left her 14-year career as a corporate controller in an international manufacturing firm. After that, without missing a step, she started consulting for small-to-mid-sized companies, where she worked closely with owners to pinpoint and overcome the source of their business challenges. In her new book, Let My Legacy Be Love: A Shortcut to Self-Loving, Christina married her lifelong love of storytelling and her passion for the tools provided by neurolinguistics programming, NLP. Through her own personal and professional work, she learned the extraordinary power of NLP as a tool to pinpoint the root of not only individual issues but also business challenges. Tune in to walk through the shortcut to having a self-loving!

2022-05-23T18:31:50-07:00June 7th, 2022|

HFH – The Unspoken

What is the unspoken part of yourself? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Ashley Haseotes sit together to reveal something unspoken. Ashley is an intuitive energy healer and Chopra Center, certified meditation coach, and the author of the Unspoken. After collapsing into chronic pain from excessive overworking and suppressed childhood trauma, Ashley underwent transformative spiritual healing. Drawing upon her own experience, Ashley is devoted to helping others work through difficult experiences and deep trauma. As a personal coach, Ashley helps clients who feel stuck, struggling, or undergoing any major life shift. And through the charity, she founded One Mission. Ashley helps children and families navigate pediatric cancer and heal after treatment. Tune in to learn about the power in the unspoken.

2022-05-09T17:35:03-07:00May 24th, 2022|

IMS – The Power of Presence

How can we embrace the power of presence? Do we need to practice awareness in our lives? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares the power of being present, staying aware in the moment. It is pretty challenging. However, we get to master our actions and bring full awareness to the center. If we can do this, we will be able to take our lives to different levels. Tune in to learn some exercises to let you feel the power of presence.

2022-06-28T18:48:23-07:00May 15th, 2022|

HFH – YOU ARE, Abundance, Prosperity, Money and JOY

Did you know you are and you inhabit abundance, prosperity, money In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría sits with guest Adam C. Hall. Adam is committed to helping individuals unlearn the beliefs, behaviours, and habits that shield them from discovering their Divine Genius, the key to acknowledging and activating their true Divine selves. He began to integrate a profoundly spiritual, more authentic, and natural approach. Becoming a trained shaman and teacher of The Course of Miracles, Adam focused on creating a company that protected the planet, particularly open spaces at risk of development. He also contributes to replanting the earth through the organization 8 Billion Trees. Today he is the founder/CEO of the Genius Studio, creator of the Genius Process. He works mainly with accomplished men seeking more contentment, alignment, and personal meaning in their lives. Tune in to know how to let abundance, prosperity, money, and joy find where you are.

2022-05-03T17:05:49-07:00May 10th, 2022|

HFH – Punto de Saturación

Sergio es Colombiano estudió Psicología, y es Conferencista Internacional, Creador de la Comunidad Mastermind, Experto en la Ley de Atracción, Hipnoterapeuta, Viajero del Mundo, Activador de portales, Maestro de Respiración Circular Corriente y administra medicinas ancestrales; gracias a que experimentó el punto de saturación encontró su proposito de vida. Actualmente vive en El Centro Holistico Phinniliph en El Rosal Cundimarca, en el hermoso país de Colombia a 20 minutos de su capital Bogotá, donde facilita medicinal ancestral, hipnosis regresiva sanadora y diferentes tecnicas de respiración. Acompáñanos para que recuerdes el poder de abrirse a posibilidades infinitas y transformar tu vida

2022-04-12T17:21:22-07:00April 26th, 2022|

IMS – Miracle Maker

What is a miracle maker? As we all know, these series are all based on miracles. In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares how the miracle maker has led her life in the last years. The day that she acknowledged the fact that she came to this human experience to incarnate and be one with God, she asked the divinity for information and experiences and awareness to be able to live it in that way. And that's when, of course, miracles arrive into her life. Tune in and hear AngelaMaría along with Tonya Dawn Recla, who allowed and invited her to join her in these beautiful three messages of the Miracle Maker.

2022-04-11T18:26:30-07:00April 24th, 2022|

HFH – True Happiness?

How can people achieve true happiness? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría welcomes guest Sherry Stirling Fernandez. For nearly three decades, Sherry has been a speaker, a teacher, a mentor and is now the author of Life Mastery: Personal Progression Toward an Infinite Potential. Sherry, and her husband Ken Fernandez, are a rags-to-riches story. The Life Mastery program results from their careful study of the principles of success and a lifetime of practicing those principles. Against all odds, they found success, not only financially, but in each of the eight areas of Life Mastery - physical, spiritual, relationships, education, motivation, money, lifestyle, and character. What makes Sherry unique in her ability to teach personal development is the years of research and practice to master the principles she now teaches. Tune in to know the secrets behind reaping the fruit of true happiness and holistic success.

2022-04-11T14:48:38-07:00April 12th, 2022|

HFH – The Twin Flame Journey

Do you want to experience the twin flame journey in your life? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría welcomes guest Elle Hari, a #1 International Bestselling Author and Twin Flame & Ascension Expert. Elle helps people overcome fear and pain, self-sabotaging limitations to guide them toward their true nature of bliss and perpetual happiness. As the founder and CEO of Elle Hari Universal LLC and creator of the Be With Your Twin Flame® and Mastery of Ascension Alchemy™ brands, Elle helps her students learn to love themselves unconditionally and manifest their greatest dreams. A passion drives her mission to expand people's awareness of the truth of the twin flame journey and assist humanity's spiritual ascension on the global scale. Tune in to learn more about the twin flame journey!

2022-04-11T11:20:43-07:00March 29th, 2022|

HFH – Divine Genius

Do you believe that you possess a divine genius within you? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría welcomes Adam Hall, an author, speaker, futurist, social architect, impact investor, advisor and conservationist-with 3 decades as a CEO & serial entrepreneur. Now, Adam is committed to helping individuals unlearn the beliefs, behaviors, and habits that shield them from discovering their Divine Genius. It is the key to acknowledging and activating their true Divine selves. He even published a book called Divine Genius: The Unlearning Curve, to share the 13 Universal Wisdom Teachings and the Genius Process that led to his transformation, discovered on the extraordinary journey. Tune in to unlock your divine genius.

2022-03-01T18:42:33-07:00March 15th, 2022|

IMS – Teams that Work

How great it is if we observe teams that work together? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría talks about the importance of cooperation and collaboration. We immediately saw the disintegration of teams at the personal, local, national, and global levels due to the pandemic. Thus, it is vital to bring back the frequency of groups together. To do this, we must see ourselves as part of a whole. By doing so, others can see their reflection through us. Tune in to understand how individuals can collectively turn into teams that work.

2022-03-15T17:13:52-07:00March 13th, 2022|

HFH – Compassion Heal Movement

What is Compassion Heals Movement? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría sits with Lee Tomlinson, also known as Patient Lee, to discuss his life mission, Compassion Heals Movement. This mission’s goal is to inspire healthcare professionals, to return compassionate care to its rightful place. During a recent battle with throat cancer, he became painfully aware of the trauma caused by the treatment lacking in compassion. He has become an award-winning television producer, movie studio executive and owner, professional athlete, speaker, and TED talk presenter. Patient Lee is alive today due to the combination of a lifetime of extraordinarily effective medical treatment and deeply kind, passionate care. Tune in to know more about Compassion Heals Movement

2022-02-14T17:37:55-07:00March 1st, 2022|

HFH – Abuse, Trauma and Law of Attraction

How can abuse, trauma, and the law of attraction correlate? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría sits with Tatiana Berindei about getting out of a psychically and emotionally manipulative and abusive relationship. Tatiana leaned heavily on life's training through her experience with her previous relationship. Tune in to know more about how you can get through abuse and trauma through the law of attraction.

2022-01-31T18:12:23-07:00February 15th, 2022|

HFH – Léelo En Tu Sangre

Janine Chasco es Coach de Salud Integral. Se ha especializado en la lectura de exámenes de sangre y funcional para poder ir descubriendo la raíz del problema dese el día uno de la consulta. Con el uso de Respuesta Muscular (MFT) el protocolo a seguir se hace personalizado (respetando la bio-individualidad) Trabajo con clientes que sufren de: • Autoinmunes • Disbiosis (Candida, SIBO, Parásitos, Inflamación Intestinal) • Intestino permeable • Lyme • Metales Pesados • Moho Para lograr ayudar a sus clientes se ha certificado como Coach de Salud integral, Rehabilitación Metabólica, Coach de protocol Auto-inmune, Estudio en análisis de sangre y exámenes funcionales como el Organic Acid Test / MycoTest, uso de adaptógenos, método Alteza, el arte de la digestión, MFT, Sanción del Ser, bioenergética (uso de imanes) y Toxinas. Acompaña a AngelaMaría a descubrir como Janine con las las herramientas necesarias llega a la raíz de los problemas de salud de sus clientes y así cumple con la misión de su trabajo "Sanar Mente, Cuerpo y Espíritu para que goces tu vida"

2022-01-18T18:48:19-07:00February 1st, 2022|

IMS – Apple Flavored Pomegranate

Are you excited for the juiciest podcast show, The Apple Flavored Pomegranate? Do you want to know how to keep the intimacy of your relationship intact? We proudly present the newest IM Series, announcing the launch of the podcast of the same name: The Apple Flavored Pomegranate, co-hosted by Justin and Tonya Dawn Recla. This show will let you explore the intricacies and intimacies of coupling. Also, it dismantles held beliefs and myths about gender roles and intimacy and explores the process of creating a supportive and loving relationship. We invite you to partake in this juicy debut of the sensual, spiritual, sexual series guaranteed to enliven the desire to connect within us all.

2022-03-07T21:11:39-07:00January 30th, 2022|

HFH – Read It in Your Blood

There are times when health problems are inevitable; how can you read it in your blood? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Janine Chasco talk about various diseases and how to heal oneself from them. Janine Chasco is a comprehensive Health Coach. She has specialized in reading blood and functional tests to discover the root of the problem from day one of the consultations. She works with clients who suffer from Autoimmune, Dysbiosis, Leaky intestine, Lyme, Heavy Metals, and Mold. Tune in and let's heal Mind, Body, and Spirit so that you enjoy your life!

2021-12-15T19:00:19-07:00January 18th, 2022|

HFH – Your Mind is the Key

Is it hard to believe if we say that your mind is the key to everything? Do you believe firmly in yourself? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Carrie Leaf talk about the process of breaking through the obstacles that always hold people back in their life decisions. Carrie is a psychotherapist and life coach who has helped her clients a lot for 15 years already. Tune in to learn more from Carrie as she shares ways to handle issues that hinder your goals and eliminate the subconscious patterns that keep you from success.

2022-04-11T11:25:01-07:00January 4th, 2022|

HFH – Fear is Choice

Do you believe that fear is a choice? How can we detach oneself from the negative energy that blocks us from being successful in life? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Jim Case talk about a powerful program, The Science of Transformation that helps individuals change energy, increase vibration, and dial themselves into the greatest experience and version. Jim’s passion is to assist people in achieving the quantum shift and change their desire. He is the author of the book Fear is a Choice: Unravelling the Illusion of Our Separation from Love. Tune in to know more about this book and learn how to transform fear into opportunity.

2021-11-30T18:40:33-07:00December 21st, 2021|

SPS – Centering Into The Divine

What is the importance of centering into the divine? How can we do it? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki and guest AngelaMaría talk about evolving and unlocking your superpowers by listening intuitively. Human as we are, we always needed the Divine being to help us in our daily endeavors. Tune in and learn how to unleash your hidden abilities from within.

2021-11-22T19:31:40-07:00December 11th, 2021|

HFH – Guía Divina Astral

Rosman Andrés Pinto Barrera, nació en Venezuela, vive en Medellín Colombia hace 4 años. Graduado como Ingeniero Ambiental sin ejercer actualmente esa profesión, encontró su verdadera vocación en la guía, acompañamiento y dotación de herramientas del ser hacia las demás personas empezando por la astrología consciente, una forma de ver la astrología no como algo predictivo netamente sino como una forma de autoconocimiento y automejoramiento personal. A lo largo de los años, a partir del estudio de la astrología, se ha abierto a experimentar varias ramas y filosofías en búsqueda de su sanación y ha conectado con técnicas que le han maravillado como es la práctica del Yoga, certificándose como instructor de Hatha Vinyasa Yoga con Yoga Alliance International con 200 horas de formación y como practicioner en Terapia Regresiva Reconstructiva a través de la OMTRRA. Acompáñame para conocer más sobre este hombre como guía espiritual no sólo desde la astrología, sino también desde el uso de diferentes técnicas que activan nuestro poder sanador complementándose unas con otras.

2021-11-15T18:58:09-07:00December 7th, 2021|

IMS – Más Christ

En este episodio sobre la serie de IM, Angela María habla de cómo esta serie es una invitación a darle la vuelta a la perspectiva popular de las vacaciones y comenzar a enfocarnos en el mensaje que se esconde en su interior. Decimos que la Navidad no es sólo un momento para los regalos, la comida y la bebida, sir una oportunidad para reconectar esa luz increíble dentro de cada uno de nosotros en un momento de renovación y renacimiento. Escuchemos para recordar el significado real de esta época del año y el propósito real de esta encarnación, Más Cristo, por fuera de cualquier estructura religiosa.

2021-11-09T18:31:41-07:00November 28th, 2021|

HFH – Canalización Pictográfica para Liberar

Lina Gutiérrez es colombiana, casada y madre de una hermosa niña, quien descubrió su función de vida por un hobby. Contadora de profesión, quien hoy es Canalizadora pictográfica y couch o acompañante de vida en terapias con arte. También está certificada como Guía de vida desde los Registros Akáshicos9.0, Sanadora con el Arcángel Metatrón y Reikista Usui. Lina es cofundadora de la casa holística Samadhi en Saltillo Mexico, donde se ofrecen terapias para adultos y niños enfocadas a mejorar el bienestar mental, físico y espiritual de las personas. Acompaña a Angela María para descubrir cómo Lina lleva a cabo su función y deseo en esta experiencia humana, de ser guía de vida para las personas a través de la pictografía aportando claridad gracias a los detalles que sobresalen en los dibujos canalizados.

2021-11-16T19:48:34-07:00November 23rd, 2021|

HFH – UNITY, Universo Consciente

Desde los 5 años hasta la actualidad, profundizó en el conocimiento espiritual siguiendo su voz interna. En lo formal ingresó a la Universidad para estudiar Cine y Televisión siguiendo la línea familiar de su madre, también estudió Arquitectura, siguiendo la línea familiar de su padre. A partir de una experiencia mística de revelación, pudo establecer los parámetros del Método de Alineación Consciente, herramienta que permite trascender todas las áreas de la vida a un Estado de Neutralidad, Armonía, Alegría, Amor y la Paz, como un Estado prevalente en nuestro diario vivir. Creador del Mecanismo de Alineación Consciente®, Decodificador y Activador del Atlas de la Consciencia. Líder en la transformación personal basado en la aceleración de la consciencia en la biología. Acompaña a Angela María en esta profunda conversación para escuchar del mismo Ariel, cómo ha guiado en los últimos 19 años a cientos de personas a alinearse con su propósito, con su Plan de Vida, lo que los hace sentirse plenos y completos, anclados en una estado de conciencia de alegría profunda.

2021-11-09T19:07:22-07:00November 16th, 2021|

HFH – The Soul Shines

Do you know that the soul shines amidst the darkness? Would you be willing to let go of what you want and reach what the universe wants you to be? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Bracha Goetz introduce the powerful one and why we should connect our dreams, life, projects, and everything to this force. People are encapsulated with infinite worldly desires and aspirations without knowing the need to connect with the source to make it all more rewarding. Tune in to heal your life, take action, and go where you want to be.

2021-11-09T10:35:37-07:00November 9th, 2021|

IMS – Giving Thanks

How can giving thanks transform people holistically? Why do we need to shift ourselves to connect to the universe? In this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría shares her sentiments on holidays and how they come with the energy of profound transformation and gratitude for people who have the gift of seeing the possibilities and opportunities. The changes occurring in our lives are also mere reminders that the cosmic cycle continuously moves. Tune in and listen to AngelaMaría as she talks more about the bigger world and metamorphosis it offers.

2022-06-28T18:51:26-07:00November 7th, 2021|

HFH – The New Rich Is Balance

Do you believe that the new rich is balance? How can you reach the dreams that you aspire to achieve in life? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Kevin Roth talk about mindful awareness, the alignment and connection of the self and the universe, and listening to your heart to make sound decisions. Kevin’s difficult and excruciating experiences in his life pushed him to seek spiritual healing. He believes that this mantra: “If you can believe it, you can have it.”, is the incarnation of manifesting, the law of attraction, and miracles. Listen and learn from AngelaMaría and Kevin Roth about immersing yourself in the correct frequency to be one with your goals.

2021-11-02T16:47:02-07:00October 26th, 2021|

IMS – Transcendence

What do we mean by transcendence? Why do humans become so critical of themselves and others? In this IM Series called Transcendence, we explore the three main aspects of transcendence: Body, self, and soul. This series serves as a bridge between death and life. It is also a medium for us to extend our existence beyond physical representation, hone thy awareness and consciousness, and open our hearts to be kinder with ourselves and others. Transcendence is a lens for us to see beyond what is obvious and to pay attention to the sound of our voices. Don’t miss this series and explore the soul experience and transcend with the possibilities of the universe.

2021-10-04T10:34:23-07:00October 17th, 2021|

HFH – El Mago en Ti

Claudia nació el 13 de agosto en la hermosa ciudad de Popayán, Colombia, desde niña no podía resistirse al sonido del tambor, al Ilamado de la naturaleza, siempre fue muy intuitiva, aunque no sabía por qué. A los 19 años coincidío con un hermoso ser con el que empezó a aprender mucho del mundo espiritual.Le Ilamó la atención la magia de los números y es cuando empieza a estudiar Numerología. Es Administradora de Empresas, servir es su vocación y hoy en día se dedica a compartir el conocimiento que ha recibido en estos 26 años de experiencia y aprendizaje de increíbles mentores y culturas.

2021-10-04T10:00:49-07:00October 12th, 2021|

HFH – Are Your Stars Aligned?

Are your stars aligned? Have you already discovered your true purpose in life? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Debra Silverman talk about the world of Astrology and how it is related to finding one's purpose in life. Debra intensely studied the mind and body, earning a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Dance from New York University and a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University. When she was 20 years old, Debra met an astrologer who completely changed her life by making her know that the stars in her world were aligned. Tune in and listen to Debra's story of purpose in the aspect of astrology. AngelaMaría: Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up hosts, and you are listening to the High-Frequency Healing show, Awaken Superpowers Through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where you are and [...]

2021-09-21T17:54:16-07:00September 28th, 2021|

HFH – Floating in Quiet Darkness Heals

How does floating in quiet darkness heal? Do you often feel stressed and burnt out with your work? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMarìa and guest Glenn Perry talk about the benefits of floating to athletes, celebrities, entrepreneurs, and creative artists’ state of mind. Glenn is one of the creators of the commercially available floatation tanks made in 1972. The flotation tanks aim to provide meditation, rejuvenation, relaxation, and a stress-free environment to individuals. Tune in and join AngelaMarìa and Glenn as they discuss self-discovery, healing, and the process of floating in the quiet darkness. AngelaMaría: Hello. This is AngelaMaría, one of the Superpower Up! hosts, and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing Show. Superpowers through higher dimension healing. The only difference between where you are and where you want to be is the actions you take here and now to heal [...]

2021-09-13T18:43:24-07:00September 14th, 2021|

HFH – El Mapa de Ruta de la Sanación

Jeanette Carbajal es Entrenadora Profesional de Liderazgo y Enfermedades para Ejecutivos C-Suite y Educadora en Cultura de Enfermedades. También es Coach Master Certificada en Mentalidad. Jeanette tiene la capacidad de conectar a sus clientes con su hoja de ruta de sanación única para que puedan sentirse seguros en el viaje que tienen por delante. Los clientes han dicho después de trabajar con Jeanette que sus familias, su carrera y su nuevo estilo de vida fomentaron una vez más la sensación de control. Acompaña a AngelaMaría a descubrir cómo para ella cultivar la salud y el bienestar en todos los niveles es su lema. To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.

2021-08-24T18:29:12-07:00September 7th, 2021|

IMS – The Frequency of Miracles

Have you ever noticed the frequency of miracles as they happen?  On this episode of the IM Series, host AngelaMaría explores The Frequency of Miracles.  This is an open invitation for you to take action.  This topic is related to the human experience and how you can make it better.  Open yourself up to new possibilities, and be willing to change the way you think and perceive things.  Listen now so you can learn about universal living. You can be in harmony while witnessing miracles and consciously creating your existence.  AngelaMaría: Welcome, everyone. I'm AngelaMaría, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you the IM Series content of all of these fascinating topics that are related to this human experience and how to make it better. So let me share with you today, our latest series, the Frequency [...]

2021-08-31T18:23:12-07:00September 5th, 2021|

HFH – The Healing Roadmap

How does it feel to walk down the healing roadmap? Do you want to take your anxieties and worries away? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Jeanette Carbajal talk about cultivating health and wellness and healing in a high frequency. Jeanette is a professional Leadership and Disease Coach for C-Suite Executives and Educator on Disease Culture. She is also a Master Certified Mindset Coach. Jeanette can connect her clients to their unique healing roadmap to feel secure in the journey ahead for them. Join AngelaMaría and Jeanette in this episode to learn more about people and their different roadmaps in life that lead to healing.  AngelaMaría: Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing show, where we awaken superpowers through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where you are, to [...]

2021-08-24T18:00:02-07:00August 31st, 2021|

HFH – Bailar Para Sanar

Sandra es una apasionada por el estudio del movimiento corporal. Es profesional en Cultura Física, Deporte y Recreación, es profesora de anatomía y biomecánica del movimiento, maestra de Yoga certificada por All You Can Yoga y profesora certificada de Pilates y máster trainer para Colombia en Barre. Una malformación en su espalda la llevó a estudiar y formarse con profundidad en la anatomía, fisiología y biomecánica del cuerpo. Durante 3 años guió sus propias terapias de movimiento y sanación, hoy continúa formándose en nuevas técnicas corporales que la llevan a experimentar y descubrir el cuerpo en nuevas perspectivas. Lleva 6 años como directora y fundadora de Corporal Move y creadora del programa Movimiento Consciente. Actualmente se dedica a crear talleres de movimiento consciente enfocados en el estudio de la anatomía del cuerpo y la conexión con los elementales de la naturaleza: Tierra, Aire, Agua y Fuego. Su mayor pasión [...]

2021-08-02T18:49:52-07:00August 17th, 2021|

IMS – Incorporating Superpowers

What is incorporating superpowers? How can you take frequency, spiritual concepts and apply them to business? In this episode of Inspired Messages Show, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by the show’s coordinator AngelaMaria, to introduce more fun, informative, and magical new series. AngelaMaria shares her experiences as a CEO of a company and the spirit enguarding her along her business journey. Join Tonya and AngelaMaría to discover the more significant force of love, creation, and wisdom and how to utilize these forces to become superpowers for your business. Tonya Dawn Recla: Welcome, everyone. I am Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show and I'm really delighted to... For a couple of reasons. One, because we're introducing the new series, which is always a lot of fun, but also because I'm joined today with AngelaMaría, who is our brilliant, amazing, bright shining [...]

2021-08-02T17:39:00-07:00August 15th, 2021|

HFH – Despertar Espiritual

Forrest Rivers es un escritor, maestro y orador que divide su tiempo entre las hermosas montañas de Blue Ridge en Carolina del Norte y las Montañas Rocosas en Colorado. ̈ Su viaje personal de despertar espiritual comenzó a la edad de 30 años en un viaje inspirador a Maui, Hawaii. Fue allí, en esa isla encantada, donde el profundo poder curativo de la Tierra le habló a su corazón y lo ayudó a superar un período difícil de abuso del alcohol. Después de regresar a casa de esa experiencia transformadora, Forrest se interesó en las tradiciones espirituales del Lejano Oriente y comenzó a sumergirse en las enseñanzas de los místicos budistas, hindúes y taoístas y tomó el seudónimo de Forrest Rivers en honor a la Tierra y su profundo amor y poder curativo. Hoy en día, Forrest dedica gran parte de su tiempo a guiar a otros para que [...]

2021-08-03T17:32:28-07:00August 10th, 2021|

HFH – Spiritual Awakening

What is spiritual awakening? Have you ever had a transformative experience in your life? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría and guest Forrest Rivers delve into the more profound meaning of humanity’s spiritual awakening. After returning home from a transformative encounter, Forrest began to immerse himself in the aspects of some religions. He is a meditation teacher and a spiritual guide to help others become the best version of themselves. He also emphasizes the Earth as the medium of restoration and therapy. Tune in and join AngelaMaría and Forrest as they talk about spiritual healing and connection and how mother Earth plays an essential part in the process.  AngelaMaría: Hello, this is AngelaMaría of the SuperPower Up! hosts, and you are listening to the High-Frequency Healing Show: Awaken superpowers through higher dimension healing. The only difference between where you are, where you want to [...]

2021-07-27T18:51:21-07:00August 3rd, 2021|

HFH – The Power of Fairy Tales

What is the power of fairy tales? In this episode of High-Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaria is joined by guest Ayn Cates Sullivan as they talk about fairy tales and the impact that they can have on our lives. Ayn shares a memorable childhood experience that allowed her to connect with souls.  While meditating, Ayn suddenly felt that the forest was listening and wanted to teach her something. Ayn also talks about her superpower: to fly through the universe between worlds and gather stories to heal people's souls. Join AngelaMaria and Ayn in today's episode to learn more about the power of fairy tales. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing show: Awaken Superpowers Through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where you are to where you want to be is the actions you [...]

2021-07-15T18:47:17-07:00July 20th, 2021|

HFH – Soul Medicine

What is soul medicine and how is it different from the other types of medicine? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría is back for some healing conversation with author, spiritual teacher, physician of the soul, and one of the main live-food and vegan medical experts in the world, Gabriel Cousens. Gabriel graces the show and discusses the importance of soul medicine and how he connects with the soul of the person he is working with. Gabriel also shares that through that link, they can reconnect with their soul and love themselves enough to want to heal themselves. Join AngelaMaría and Gabriel in today’s insightful episode to learn more about soul medicine.  Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the Super Power Network hosts and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing Show: Awaken Superpowers through Higher Dimension Healing. The only difference between where [...]

2021-07-06T18:47:27-07:00July 13th, 2021|
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