Sacred geometry is a very powerful healing tool. It’s a DNA activator. It goes into the subconscious and clears cellular trauma. Desirae Bloom explains how it clears and transmutes energy in the subconscious. She shares how she uses it to assist clients in their evolution and healing process. Listen in as she highlights the power of sacred geometry and how she discovered her super powers within it.

Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am excited to have with me today Desirae Bloom.

She has a unique packaging of some pretty high concepts and a real practical kind of application. One of her areas is sacred geometry and so we’re going to get to hear a little bit about that which I’m really excited about. I don’t think we’ve had anybody on the show yet talk about sacred geometry. And I think it’s a really fun and creative way of explanation. So please please please join me in welcoming Desirae to the show. Welcome, Desirae!

Hi. Thank you.

So we’re really excited to have you here. We’re going to throw you into the mix. I hear the wind in the background. I know Desirae shared with us before we started the recording that she’s up on a mountain and so I think we all can just kind of tap in and feel that energy coming into the interview and I appreciate you sharing that with all of us.

It’s amazing up here.

Oh my gosh I can only imagine. I can actually see it through you, so that’s very cool. So thank you for that.

So what are your Super Powers?

Well one of the biggest that I bring forward in my work is that I channel and can draw sacred geometry. Sacred geometry is a very powerful healing tool. It’s a DNA activator. It clears cellular trauma. It goes into subconscious. It’s all encompassing. It’s just a phenomenal thing that I have to bring forward. I’m very grateful for it.

And then I also combine that with other healing work. So one of my healing abilities is I am able to, I can’t think of a better way to say it except that I can bleed out emotions from someone who has experienced emotional numbness or locked down for several years. Oftentimes when we go through a trauma we will shut that part of our hearts off because it’s just too much to deal with and then we end up going on in life and not being able to access certain parts of ourselves. And those are the parts that oftentimes I can get into and have someone have an emotional release and they’re able to process things and work through the memories and all.

And also intuitive coaching is what I do with that. So since I was a child a big thing is that I’ve been able to see the incongruencies between a person’s words and their actions and feelings. And so that’s been really instrumental for me. Hearing the subtle fluctuations in people’s voices and seeing the subtle body movements to see what’s truth and what’s not. And then probably one of the biggest gifts that I’ve had for my whole life that has really strengthened in the past five years are my dreams. Usually when I go to bed at night I have anywhere between five to ten dreams. And really it helps me to see things how they are, to know the next step to take to look at things differently. Sometimes they’re prophetic. And so that’s been really instrumental in my own personal healing and being able to understand life outside of here and how to bridge that here.

Wow! Very, very cool. So what got you into all of this? Like how does one kind of stumble into sacred geometry? How did that transpire for you?

Well it was about five years ago in 2011, I decided to quit school. I dropped everything and I was actually in the midst of chronic illness. I was probably about four years in at that point. I was very sick and I was just trying to uphold all of the ideas of what I thought success was and then one day I just decided I wasn’t going to do it anymore. So I quit everything and I bought a one way ticket to Hawaii and sold everything that I had. Didn’t know where I was going to stay, what I was going to do. And I lived there for a year and during that time I felt inclined to start drawing. And when I began drawing what came through was sacred geometry. I knew that it was sacred geometry because someone had just introduced me a few months before. But I did not understand the magnitude of what was coming through me and what kind of healing it would bring for myself and others.

Very cool so talk to me a little bit about it. I don’t have any experience of sacred geometry other than kind of passing by it. Talk to me a little bit about your understanding of it and your application of it.

Okay, so basically to put it very simply anything before it comes into this reality can be found in a sacred geometric format. And what that means is it’s like a home before it’s built, you have a blueprint. And let’s say you have your home and you’ve had it for many years and you want to do some remodeling or you want to find out where some wiring is or there’s a component to it that you’re not sure of but you can go back to the blueprint. OK. That’s where that is. So we can cut in there. You know it’s the basis of, the essence of who we are. So the sacred geometry that I bring forward is it can be a blueprint for a soul or it can be a blueprint for a leaf on a plant, the whole plant, a grain of sand, a word, a name. Everything that’s in this reality is found in sacred geometry before it comes here. So when we work with Sacred Geometry what we’re working with is the template of that energy because oftentimes when something comes into this world it’s, the conditioning alters our understanding of what that is. For instance love. A lot of people when they hear the word love, first of all they perceive it as romantic, and that’s probably a very common thing and then another one that I’ve noticed is people often confuse love and seduction. And one is vast and free and unconditional and the other is – there’s agenda, there’s control. It’s really very conditional.

So let’s say our perception of love is seduction and we don’t realize it, then we’re only going to be functioning within those parameters. And so when someone works with sacred geometry those codes are activated in us. It unlocks the DNA and it activates our memories to remember the essence of whatever it is entailed with the sacred geometry. So for instance I channel people’s blueprints but I also bring through different things like authority or I have another pattern for forgiveness or I have quite a few. I’m trying to think of the simpler ones like the divine feminine. Those types of things so when someone works within it helps to activate in an area working with the subconscious.

Very cool. So when people work with you one-on-one or whatever, do they get a drawing of that or you do that kind of the background here during the work? How does that work?

So in my own time I will often experience a dream or, just inspirational start seeing an image and I’ll draw it. And then I will have it printed up and I’ll have that available to the public. But the healing work that I actually do it. I can actually pull the templates in from the ethers without having drawn it. And probably, about at least half of the templates, I call it downloading into a person. About half of them are ones that I’ve never drawn. So the healing work is really really powerful. But I also have the templates that I have drawn that can be worked with and so we can program them and then meditate with them or I like to sleep with it over my heart after programming. Then oftentimes, that night, I’ll have clarification on things that will give me a better idea or it’ll just be forgiveness and understanding or there’s all different kinds of experiences that one can have with working with it.

Very cool. That’s pretty awesome. So other than the one-on-one coaching and stuff like that do you work with groups? Or what’s another mechanism that you use to get that information out?

So I do offer classes and group healings to reach more people. And just what that entails is I’ll just be guided on what subject to make the class around. And then I’m guided on about four to six patterns to bring into the class. And I will talk about whatever that topic is in helping people to identify the destructive patterns that may be present in their life or around them and then showing them the lighter side of that of how we can transcend that reality. And so what that does is it’s a way of supporting the conscious mind. It gives the conscious mind something to do and a sense of security. And then the actual work itself, the healing work with the template. That’s where it kind of comes in the backdoor and goes into the subconscious and that I would say is probably 90 percent of the healing. That’s where the meat really is.

And so what that consists of is I’ll stand in front of the group and pull everybody etherically together into one body and then I will put the templates in. And it’s profound when I work with large groups of people, it is so powerful. It’s powerful one-on-one but it is just electric when it’s a group of people because everybody’s energy is combined. So I really enjoy it.

Yeah I can feel that coming through. That’s awesome. That would be very entertaining to watch and to experience. Absolutely.

So what’s next for you and your ways that you change the world and impact and use your Super Powers? What’s on the horizon?

Well you know what? I don’t know. I’m at the precipice right now. It has been…I just…I don’t know. It sounds kind of funny but I can say this has been a really difficult life for me. I can just put the whole life into it. And this year has, by far, been the hardest year of my life. It’s been initiation within initiation within initiation. And I can finally say that here, just within the last few weeks, I’m really, really breaking through. I’ve made some big, big decisions to letting go of some things that were not serving me. But it was just, it was very difficult to do.

And so now I’m receiving all of these messages from my guidance about prosperity and these these dreams that I’ve had. To simplify it, what I was told is the war is over. And they showed me in a jail cell with no walls anymore. And they were like all you have to do is walk now you’re done, you just have to believe that it’s yours and just enjoy life now. And it’s a really bizarre feeling because I feel like I’ve fought my whole life.

So here I am. I’ve been doing my work this year building it up, but now it’s like I have this freedom. And I can’t really describe it, it’s not something tangible. But but I can feel it within and around me. And so I guess it’s really, I just want to reach a lot of people. I have a certain number of clients that I want to see. You know one-on-one each week. I have a certain amount of clients that I would love to see or, students I guess you could call them, in classes once a week so that I have that flow going. So that I’m reaching the people and building a community. Where everybody’s feeling confident and loved and just being willing to look at ourselves. It it’s so important you know. To act and dress the part just isn’t enough. We have to love ourselves deeply and completely and we have to be willing to ask God to show us the way and actually walk it. And that is what so much of my work is about is to help people feel safe and secure and to know that, yes it’s going to be scary at times and it’s going to be challenging and sometimes it’s really going to hurt and that’s OK. That’s part of the walk. Part of the deprogramming. But we’re here and as we do this, we’re laying a foundation for others to blossom and they will not have to go through as difficult of a time as we did. And that’s the gift that we’re laying for those that are behind us, so to speak, and then they’re laying that for those behind them. And so that is how we are all one unit in this ascension process.

So I’m not really sure where my work is taking me from there. I know that there’s so many things that I’m here to do. But I just get the sense that it’s, as I take one step the next door opens. And it feels like I’m not being shown the whole picture right now because I think I’d be too scattered. I’m already a creative person as it is. But I’ve been doing a lot of root chakra work and if I were to get too much of the creative inspiration, I might get overwhelmed with it.

I work with a lot of people sitting exactly where you’re sitting and it’s moving into what I call the abstract frequency. And part of the challenge is that what gets us to that point is the guidance, it is the visions, it is that. And then you get to a certain place where God, the universe, however you refer to it, hands you this credit card and they’re like, “Hey, go for it.” And that’s pure creation and pure choice and there is no more guidance in that regard. It’s one of the most paralyzing places for people who have journeyed similar to us, similar to what my journey was, to where we were going up the mountain, up the mountain, up the mountain. You know, it is pushing, pushing, pushing, pushing, and I remember the exact moment I got there and it was like the first time I had taken a breath my entire life. And it was like, “Oh, I got there.

So the way I describe it is it’s like there’s these energetic waves that we all agree, those of us who are in conscious awareness of it. There was a specific wave we wanted to be on top of, so we had to get to a particular frequency at a specific point in time and space in order to catch that specific wave. And it’s not tragic if we miss it, there are other ones. But usually there’s one, like a more major one than the others. And that’s what drives us and drives us and drives us and pushes us and it doesn’t surprise me that you had a pretty tumultuous year.

But the challenge is you stand up on top of your mountain, you’ve summited the mountain, and you’re looking around like, “OK, now what?” And the biggest consternation, I joke about it, but it’s like I’ve integrated more spirit guides and ascended masters in that process and it can be really alienating and lonely.

But that’s all by design because the next step is where we truly…everything you just said about how we’re one in the same and how we’re all connected…is the space of the abstract. And its true synergistic collaboration. And we don’t have a lot of models of that. And so we are kind of, those of us who are willing to traverse it and to create within it, are emulating it and modeling it. And sometimes it’s challenging to be the pioneer. But I caution people all the time, make sure you know who your allies are. For those of you out there who really resonate with what Desirae is sharing, there’s a reason for it. You’re not crazy. You know, you did all that for a reason. And now what?

How do you find that space and get guidance in it and find others who are doing the same? And the best thing you can do is look to your left and look to your right and find the people who are journeying beside you. Because all of us chose paths that didn’t have anyone ahead of us, for very specific reasons. And so it can feel lonely. But it’s an exciting time and I think that those of us who are awakening to that and coming together and joining forces, it’s kind of like the Super Powers. You know, I tell people there’s a reason why the Avengers all joined forces. There’s a reason why the Justice League comes together. You know it’s great to be Wonder Woman but even better to be a part of the Justice League as Wonder Woman.

And so however that looks for you and your existence, it is a very powerful time to be in awareness of it. So kudos to you and I honor your journey and your courage in that. I can feel through you what you’ve traversed in, and it is powerful. And I’m excited to stand beside you and watch how you change the world and those around you because of it. So that’s very cool.

Thank you. You know in the spiritual community we hear people say, “Well, it happened for a reason. It’s something to be grateful for.” We hear it, but often times we really don’t connect with it. Even the person speaking it doesn’t really connect with it as much as they want to. But then, inevitably, we all reach a point where it actually is embodied and so many of us are not there yet. And many of us have reached that. And all I can say is when we reach that space, it is the most empowering feeling ever. Because now when I get knocked down, I can’t say that I enjoy it, it doesn’t feel good. But, there is this…this is going to sound a little crazy, but there’s this part of me that gets exhilarated, and I’m like, “Oh, yes, strength is coming in!” Because that is how we develop our divine masculine and that is how we draw up that earth energy and we pull it in and we move mountains. And that’s what we’re all here to do. We are moving this place.

That’s why I mentioned initiations in the beginning of our conversation because I don’t see these these situations as scenarios, and certainly not punishment from God (however I have walked through that belief system). And, no, I see it as initiation. Every step of the way I get stronger and stronger and… Geesh, the other night, in the middle of the night, it was pitch black in my house and I tripped over my kid’s chair and I landed on my face. And it was like there was a split second where I wanted to cry and go into the victim mode like my life is so hard. And then I just started laughing and I was like I’m just going to get up and keep walking.

And it was just over because, why go there? We’re here for something so big that’s such a small, small situation that really we don’t even need to give anything more than laughter to and acceptance.

Very cool! Yeah, I call them my wah-wah moments. I give myself about a moment and then I’m like, “OK, cool.” And that’s one of the things we work with people who are NET members, we work on quantum leaping in terms of really choosing. You know, once you accept that we really are multidimensional entities, really choosing which dimensional frequency we want to operate in every given moment and we always have access to all of them. You know, you can easily choose to drop down if you want to.

Well, very cool, this conversation has been a lot of fun. I know the listeners are going to want to know more about you. Where can they find out more?

My web site is and on there it has my Facebook and everything if people want to connect with me there and my email. And so I’m happy to answer any questions that anyone has or just connect with anyone. I just love sharing. So, yeah, I’m open.

Very cool and you told me before the show that there was an offer you want to make to our listeners. What was that?

Yes, for those of you that are interested in visiting my web site and may be interested in scheduling a healing session or perhaps purchasing a template or something. Or I also have my sacred geometry printed on shirts. So if anybody is interested in any of the merchandise or services on there, I’m offering them, specially for this interview, a 20% off of one service or item, one transaction and that’ll be good through the end of the year so December 31 and the code, if it’s purchased online, the coupon code is superpower.

Awesome. Very cool. Thank you for your generosity with that, we really appreciate it and thank you for joining us on the podcast today.

No problem I really enjoyed it. Thank you for having me.

Absolutely and to all of you out there, as always, we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time, go out, uncover your super powers, and change the world. Take care everyone.

Learn more about Desirae Bloom