SPS – How To Live A Meaningful Life

How can you live a meaningful life?How do you balance living for today, planning for the future, and learning from the past? How do you become your highest and best self? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, Amorahki chats with Jeff Rasley about his latest book, 72 Wisdoms, a guidebook that covers 72 concerns all thinking people care about that is designed to enhance your spiritual, psychological, and philosophical health. Jeff is a lawyer, author, professor, activist, and president of the Basa Village Foundation as well as the Sci and Tech Foundation of Indiana. Each of the 72 wisdoms are quotes which introduce particular topics of concern that are relevant to each stage of life: giving birth to a baby, falling in love, and parenting, as well as grieving the loss of loved ones, and preparing for your own death. Prepare to be inspired as Jeff shares profound stories, personal experiences, humorous observations and probing questions that will deepen your understanding of how to live a meaningful life today!

2023-02-28T18:14:49-07:00March 11th, 2023|

SPS – The Unifying Power of Values

What is the unifying power of values? What is the power of a life guided by positive values over programmed beliefs, and what impact can that power have on our shared world? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, Amorahki chats with Jeff Rasley about this power as its evidence in the world via his work with the Basa Village Foundation. Jeff, a lawyer, author, professor, and activist, is president of the Foundation, which funds culturally sensitive development in Nepal. They exchanged ideas on the philosophy of living a value-based life and being of service to the world as the precursors to becoming a better person. Prepare to be inspired by what can happen when we bravely choose to go beyond belief into a values-based way of living and decision-making. Tune in to know more about the unifying power of values.

2022-10-11T18:17:48-07:00October 22nd, 2022|

HFH – Soul Travels to Connect to the Akasha

Have you heard about Akasha? Can it help in binding the forces to lift your soul? In this episode of High Frequency Healing, host AngelaMaría is joined by Jeff Rasley. Jeff is a lawyer, author, award-winning photographer, and founder of the Basa Village Foundation. He helps raise money for culturally sensitive development in the Basa area of Nepal. Listen in now as AngelaMaría and Jeff talk about how you can immerse yourself in the right combination of energy so you can connect with other people and start lifting your souls. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts, and you are listening to the High Frequency Healing show. Awaken superpowers through higher dimension healing. The only difference between where you are, to where you want to be, is the actions you take, here and now to heal your life. Let's take a deep breath [...]

2020-05-18T13:29:50-07:00May 19th, 2020|

SPU – Can One Man Change the World?

Many have wondered if they have the power to change the world, but few explore how they would do it. In this episode of SuperPower Up!, we chat with Jeff Rasley who embodies the notion that absolutely one man can change the world. Jeff discusses how his work with the Boss Village Foundation helped the people of Nepal, India. He helped raise monies to create foundational systems that supported education, health and wellness. His ideology on becoming a better person for yourself, starts in the commitment to be of service to the world. Photo by Jeff Rasley Hello, everybody! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am really touched today to have with me a remarkable man. You know he's one of those people that we say he looks really good on paper I couldn't even pretend to jump into [...]

2018-02-26T21:17:35-07:00December 22nd, 2017|
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