SPK – Sex Talk with Kids

Dr. Saida Désilets, thought-leader & body philosopher, joins host Neva Lee Recla to talk about how to navigate sex talk with kids. Saida has published several books: The Emergence of the Sensual Woman & The Illustrious Jade Egg and had her innovative method featured in Dr. Christiane Northrup’s best selling books: Women’s Wisdom, Women’s Bodies & The Secret Pleasures of Menopause. Her mission is to help create a world filled with daring, sexually sovereign women living life on their own terms. Listen in as she and Neva share insights about how to with kids about sex. Hi kids, this is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today I'm super excited for this interview, because we have a very, very special guest. She is one of my true friends, Saida Désilets. And today we are going to be talking about sex talk with kids. That [...]

2022-05-24T18:53:33-07:00May 3rd, 2018|

SPK – Creative Entrepreneur

Angela Johnson, a fashion designer, fashion illustrator, and fashion educator, joins Neva Lee Recla to explore the exciting adventures of being a creative entrepreneur. She transplanted herself out of her mass-produced clothing line in LA and landed in an Arizona school teaching fashion classes. The “T-shirt Ballgown” was an evolution of a lesson she taught on repurposing and recycling objects into garments. When she found that she had created something that was eco-friendly, unique, comfortable, washable, versatile and fun, the entrepreneur in her immediately decided to act on the idea and start another clothing company. Her business of “upcycling” T-shirts into new garments was born. Listen in as she shares her deep knowledge about being a creative entrepreneur. Hi kids! This is your Super Power Kid Neva Lee Recla. Today's show is all about creative entrepreneurs. That creative entrepreneur is Angela Johnson. She [...]

2022-05-24T18:53:57-07:00April 19th, 2018|

SPK – Superpower Self Image

JJ Flizanes, an author, director, Empowerment Strategist, and host, joins Neva Lee Recla to share her thoughts about self image. She vividly reminds us that the word ‘fitness’ is not just about the state of one’s physical body, but also the factors which determine a person’s overall well being. And, for JJ, the key components in all these areas are ‘invisible’ — balanced support structures of nutrition, emotional centeredness and health. She also designs customized coaching programs and unique, versatile approaches that harmonize the emotional, the mental and the spiritual. Listen in as she talks about superpower self image. Hi kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla and today we have on our show a very, very special guest, JJ Flizanes. She is one of my very good friends, so without further ado, will you help me welcome my very [...]

2022-05-24T18:54:19-07:00March 29th, 2018|

SPK – Setting Goals

Nikki Golly, a nutritionist, wellness coach, and micro-nutrient educator, joins Neva Lee Recla as she talks about setting goals. She dedicated her life to helping others heal their inflammation, pain, lethargy, joint stiffness, and other physical ailments through eating for their health. Between work and school, she grew into a counselor and coach. When she counsels others, she looks at their current state of health and their goals to create a personalized nutritional plan. She works to ensure happiness and healthiness for her clients. She has coached everyone from all walks of life- from those suffering from cancer to athletes to people looking to lose weight. She believes that there is a solution for everyone’s needs. Listen in as she shares her knowledge about setting goals. Hi kids! This is your Super Power Kid Neva Lee Recla. Today we have on our show [...]

2022-05-24T18:54:47-07:00March 15th, 2018|

SPK – New Media Business Kids

Steve Olsher, a 25+ year entrepreneur who has built several multimillion-dollar businesses, joins Neva Lee Recla to explore about new media business kids. He is famous for helping individuals and corporations become exceptionally clear on their WHAT – that is, the ONE thing they were created to do – his practical, no-holds-barred approach to life and business propels his clients and presentation attendees towards achieving massive profitability while cultivating lives of purpose, conviction, and contribution. Neva has been featured as an Icon of Influence at Steve's New Media Summit. Listen in as they talk about new media business for kids and adults. Hi kids, this is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today we have on our show a very, very, very special guest; Steve Olsher. Today we'll be talking about new media business kids, and he created New Media Summit. I went [...]

2022-05-24T18:55:14-07:00March 1st, 2018|

SPK – Innovative Entrepreneurship and Winning at Business

Bob Roitblat, founder of more than a dozen businesses, joins Neva Lee Recla to explore innovative entrepreneurship and winning at business. He has innovated, nurtured, developed and successfully exited more than a dozen businesses.  He uses his experience as the CEO of Mainsail Consulting Group combined with his experience as a competitive sailor to draw parallels between building and leading a winning yacht racing team and building and leading a winning business. Listen in as he talks about his super powers and shares his experience in businesses. Hi kids, this is your Super Power Kid Neva Lee Recla. Today we're talking about innovative entrepreneurs, winning at a business with Bob Roitblat. So, without further ado, will you help me welcome our very special guest Bob Roitblat. Hi Bob! Hey there! How are you? I'm amazing how are you? I am trying to be as good as [...]

2022-05-24T18:56:51-07:00February 15th, 2018|

SPK – Entrepreneur Ideas for Kids

Paul Dixon has worked with Disney and Target toy departments and joins Neva Lee Recla to discuss entrepreneur ideas for kids. In July 2004, Paul began a publishing business venture with his cousin, children’s book author Lehman Riley. They published a series book featuring their grandfather titled "The Adventures of Papa Lemon’s Little Wanderers". Seven Papa Lemon books have been published thus far. Listen to this entertaining interview as Paul and Neva talk swap entrepreneur stories. Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. Today we have on our show a very, very cool guest, Paul Dixon. We both met at the New Media Summit, and he worked for Disney and Target. He published books with his cousin, and they're called The Adventures of Papa Lemon's Little Wanderers. So without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Paul Dixon. Hi, Paul. [...]

2022-05-24T18:57:13-07:00February 1st, 2018|

SPK – Cool Powers

Serena Denmark joins Neva Lee Recla to talk about jumping out of helicopters, rescuing people, hypnosis, and other really cool powers. Serena was an EMS flight nurse for 13 years then became a hypnotherapist. Now she rescues people who are stuck in lives of limitation, sadness, self doubt, pain and frustration.  She helps everyone tap into their super hero within. Listen to this powerful conversation about how to access your own cool powers. Hi everyone. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today we have here a very, very special guest and her name is Serena Denmark. She is a flight nurse and we met at Steve Olsher's New Media Summit Event. Also, she is a hypnotist now, which is awesome. Today, I thought we would talk to her about cool powers. So, without further ado, welcome our guest, Serena Denmark. Hi. [...]

2022-05-24T18:57:38-07:00January 18th, 2018|

SPK – Being Confident with Marty Ward

Marty Ward, Founder of Confidence Eliminates Bullying, joins Neva Lee Recla to discuss the power of being confident in all aspects of life. As a former teacher, school-based social worker, and as a transformation strategist for entrepreneurs, Marty provides programs to schools, parents, and grandparents to inspire them to create confident kids who believe in themselves rather than the mean words of the bullies. Listen in to this inspiring conversation between two individuals passionate about empowering kids.  Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today we have on our show a very special guest. Her name is Marty Ward and she is one of my book sponsors, and that means so much to me because I want to inspire kids to be confident in doing their business. I really just want to get this book out there, and she's [...]

2022-05-24T18:57:59-07:00January 4th, 2018|

SPK – Weird Kid Entrepreneurs

Dave Lukas, Founder of Misfit Entrepreneur, and his daughter, Hannah Jade, join Neva Lee Recla to discuss weird kid entrepreneurs. Listen in as they talk about cool super powers, their favorite colors, and how they want to change the world. Hi, kids. This is your Super Power kid, Neva Lee Recla and today, we have on our show two very special guests, Hannah Jade Lukas and her father, Dave Lukas. Dave is the founder of Misfit Entrepreneurs and that is a podcast. Hannah is also the runner. She does the podcast, Misfit Kids, so without further ado, will you help me welcome our very special guests, Hannah and Dave? Hi. Hi. Welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you for coming on. It’s our pleasure. We’re excited to be here with you and all of your audience. Thank you. Dave and [...]

2022-05-24T18:58:26-07:00December 21st, 2017|

SPK – What is Self Love? with Sean Stephenson

Sean Stephenson, world-renowned motivational speaker, joins Host Neva Lee Recla to tackle the question: What is Self Love? This is a powerful exchange between two individuals dedicated to modeling courage and individuality for the world. When Sean was born, doctors predicted he would not survive more than 24 hours because of a rare bone disorder. Despite the challenges he faced, he’s taken a stand for a quality of life that has reached millions of people around the world including Sir Richard Branson, President Clinton, and his Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. As a board certified therapist, Sean uses humor and compassion to develop a fun environment where individuals open their hearts and minds for lasting empowerment to occur. Watch or listen as he and Neva discuss the importance of self love. Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla and today, we have [...]

2022-05-24T18:58:58-07:00December 7th, 2017|

SPK – Superhero Dad and Entrepreneur

Sean Douglas joins Neva Lee Recla with his brand new daughter, Emmyrson. They talk about how to be a superhero dad and an entrepreneur. Sean Douglas is a United States Air Force Veteran.  He enlisted in the Air Force in 2001 right after 9/11, has been deployed to multiple locations overseas, and has performed a multitude of duties all over the world.  Sean spent four years as a Drill Instructor in Air Force Basic Training where he developed over 600 men and women into military leaders.  Sean's interactive training develops the participants' skills in the Mental, Physical, Social, and Spiritual domains of Resilience, and leaves people better equipped to manage change effectively. Hi this is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today I hear I have two very special guests on my show. So the first one is Sean Douglas, and he is amazing. We met [...]

2022-05-24T18:59:17-07:00November 23rd, 2017|

SPK – Intuitive Healing for Animals

Kate Shadock, animal communicator and intuitive healing expert, joins Neva Lee Recla to chat about how to talk with your pets and how to make sure you help them stay safe. Listen in as Kate shares her wisdom from years of working with animals all over the world. Hi kids, this is Neva Lee Recla, your Super Power Kid. Today we're here talking with Kate Shaddock. She is really, really cool. She can talk to animals, which is awesome, and she also can go inside of their bodies and see what's wrong or if their sick or if they're injured or anything. That's really, really cool. So, without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest Kate Shaddock? Hi! Hi Neva! How are you? I'm doing great! Awesome, awesome! So, I have a question for you. Okay. What are your [...]

2022-05-24T18:59:41-07:00November 9th, 2017|

SPK – How to be a Kid Entrepreneur with Bodhi Moore

Bodhi Moore of Dinosaurs are Dinomite joins Super Power Kids Founder Neva Lee Recla to talk about how to be a kid entrepreneur. Listen in as these two budding CEOs discuss what the world looks like from the eyes of these future leaders. Hi kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla, and today's show is all about how to be a kid entrepreneur. We have this very special guest, Bodhi Moore. So, without further adieu will you help me welcome our guest, Bodhi Moore. Hi. How are you? Good. I'm doing great. That's cool. Alrighty. So, I'm going to ask you what are your super powers? Well, my first one is that I know a ton about dinosaurs. I know a lot about the brachiosaurus, the triceratops, and they're like my passion. I have some dinosaur books in the background [...]

2022-05-24T19:00:02-07:00October 26th, 2017|

SPK – Advice for Young Entrepreneurs with Joe Polish

Joe Polish joins Neva Lee Recla to share his best advice to young entrepreneurs. They talk about super powers, business, courage, pigs, overcoming failures, and so much more. Plus, Neva gives Joe a very special oracle card reading. Don't miss this exciting episode with two powerful icons creating positive change in the world. Hi kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla and today, we're here with a very special guest, Joe Polish. We both met at the Fast Inc. Network event and he is a true genius. He is also the founder of Genius Network and also he's the founder of Artist for Addicts. Without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Joe Polish. Hi, Joe. Hello. How are you, Neva? I'm doing great. How are you? I'm wonderful. Happy to be here with you. Thank you. [...]

2022-05-24T19:00:19-07:00October 12th, 2017|

SPK – The Importance of Personal Development in Business

Neva Lee Recla talks with Olenka Cullinan, Founder of Rising Tycoons, about the importance of Personal Development in Business. To date Rising Tycoons has impacted thousands of teens and Millennials, 1500+ adult infuencers nationwide and globally. Olenka is one of the nation's premiere speakers and young entrepreneur experts, including 2 TEDx appearances. Hi, kids! This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. Today, we're here with a very special guest, Olenka Cullinan. She's the founder of Rising Tycoons. That's awesome! That's where she helps kids become entrepreneurs, and that's just amazing. Without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Olenka Cullinan. Hi! Hi Olenka! Hi Neva. Thank you so much. Love the superhero, love the super powers. So excited to be on. I love it. Thanks for having me. I'm secretly a teen.            [...]

2023-08-26T16:08:42-07:00September 21st, 2017|

SPK – The Best Super Power is Being Yourself with Kolby Kay

Super Power Kid Neva Lee Recla interviews Kolby Kay, founder of Meltdown in the Desert and The Healthy Primate. They talk about their favorite superheroes, favorite holidays, and favorite animals. Most importantly, they discuss how being yourself is the best super power! Listen in to this lively conversation between two people who have perfected the art of being themselves. Hi, everyone. This is your superpower kid, Neva Lee Recla and today I'm interviewing a really special guest, Kolby Kay. Kolby is amazing and I'm super excited to have him on my show, so without further ado, will you help me welcome our guest, Kolby Kay. Hi, Kolby. Hey! It's so good to see you. Good to see you. I like your cape. Thank you. Thank you so much for being on my show. Of course, thank you so much for having me. [...]

2022-05-24T19:01:04-07:00September 14th, 2017|

SPK – Using Superpowers in Business with Liz Benny

Liz Benny is the master of using her superpowers and being the ultimate KAPOW! She talks with Neva Lee Recla about how to use superpowers in business to pursue the life of your dreams. The cool thing about Liz Benny is that she lives and breathes her philosophy of ‘playing life full out’. And it’s not about doing that in a way that other people say is right or proper; it’s about being 100% authentic to who she really is. That’s where true happiness happens, and that’s what Liz Benny wants for YOU too. lizbenny.com Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla Today's show is all about using superpowers in business. Today we are here with the very, very, very amazing Liz Benny. Without further ado, will you help me welcome our superhero guest, Liz Benny? Hi, Liz. Hey [...]

2022-05-24T19:01:28-07:00August 15th, 2017|

SPK – Being Iron Man with Angela Hubbs

Angela Hubbs joins host Neva Lee Recla to talk about her super powers of being Iron Man (an Ironman Triathlete) and sharing joy. Listen in as they talk about Wonder Woman, Supergirl, cats, dogs, business conferences, and all kinds of magical things. Hi, kids. This is your Super Power Kid, Neva Lee Recla. Today I'm here with a very special guest, Angela Hubbs. Hi Angela. Hi there. How are you? I'm awesome. Hanging out with Marvin and Moira ... Well, Marvin. He's the first kitty on our show. Love it. Question for ya. I'm ready for ya. What are your superpowers? Well my first superpower is I'm an Iron Man. Okay, so I'm going to tell you, an Iron Man is someone who can swim 2.4 miles, then bike ride 112 miles, then run a full marathon, 26.2 miles all with [...]

2022-05-24T19:01:49-07:00August 8th, 2017|

SPU – Peculiar Children and the Next Generation of Mutants with Neva Lee Recla

Peculiar children like seven-year-old Neva Lee Recla are here to shake things up. In this interview, Neva talks about her vision for Super Power Kids and how she plans to help other kids manage their gremlins, listen their higher self, and rewrite their stories using story craft. She recalls stories of being bullied and then calling back her power in the situation. Listen in as she illuminates for all of us what it means to be in the presence of the next generation of mutants. Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I'm very excited to have with me my extra special guest today. My extremely powerful, extremely talented, super powered daughter Neva Lee Recla. Hi Welcome to the show. Thanks for joining us. Thank you. So, this is kind of a special show so first of all the name of the [...]

2020-04-17T16:30:35-07:00December 16th, 2016|
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