HFH – Ready to Overcome the Break Up

After suffering from a major heartbreak, when do you stand up and tell yourself that you are ready to overcome the break up? Other than a strong support system, you also need an expert to guide you along the process. Intimacy Expert, Allana Pratt is a global media personality and go-to authority for those who have suffered heartbreak and are ready to live unapologetically and attract an open-hearted, ideal relationship. Allana joins HFH host AngelaMarίa to discuss what to do when you are ready to overcome break up. Her vulnerability and courage landed her a featured weekly column on the Good Men Project, and many other recognized TV shows. Listen in to hear how Allana guides her clients to have a thriving intimate relationship with themselves first, which naturally attracts and enhances their ideal partnerships. Hello, this is AngelaMaría, one of the SuperPower Up! hosts and [...]

2019-10-28T19:26:15-07:00November 5th, 2019|

SPS – Being Healthy

 In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Dr. Meg Haworth and Jennifer Urezzio discuss being healthy. Dr. Meg believes that the body always remembers what we try to forget and provides tangible tools to release those trapped emotions that cause distress and disease. Listen now, to have a better connection with your body and learn how to be healthy. Hello everyone and welcome. I'm Jennifer Urezzio. This is a SuperPowers of the Soul and I am a superpower expert and founder of Soul Language. And today we're talking with Dr. Meg Haworth. And the subject and the topic is called Being Healthy. Hello, Dr. Meg. Hey, thanks for having me today. I'm so excited. I think especially spiritual people tend not to really focus on truly being healthy until they have to. I think we're so used to focusing within that we don't focus on [...]

2019-10-27T07:12:20-07:00November 3rd, 2019|

SPS – Getting Over a Break Up

In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Candice Harper, Love Coach, shares her tips about getting over a breakup. During this interview, Candice and Jennifer talk about how the first step is to feel your emotions. This creates space to understand your role in the relationship in order to move on and move up the relationship scale. Listen now to find how loving yourself is the key to getting over a breakup. Hello everyone, and welcome. This is Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and the founder of Soul Language, and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today I'm with Candice Harper and we're going to be talking about getting over a breakup.  Welcome, Candice. I'm so excited about this subject. Thank you, Jennifer. I'm really excited, too. This is right in my wheelhouse, right up my alley. I'm excited because I don't have to get [...]

2019-08-08T19:44:21-07:00August 11th, 2019|

YSPM – Ultimate Self Help Tips

Debbie Hampton joins YSPM host Kristin Maxwell to share powerful self-help tips around recovering from depression and anxiety. Now an author and inspirational educator, Debbie shares how she learned to direct and control her thoughts, develop resilience, and ultimately change her brain through the power of neuroplasticity. Listen in as Debbie and Kristin discuss processes for creating a brain-healthy lifestyle and transforming negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotions. Hi everyone, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind, I'm your host Kristin Maxwell, and in this show, we explore the process of transformation, and give you tools and strategies you can use to transform your own life. Today we are going to be talking to Debbie Hampton about the ultimate self-help tips, how to overcome depression and anxiety. Debbie Hampton recovered from decades of unhealthy thinking and depression, a suicide attempt, and resulting brain injury to become an inspirational and [...]

2019-06-15T10:20:45-07:00June 24th, 2019|

SPU – Emotional Healing is the Doorway to Higher Consciousness

Core emotional healing expert Elicia Miller joins Tonya Dawn Recla to talk about the deep work required to attain higher consciousness. They explore why some people resist diving into the depths of themselves to reveal their true inner power. Listen in as the explore how to get started on discovering the places within you that hold the keys to your super powers. Hello everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am tickled to have with us today, Elicia Miller. She's so much fun and you're just going to love her from the place of really understanding the connections of some deep core emotional healing and the role that it plays in growth. Now I know a lot of you are cringing because oh my gosh, we got to talk about emotions and I don't really want to do that work and [...]

2018-02-26T21:43:43-07:00September 8th, 2017|

Self Improvement Through Integrating Emotions

Self Improvement Through Integrating Emotions Self improvement through integrating emotions is the second step in preparing to develop your Super Powers. (Read: Personal Growth Step One - Manage Your Mind) After learning how to manage your mind, the next "child" piece of yourself to master is your emotional system. Emotional energy is very different from mental energy and the emotional system requires a delicate touch. Most of us in the Western world are much more comfortable dealing with thoughts than emotions so we tend to turn emotional energy into thoughts, ignore it altogether, or Reiki it out of us. None of these techniques honors the very important role your emotional system plays in your survival and evolution. This is one of the biggest hindrances to people's self improvement. As with the mind, the emotional system is designed to keep you alive. When you get a twinge of [...]

2021-05-28T01:20:08-07:00May 14th, 2016|

How to Master Emotions – Step 3 in Transformation

How to Master Emotions – Step 3 in Transformation This is the follow-up article to The Importance of Mastering Emotions in Transformation post. As I promised, this one outlines the actual process for moving through this step. I want to preface this by saying that this process works for most triggers. It takes a bit of practice in order for the impact to take hold but after a couple times it really becomes second nature. There are some emotional triggers that run so deep this process won’t work. But for your run-of-the-mill triggers of frustration, anger, control, annoyance, jealousy, etc. it should do the trick. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:50-07:00August 8th, 2013|
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