YSPM – Heal from Chronic Health Conditions

Is it possible to heal from chronic health conditions? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes guest Ashok Gupta to the show. They discuss the role our subconscious mind plays in inadvertently worsening certain chronic conditions through neuroimmune conditions syndrome. They explore revolutionary approaches to regaining health for a better life! Tune in today to learn about the possibilities of healing from chronic health conditions!

2023-01-10T18:23:22-07:00January 16th, 2023|

SPS – Co-Creating An Inspired World

How can we co-create an inspired world? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki welcomes guest Lyle Maxson to the show. What becomes possible for our world when we choose to move from fear into inspiration? What happens when we use technology to our advantage? Lyle is the co-founder of a VR education platform focused on the next-evolution of education. The two talk about the possibilities of a new and inspired world, for everyone to live in harmony. Tune in today to listen to Amorahki and Lyle talk all about the passion and possibility of bettering humanity's relationship with technology through a metaverse that upgrades your avatar. You don’t want to miss this episode about co-creating an inspired world!

2023-01-10T18:13:06-07:00January 14th, 2023|

SOS – Living the Change

How can you start living the change? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Shayna Renee Hammond to the show. Change can be scary. But that doesn’t mean it’s bad or that we should avoid it. The two talk about how to dive into the deep end of the change pool in order to take advantage of your life, and help change the world. Tune in today to learn all about how you can start living the change today.

2023-01-10T17:42:19-07:00January 13th, 2023|

ISP – Shortcuts

Shortcuts, shortcuts. Do shortcuts have the ability to help us create the life we truly want? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Bob Hasson to the show. Bob is the author of the book Shortcuts, and the two explore the concept of taking shortcuts, and if there really are any that we can take in life. Tune in today to learn if shortcuts actually work, and if they even exist at all.

2023-01-10T17:48:56-07:00January 12th, 2023|

WOA – Healing

What is the power of healing? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan welcomes guest, Dr. & Master Sha to the show! The two talk about the nature of Tao - how clear and turbulent energy combine to create life. They talk about what happens when you welcome negative energy to your life, instead of positive energy. In this episode, you’ll learn about how to welcome light into your life, and harness your inner power. Tune in today to learn all about healing!

2023-03-17T11:32:34-07:00January 11th, 2023|

SOS – Experiencing Life Through our Bodies

How can we start experiencing life through our bodies? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Karla Perez to the show. The two talk about how to be embodied, in your body. When challenging things occur in our lives, it can be easy to not want to stay in our bodies and vacate. This episode teaches you how to stay grounded, even if where you’re standing seems shaky. Tune in today to learn all about experiencing life through our bodies!

2022-12-13T18:35:14-07:00January 6th, 2023|

ISP – Dare to UnLead

How can you dare to unlead? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Celine Schillinger to the show to talk all about leadership, or un-leadership. Celine is the author of Dare to UnLead, and an expert in the topic of leadership. The two talk about the concept of being an engaging leader, and how businesses can become focused on building strong dynamics within the world of business relationships! Tune in today to learn more about how you can dare to UnLead!

2022-12-13T18:28:22-07:00January 5th, 2023|

SES – Creating An Alive Environment for Our Children

How can we create an alive environment for our children? In this episode of the Spiritual Ecstacy Show, host Gabriel Cousens M.D. warmly welcomes the topics of fostering healthy, loving environments for our youth of today. Parenting works like an ecosystem. When you feel alive, you can foster good relationships, to help your children feel alive too! Tune in today to learn more about creating an alive environment for our children!

2022-12-13T18:13:29-07:00January 4th, 2023|

YSPM – The Power of Tenacity

What is the power of tenacity? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes guest Dr. Allen Lycka to the show to talk all about tenacity and the great powers it holds. They talk about victimization, and how to flip the victim to an empowered opportunist switch. Dr. Lycka and Kristin discuss the importance of mindset, and identify some foundational beliefs that allow people to live their lives to the fullest! Tune in today to learn more about the power of tenacity!

2022-12-13T18:11:51-07:00January 2nd, 2023|

SPS – Men, Sex & CEFA

Men, Sex, and CEFA oh my! In this episode of Superpowers, host Amorahki and guest Justin Recla warmly welcome the topic of men, sex, and CEFA to the show. What do men and those who love them need to learn in order to experience true intimacy? This episode will answer the sensual questions we’ve all been asking. From emotional, physical, and vibrational, there are so many levels of intimacy we get to discover and experience. Tune in today to learn about how to experience them all in this episode on men, sex and CEFA!

2022-12-13T18:08:59-07:00December 31st, 2022|

SOS – Creating Healing Spaces

How can you create healing spaces in your life? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Amelia Vogler to the show. Amelia is a healer, life coach, grounding and energy medicine specialist, and so much more. The two talk about holding space in your life amidst chaos and pain, and how to create a healing space for yourself and those around you. The healing process can be long and tedious, but this episode will give you tips on how to handle healing! Tune in today to learn more about the power of creating healing spaces!

2022-12-13T18:00:56-07:00December 30th, 2022|

ISP – Thinking Bigger

How can you start thinking bigger? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Forbes Shannon to talk all about what it means to expand your mindset and start thinking bigger. Forbes is a co-founder of Venture Cafe, and co-author of a book all about exponential theory and thinking big. Tune in today to learn more about thinking bigger!

2022-12-13T17:33:57-07:00December 29th, 2022|

WOA – Magic of Color

What is the magic of color? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan welcomes guest Leslie Sloane to the show to have a colorful conversation! The two will cover topics such as soul powers, the Lady of the Lake, healing inner child trauma, color therapy, and the rainbow world of healing. This is a powerful episode, giving you the ins and outs of the magic of color. Tune in today!

2022-12-13T18:23:20-07:00December 28th, 2022|

ILP – Peace on Earth

What is true peace on earth? In this episode of the Messages of Infinite Light Podcast, host Ayn Cates Sullivan warmly welcomes this abstract episode all about world change. There is so much division and strife in the world, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Ayn talks about how to establish real peace in our lives, and in the universe. Finding peace and solitude can be one of the hardest tasks, but the outcome is worth the wait. Tune in today as Ayn talks about basic goodness, the Tree of Life, feeling peaceful and earth, and summoning true peace on earth!

2022-12-13T17:49:01-07:00December 26th, 2022|

SOS – Activate Your Full Potential

How can you activate your full potential? In this episode of The Science Of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Shira Miller to talk about what it means to embrace who you are and activate your powerful potential. Sometimes it can be hard to see fully what we’re capable of until we accomplish something. Tune in today to learn about how to activate your full potential!

2022-12-13T17:50:27-07:00December 23rd, 2022|

ISP – Self Leadership

What does self leadership mean to you? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Andrew Bryant to talk about the concept of being a self leader. Andrew is a consultant and expert on this topic. He is the author of a book that centers around the dynamics of human leadership and what it means to collaborate to make an impact. Tune in today to learn more about self leadership!

2022-12-13T17:34:22-07:00December 22nd, 2022|

YSPM – Making Permanent Life Transformation

How can you make a permanent life transformation? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes guest Lillian So to talk all about changing your life with permanent transformations. They talk about the importance of taking radical responsibility, what to ask when you don’t know where to start making changes, and the 5 pillars of transformation. Tune in today to learn more about making permanent life transformation!

2022-12-13T17:39:11-07:00December 19th, 2022|

SPS – The Hara Dimension

What is the Hara Dimension? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki welcomes guest Amelia Vogler to the show. The Hara Dimension is the energy that carries the wisdom of your soul between and through lifetimes. Accessing this dimension is akin to accessing your Spiritual Inheritance where the potentials through your “life on earth” experience are revealed. This is a powerfully energetic episode! Tune in today to learn more about the Hara Dimension.

2022-12-06T17:24:50-07:00December 17th, 2022|

SOS – Tao Source Healing with Master Sha

What is tao source healing? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla is joined by guest Dr & Master Sha. Dr. Sha is the author of over 25 books who combines traditional Chinese medicine, the essence of Western medicine, and ancient energy and spiritual secrets from China. Tune in today to learn more about the true essence of Tao Source Healing with Master Sha.

2022-12-06T18:21:59-07:00December 16th, 2022|

ISP – The Only Relationship that Matters

What is the only relationship that matters? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Peter Lawry to the show. Peter is making a return to the show to talk about Christ centric businesses and leadership. The two talk about the importance of having God in the business world, and what happens when we let the divine take charge of our lives. Tune in today to learn about the only relationship that matters.

2022-12-06T18:04:04-07:00December 15th, 2022|

WOA – Intuition

How can you use your intuition? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan welcomes guest Leslie Sloan to talk about the power of our intuition. Our minds work in mysterious ways, and this show helps unlock the key to solve them. The two talk about seeing unseen energies, finding a path to awaken intuition, how the colors play a role in intuition, and so much more. Tune in today to learn all about intuition!

2022-12-06T18:05:28-07:00December 14th, 2022|


HELP! How can you get help? In this episode of the Messages of Infinite Light Podcast, Ayn Cates Sullivan delivers a special monologue. What happens when we get disconnected from the Divine? Ayn talks about light awareness, how to break free from the chains of life, and how to access our higher selves. Tune in to this episode all about how to get help!

2022-11-29T18:34:27-07:00December 12th, 2022|

IMS – Receiving The Gift

How can we be receivers of the gift? What is the gift? In this episode of the Inspired Messages, messenger Amorahki warmly welcomes the start to this holiday series. The Receiving the Gift series illuminates the power of harnessing reciprocity from genuine gratitude. This series will show how you can harness the gifted power of CEFA in your life during this holiday season. Tune in today to learn all about receiving the gift!

2022-11-29T18:20:08-07:00December 11th, 2022|

SOS – Finding a Way to Leave to Your Mark

How can you leave your mark? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Chris Carlisle to the show. They talk about leadership, and making an impact in the world. Leaving your mark means showing who you are, even after your time on one journey has passed. This is a rich conversation talking about the ebbing and flowing of us as individuals. Tune in to this episode to learn all about finding a way to leave your mark!

2022-11-29T18:04:02-07:00December 9th, 2022|

ISP – Instant Authority

What is instant authority? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Colleen Biggs to the show. Colleen is a coach and a consultant who has helped launch over 340 businesses, building a community of over 3000 women CEOs and entrepreneurs. The two talk about what it takes to get your business and brand to the next level. Tune in today to learn more about instant authority.

2022-11-22T19:01:33-07:00December 8th, 2022|

SES – Alive Parenting

What is alive parenting? In this episode of the Spiritual Ecstacy Show, host Gabriel Cousens warmly welcomes this topic. He talks about how an alive parent takes on the role of a spiritual warrior, the art and mystery of parenting being the source of love, sweetness, and caring guidance. He shows you how to support your children to reach the highest expression of sacred design, and support your children to be the truth they are meant to be. Tune in today to learn about alive parenting!

2022-11-22T18:45:22-07:00December 7th, 2022|

YSPM – Tips for Living Happier

How can you live happier? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Amy Newmark give you tips for living happier. Amy is editor-in-chief and publisher of the Chicken Soup for the Soul. She is immersed in telling stories to encourage people to live their happiest lives with more purpose. The two discuss the 10 Keys to happiness, and mindset shifts to help you live to your fullest potential. Tune in today to learn more about tips for living happier!

2022-11-22T18:35:51-07:00December 5th, 2022|

SPS – Navigating Your Rhythm Through Starseed Astrology

How can you navigate your rhythm through starseed astrology? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki welcomes guest Riley Oliveia to talk all about starseed astrology, and how it can help you find your natural rhythm with life. Riley is a practitioner of intuitive, evolutionary and galactic astrology, and is super passionate about helping starseeds navigate the energies of NOW through the tool of astrology. If you want to learn more about Starseed astrology, and finding your rhythm, this is the episode for you. Tune in today to learn all about navigating your rhythm through Starseed astrology.

2022-11-22T18:26:32-07:00December 3rd, 2022|

SOS – Bridging Science and Spirituality

What does it mean to bridge the gap between science and spirituality? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Tom Paladino to the show to talk about Science, Spirituality, and how the two can meet up. They talk about Newtonian Physics, religion, the supernatural, and how the worlds of science and spirituality became disconnected. Tune in today to learn about bridging science and spirituality!

2022-11-22T18:10:42-07:00December 2nd, 2022|

ISP – Weed Strategy

What is the Weed Strategy? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Stu Heinecke to the show to talk all about weed strategy. Stu is a cartoonist for the Wall Street Journal and has written a book on the very topic of this show. He is known as the father of contract marketing and delivers strategies to help businesses grow like weeds. Do you want to take your business to the next level? Tune in today to learn more about using the weed strategy to grow your business.

2022-11-22T17:57:55-07:00December 1st, 2022|

SOS – The Evolution of Change

What is the evolution of change? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Zen Benefiel to the show. They talk about what the evolution of change is and when it's coming. The world and society as we know it evolves on a daily basis, and with that constant evolution can come a lot of confusion as the people of modern-day society. But this episode will show you how to navigate the change, and ride the wave. Tune in today to learn all about the evolution of change.

2022-11-22T17:46:26-07:00November 25th, 2022|

ISP – Meetings Done Right

How can your meetings be done right? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Mamie Kanfer Stewart to talk all about how to have good meetings. In the entrepreneurship world, meetings can help us build our businesses, and bring our work-relationships to the next level. Mamie is the founder and CEO of Meeteor, which is an organization that provides tools and training to help run effective meetings. Are you an entrepreneur? Do you want to learn how to take your meeting game to the next level? Then this episode on meetings done right is the episode for you!

2022-11-22T17:44:33-07:00November 24th, 2022|

YSPM – Become Your Best You

How can you become your best you? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell welcomes guest Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino to the show to talk about finding the best possible version of yourself. This episode will show you how to discover who you truly are, how to handle change, and learn to accept yourself even in the hardest times in life. The two talk about how to step out of your comfort zone and discover your own process of change. Tune in today to learn all about how to be the best you!

2022-11-15T17:55:08-07:00November 21st, 2022|

IMS – Have The Happiest of Holidays

How can you have the happiest of holidays? In this kick-off of the Inspired Messages Series, messenger Amorahki welcomes the topic of the season. As we get into the holiday season, it’s important to have cheer and remember why we love each other. This series reminds us that the holiday spirit starts with us, and how to use our tools such as CEFA to create beautifully magical experiences and memories with those we love. Tune into this Inspired Messages Series all about how to have the happiest of holidays!

2022-11-15T18:31:36-07:00November 20th, 2022|

SPS – How To Heal Yourself

How can you heal yourself? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, host Amorahki welcomes guest Sandie Gascon to talk all about the journey of self healing. Sandie is a healing-practitioner and founder of the Integrative Healing Academy. The process of healing can be long, but it is worth it, no matter what you’ve been through. Sadie’s passion is to help people find the root of their health-issues, to help them recover. If you are someone who wants to learn more about recovery, this episode is for you! Tune in today to learn all about how to heal yourself!

2022-11-15T17:55:28-07:00November 19th, 2022|

SOS – The Secrets We Discover Through Our Brains

What are the secrets that we discover through our brains? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Friederike Fabritius to talk all about the knowledge inside of our brains. As humans, we contain so much information on a daily basis, and sometimes doubt our ability to know things. In this episode, you will learn about how to trust that internal knowledge, and how to find the key to unlock the secrets we discover through our brains.

2022-11-15T17:41:03-07:00November 18th, 2022|

ISP – Harmonizing Life

What do we get from harmonizing life? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Arnaud St. Paul to talk all about this topic. Arnaud is the creator of The Heartful Method and is an expert in harmonizing lives. Harmonizing your life can look a thousand different ways, but overall it means coming to terms with your existence and feeling at peace with it. Be sure not to miss this episode to learn all about the powerful peace in harmonizing life!

2022-11-08T18:55:02-07:00November 17th, 2022|

LTN – Being a Young Leader

What is the power of being a young leader? In this episode of Leave it to Neva, host Neva Recla welcomes guest Hanalei Swan to the show to talk all about what being a young leader really means. Both of these young leaders got their start in this world from very young ages, and have been through a lot of experiences because of that. They talk about treating yourself with respect in all situations, self-confidence, the struggles youth of today face, and how you’re never too young to do what you love, even if what you love is outside of societal boxes. Tune in today to hear this powerful episode all about being a young leader!

2022-11-08T18:42:13-07:00November 12th, 2022|

SOS – How to Work with the Divine Mother

How can you work with the Divine Mother? In this episode of The Science of Superpowers, host Tonya Dawn Recla welcomes guest Connie Huebner, who’s written a book all about this topic, to talk about what the Divine Mother is, and how to connect with her. The two talk about the power of oneness with the Divine Mother, and the sense of graciousness, and love we receive by leaning into her. Tune in today to learn all about how to work with the divine mother!

2022-11-08T18:23:55-07:00November 11th, 2022|

ISP – Expanding the Human Persona

How can you expand your human persona? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla welcomes guest Les Jensen to the show. Les is the CEO and founder of New Human Living and has been in broadcasting for over 40 years. The two explore the human persona, how the mind works, and what we can do to uplevel your avatar. Tune in today to learn all about expanding the human persona!

2022-11-08T17:35:14-07:00November 10th, 2022|
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