Peculiar children like seven-year-old Neva Lee Recla are here to shake things up. In this interview, Neva talks about her vision for Super Power Kids and how she plans to help other kids manage their gremlins, listen their higher self, and rewrite their stories using story craft. She recalls stories of being bullied and then calling back her power in the situation. Listen in as she illuminates for all of us what it means to be in the presence of the next generation of mutants.

Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla your Super Power Expert and I’m very excited to have with me my extra special guest today. My extremely powerful, extremely talented, super powered daughter Neva Lee Recla.
Welcome to the show. Thanks for joining us.
Thank you.
So, this is kind of a special show so first of all the name of the show is pretty cool Peculiar Children and the Next Generation of Mutants. Do you think that there are actually mutants like the X-Men out there?
Awesome. Do you think that you might be one of them?
I actually heard my inner trust say that I have all the superpowers in the world.
All of them that’s a lot of superpowers. So I want to talk to you a little bit because you and I have been talking for the last few months about an idea that you had. Do you want to talk to our listeners or tell our listeners what that idea is?
So we were thinking of making a Super Power Kids TM.
Yeah that’s kind of a big deal why would we want to do that. What do you think that would be like?
Maybe there are some kids out there that are like me and don’t know how to talk with them about changes and certain growths and growths that they’ve been having. And so I think they could come to Super Power Kids and there would be kids and teenagers and young adults. Mostly kids and teenagers, maybe like some 19 year olds and stuff.
OK. So that’s kind of the age range. How would you help them? Like what would what would happen there.
Well, they give me their problem and I would give them some advice that I think could help them.
OK, so give me an example of that what’s a good example of a problem that someone could bring to you.
I think. So, I’ll give you an example of one of mine. OK. So, we are at this pizza place and one of our friends was joking around and gave me a little slice of pizza. I found that funny! Then my dad tried to play the same joke on me but this time I was serious about having pizza that time. And I was growing a lot and I took it personally when he gave me a small piece and I got frustrated. And the story going with my gremlins and my mind was saying. “Wait you can’t do that. That hurts my feelings he can’t hurt my feelings, That’s so mean!”
Got it. So he gave you a small piece like….
Like a little corner…
Oh like that’s all you were getting.

OK. So, how did you overcome that or how did you kind of help see what was happening there.
I had to hug and a cry.
Ok. Well, that’s one way right.
OK so. So how would you talk to somebody about that. So, let’s say you were helping another you who had that problem. How would you talk with them about it.
Well, if they had the same problem I would say well “Did you look back at that story and you could change that. Maybe your friends or your parents didn’t really want to hurt your feelings and were just trying to redo what the other person did, like how my dad was.
Ya, he tried to duplicate a joke.
Yes. I was serious about having pizza. And so I took it in personally because pieces like my gremlins and maybe later on in the show I can explain what my gremlins are like. The gremlins and like my little child in me is kind of dying off. And so they’re trying to stay, So, I took something small and made it into something personal and I just recognize that it actually just parts of me dying off – energy wise.
Yeah. How to imagine that sometimes I can feel kind of scary.
I definitely get scared because I like being a little girl but I know if I’m going to make this Super Power Kids I’m going to have to realize that I am growing up and I am changing.
How old are you?
So when did you really start thinking about some of this stuff.
Well I normally think about it when you’re coaching me.
Haha. I’d imagine you would.
Once. My sister is here and I was sleeping with her and I took a bullying story of mine. And I said to myself because, it was nighttime, I said to myself, “Well, I could go back and change that.” So I went back and changed it.
Yeah, we talk a lot about when you leave pieces of yourself like power pieces’ places. Right, and that’s usually what causes us to get upset, isn’t it?
I feel like when I’m being bullied I feel like there’s a piece wrong with me. So when I get all judging I’ll be like “Wait no you cannot judge me that is not the rule.”
And you’ll say that out loud of the person?
No. I say it in my mind and sometimes I’ll go up to their higher self and say it. Because I’ll be really frustrated. I mean my mind will be. My higher self will just be like “No, you’re OK.” I have been offended and I have said words before that we don’t really fine OK. Not like bad words. And also I feel like I have been offended more than I really have been.
So talk to me about that, what was that like?
Ok, so may I share a story that happened to me when I was younger?
Sure you can.
So I was it was my big day I are we go to this business conference called CEO Space and it’s my big day like I was celebrating my business and I went up to a table and he’s like a really close friend. Went up to the table and he was about to start a meeting. I said “Hey would you like to sponsor me in my business?” And they said “No.” And I said “OK I understand.” And then went on my way away from the table. I started crying. And so me and my mom went outside. I explained I thought it was stupid of him to say that. And so part of me felt like a child. Part of me wanted to go back and say that’s the wrong thing. But my higher self said “No, you’re ok”
It can be hard when people don’t agree with us or do what we want them to do.
Well I guess I shouldn’t say “It can be hard” that would be going into sympathy with you on that, what I really intend to say is that it’s it challenges us, right, for a reason.
Yes. It does.
For what do you think the reason might be?
Maybe it’s parts of you that are dying off.
You’ve said a few times what do you mean by that?
Your inner child.
Ya, does your inner child die do you think?
I don’t think it necessarily dies, dies, like it just doesn’t come back to me. And goes off and finds someone else, maybe someone being born.
That’s an interesting theory. Yeah. I tend to look at it like maybe those are pieces that get integrated. You know so they’re just not in control anymore. I don’t know I think you can I I think you keep your inner child. What would it look like if you kept it but it didn’t get triggered?
That could also happen.
Yeah do you like that theory?
I’ve also had a time where a girl called me stupid because I made a mess in my room so she made me frustrated or my mind frustrated. She has called me stupid and also begged me for something which did not go down well.
So how did you feel when she called you stupid?
I wanted to tell her to get out of my house. But I didn’t because I don’t like to be mean.

I understand that. But you reacted, though, right?
And also when she was begging me for that one thing I start crying. Then my Dad yelled at her to go back to her house, he basically stood up for me. I think that might have been the one that I changed. And I changed it to me not standing up for her and her going back. Now, I kind of feel sad that I didn’t choose for her to go back.
That’s kind of a confusing story.
I didn’t know how to explain it. I just explained it kind of from how I understand?
Right, how you witnessed it. Well I think you bring up a really important point because you said that you know your dad yelled at her and told her to go back to her house when I’m sure if your dad was sitting here and I was interviewing him his impression of that situation is probably different. Sometimes when we have emotions come up our impression of reality, right, what we think of as truth of what really happened can change. Right?
Well, I definitely know that he did tell her to go back to her house. That is one thing that I definitely know.
Right, I mean the details are unimportant because like you said you can go back and change the story right. And so you can create it to be whatever you want.
And so I changed her going back to her house.
Yeah. So, that’s pretty cool. So we kind of got off trajectory but I think those were important examples. One of the things you mentioned was you wanted to talk about what your gremlins and what they look like. You want to talk about those?
So, I kind of imagine like when… Have you ever seen the movie Inside Out? If you have then they kind of are like that deep red like the anger one. So, they kind of have anger and fear in them and a little bit of disgust. It’s like they’re basically like a dark red. I think I find my gremlins small, puffy, and cute..haha.. and red!
So, what do your gremlins do.
So like when you say, “Listen to your higher self not your gremlins.” Sometimes my gremlins and my higher self will get in a fight. My gremlins will be like “No, I am your higher self” and then my higher self will be like “ No you aren’t I’m the higher self.” Haha. Then basically when that power gets on them, they come into my chest and they are a clear white light and then they just move into my higher self.
Well I like that. One of the cool things is that your higher self will never argue.
It doesn’t fight and so if your gremlins are pretending to be your higher self and like saying “No no this is your inner knowingness.”, you kind of know because they don’t fight for your attention. Your gremlins will, right, your gremlins want to be right.
So like my higher self will get in a fight with my gremlins but they won’t fight me. But my gremlins will kind of fight me.
OK, so they might get into a disagreement.
but they won’t fight because your higher self just knows. Yeah. Does that make sense.
Sort of and sort of not.
So, you were talking about it you said that your gremlins said “I am the higher self” and your higher self is like “No, you’re not.” So to me that’s not arguing that is stating truth.
I am the higher self you are not and then the gremlins sound like bickering right “No I am” Right that’s what gremlins sort of sound like, sort of bickering. And then your higher self is more like the wise one you know. Does that feel right?
Like the gremlins are like the mean elves. And the higher self is kind of like the wise wizard.
Exactly. That’s a good way to see them. Well, very cool. I’m glad we were able to talk a little bit about that stuff. I think your idea for Super Power Kids is cool. I don’t totally understand exactly how it’s going to go down but I think part of the fun is in the creating of it yeah. So how would you reach out to some of these kids.
Well some of them would be my friends. So I could text them or their Mom’s. I only have a few of my friend’s phone numbers. But I could text them and get a phone and stuff, I could contact them that way.
Ok, I think you’re vying for a phone but let’s move on from that place. And how about like kids in the world. I mean there may be kids all over the world that could use this. So, how would you plan on getting in contact with them.
Well, we can go visit that place?
That would be cool, yeah.
It would be adventure and finding stuff for Super Power Kids.
Well, very cool. Maybe we can ask those who are listening right now for help. And if they know kids like you who could use some guidance with regard to how to harness your super powers. Because remember the key to harnessing your super powers is you first have to be able to master your own personal power. So that’s what a lot of what you’re going through right now is handling the gremlins and taking responsibility for your actions and listening to your higher self and getting in touch with that.
Changing stories.
Yeah, changing stories, that’s Story Crafting, one of our experts handle story crafting. Oh that was one of the things you wanted to talked about. How do you see it being structured? Like do you see you doing all of the guidance?
Well I would have kind of have it like you have it. So, I would get an expert for example… let’s see what’s a good example, Eric Weiland. He’s a good example because I am like the little shaman of the house. I’m So. Basically I could use some of your experts. If they had kids and stuff maybe you could ask them to contact their kids, or if their friends were kind of like us and they could contact their friends.
That’s a good example. Our friend from the experts, yes, I bet the experts would help. Do you anticipate having kid experts?
Yeah. I anticipate having expert coaches. So kind of like you have but a little bit more kiddish. Haha
Right. Well that’s a good place to leave off. I’m sure that we will have many more conversations about this. So thank you for joining us on the show it’s been fun.
Bye bye!
And all of you out there as always we appreciate your loyalty. Thank you for listening. And until next time go out and uncover your super powers and change the world. Take care.