SLSP – Fully Conscious Divorce

Is it possible to have a fully conscious divorce? How can you tell the difference between a marriage that needs to end and one that can still be worked on? In this engaging conversation, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei talks with Mari Frank, a divorce attorney for over 30 years, about what some of the classic causes of divorce are, how to avoid them, and how to know when it really is time to dissolve the marriage. If you have been having thoughts of divorce, are wondering if your marriage is truly coming to an end or are looking for tools to prevent divorce, then this conversation is for you! Whether you are facing a divorce or not, tune in now to hear more about how to address conflict in your relationship. Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, [...]

2022-05-30T18:54:30-07:00November 13th, 2019|

SLSP – The Return of the Divine Feminine

What do bees and plant medicines have to do with the divine feminine? What does it mean to be sexy from a place of wholeness? In this interview, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and creatress of BeeSexy360 Emunah Malinovitz join forces to discuss the various aspects of the Divine Feminine and what honoring her in our daily lives actually looks like. If you’ve been longing for a deeper connection to your female sexuality, if you know there is something missing but you aren’t quite sure what, if you feel disconnected from other women, then definitely tune into this episode! Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and Superpowers podcast show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei and I am so thrilled to have with me again Ms. Emunah Malinovitz. She was on our show quite a while back and she has some new and exciting things she's [...]

2022-05-30T19:02:19-07:00August 28th, 2019|

SLSP – Trauma, Sex and Consciousness

What is trauma and what does it have to do with sex and consciousness? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei is joined by Sex Coach Stacy Michelle to discuss the ways our body registers trauma and the negative effect this can have on our relationship to sex. Trauma is more than just PTSD! In this conversation we explore the depths of how seemingly innocuous events from childhood and infancy can register in our brain as trauma. How does it impact our sex life and what can we do about it? Tune in to find out more! Hello, everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love, and Superpowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I am very excited for our guest, Stacy Michelle. We are going to be discussing trauma, sex, and consciousness. A lot of good stuff going to come out of this [...]

2022-05-30T19:02:49-07:00August 21st, 2019|

SLSP – How Our Consciousness Impacts Our Sex Life

In this episode, Executive Director and Founder of Super Power Experts, Tonya Dawn Recla, joins SLSP host Tatiana Berindei for a fascinating and multifaceted conversation about our consciousness and the powerful impact it has on our sex. If you’re on the path of consciousness evolution, if you have ever played out the victim-perpetrator roles in the sexual realm and if you want a glimpse of what is possible when we transcend those roles, then you will want to listen to this conversation. Hello everyone, welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your hostess, Tatiana Berindei, and today, I am really, really glad to have with me, my dear friend, sister, cohort in business, the founder of Super Power Experts, Tonya Dawn Recla. We are going to be discussing a very juicy and interesting topic, how our consciousness impacts our sex life. If [...]

2022-06-05T06:22:57-07:00February 6th, 2019|

SPC – Conscience Expressed In Music

Jeremy Parsons, singer-songwriter, joins David Delmar to share how his conscience guides and informs his music in a unique two-way relationship. How music anchors him to his soul and as long as he is nurturing his music’s needs they have a great experience together. For him it’s like the kind of relationship when a person meets someone for the first time and they know that’s the person for them. It’s the same feeling he had when he knew music was going to be his profession in life. So listen in and get inspired with as Jeremy shares about his conscience expressed in music. Hello! This is David Delmar, your host of Super Power Creatives. And you're listening to our episode 'Conscious Expressed in Music.' I believe everyone is a creator and it's this inherent birth right that's the source of our super powers. Stepping into this [...]

2018-11-03T18:01:40-07:00November 8th, 2018|

SPC – Musical Sense of Consciousness

Richard Lynch, singer-songwriter, joins David Delmar to share how his dad helped him discover his sense of consciousness that he utilized to develop who he is as an artist. The keen insights he shares cast a light on the importance of staying true to who you are when developing as a performing artist. He also shares about how a song called “Love Tattoo,” a touching tribute song for our soldiers, came to be and as a result of that magic more amazing things have happened all to which go to support our soldiers. So, listen in and get advice for life and as a performer as Richard shares about his musical sense of consciousness. Hello. This is David Delmar, your host of SuperPower Creatives, and you're listening to our episode Musical Sense of Consciousness. I believe everyone is a creator and it's this inherent birthright that's [...]

2018-10-17T01:19:40-07:00October 25th, 2018|

SPC – My Conscious And My Songs

Tia McGraff, award winning singer/songwriter, joins David Delmar to share her experiences navigating the world of music saying: My conscious is all about answering the calling from God to create music. Her perspectives about staying true as an artist and the wonderful experiences, relationships and connections it creates is where the real payoff comes from. She freely shares how changing who she was going to be around made such an impact in her life and how she wants others to know how important it is to be around positive people. So listen in and get advice and powerful wisdom from an accomplished artist and begin to ask the question, “What are my conscious and my songs saying about me?” Hello, this is David Delmar, your host of SuperPower Creatives, and you're listening to our episode 'My Conscious and My Songs'. I believe everyone is a creator [...]

2018-10-11T13:18:53-07:00October 11th, 2018|

SPS – Being Conscious In Love

Kate Houston, dating and love coach, joins Jennifer Urezzio to talk about her superpowers and share her wisdom about being conscious in love. After going through the roller coaster of being single, married, divorced with kids and back to dating, including joining every online dating site, Kate genuinely understands what it is like to be a single midlife woman looking for lasting love. So she put her real-life librarian research skills to work and set out to “master” this thing called love, end her own personal struggle and figure out the strategy to get it right. Based on the knowledge, experience, and skills that she learned, Kate now shares the collective wisdom to help countless women over forty find lasting love, too. Listen in as she explains the magic of being conscious in love. Hello everyone, I'm Jennifer Urezzio, SuperPower Expert and founder of Soul Language [...]

2018-05-27T18:38:00-07:00June 3rd, 2018|

SPS – Are We Conscious?

Dr. Rev. Frankie Timmers, a Religious Science minister, joins Jennifer Urezzio to discuss the topic about: are we conscious. She’s a dynamic speaker and teacher of metaphysics, a counselor, and an organizer of Center activities. She also conducts weekly lunch hour meditation sessions which are open to the public. She has been a guest on panels and radio/television shows. She presently teaches meditation at the Morristown Correction Facility. Dr. Frankie is a captivating soul and lives her life tuned into Spirit in a way that is contagious. Her ministry is all about celebrating who we REALLY are – Spirit in Expression. She takes the Science of Mind teaching and principles very seriously – and herself very lightly. Listen in as she shares her deep wisdom regarding the question - are we conscious? Hello, everyone, and welcome. My name is Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert and founder [...]

2018-04-19T16:36:56-07:00April 22nd, 2018|

SLSP – What Better Sex, Financial Wellbeing and Conscious Loving Have in Common

Emunah Malinovitz, a relationship coach, intuitive healer, and sacred goddess, joins Tatiana Berindei to explain conscious loving. She believes in true love for all and has taken her own journey while delving deep into the spiritual and sensual learning to enhance this love. Her courage to love and lose has enabled her to become whole and love herself, allowing her to attract a wholemate and truly experience love and deep connection and passion that continues to go deeper and deeper even when single. Listen in as she shares her deep wisdom about better sex, financial wellbeing and conscious loving have in common. Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love, and SuperPowers Podcast Show. I'm your host, Tatiana Berindei, and I am just so thrilled to have with me today Emunah Malinovitz because she is just such a kindred spirit. We, I always, I start out every [...]

2022-06-05T11:13:29-07:00March 28th, 2018|
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