What is Superpower Parenting? How do you connect more with your kids, and what intentionality will you pour into your relationships with them? In this episode of the IM show, The Reclas: Tonya, Justin, and Neva talk about the practice of superpower parenting and how it is done. Tonya emphasizes that parents should do this early as it dictates what their child sees next. Tonya also adds that pouring the right intentionality is crucial as the world children see when they grow older reflects today’s beliefs. Join The Reclas in this insightful episode to discover the practice behind superpower parenting.

Welcome, everyone. I’m Tonya Dawn Recla, your messenger today here on the IM show. I am so excited to share with you our latest series, Superpower Parenting. What a ride this has already taken us on. I’m so fortunate to have the privilege to share that journey with our daughter, Neva Lee Recla. She’s joining us in that message to share with you this amazing wisdom that she has, this deep insight. Her ability to see both the adult perspective, as well as the child perspective in these parent-child dynamics. Super fascinating to hear her feedback and her reflection from her very remarkable and unique journey through the development of herself. Mostly because her Dad and I made the conscious choice to rear her that way. It’s a super fascinating conversation. I invite you if you haven’t already to go now to superpowerexperts.com, select step two and if you put your email in there, you’ll be sure to get a message to your inbox each time one of the series goes live.

Activate Your Superpowers

The messages within them, those messages are a three-part series that airs each week. We walk you through the things that matter, right? In your life, how do you connect more with your kids? You love what you’re listening to on the network and what you’re seeing from us, but how do you include your family? Right? We just rolled out the Marriage Alchemy series. This is the real deal folks. These are the things about life that matter. These are the things that actually shape our reality. What intentionality are we going to pour into our family?

What intentionality are we going to pour into our relationships with our children? Then maybe you didn’t start at a young age like we do with Neva but you’d better start now. The consequences of dealing with the world or the reality that’s going to be created by perpetuating that kind of separation or even if it’s a good relationship, but you know, it could be better. That dictates what you see next, the world we see reflects what we believed yesterday. So if you’re not moving in the direction of evolving those relationships, then it’s important that you stop and ask yourself “why?”. We walk you through it in that series. We’re going to take you through some really cool concepts around keeping it real, developing teamwork in the home, and establishing family fun. It’s a brilliant way to look at your relationship and your dynamics with your children in a new light.

For those of you, who’ve been listening to the show, we appreciate you and that is step one in the journey to unlock your superpowers. You listen to a podcast episode each day from our Super Power Network, that attunes you to these conversations to higher frequency dialogues, to conversations about real things that matter, to actual conversations. Right? So much of what we engage in are quick snippets and comebacks. Right? So in our network, we have actual conversations with people who think about these things and who are in these things, and who inform these things and influence these things. It’s quite brilliant to be a part of. If you’ve been listening to the network for a while, we encourage you into step two of the process with the “I am” series. This is what we’re talking about here, a commitment to watching one of our “I am” videos each week.

These are all free resources folks. If you really truly want to unlock your superpowers and create change in your life and impact the world in a positive way, you have to start on the path. You have to keep taking steps forward. This is not going to magically happen as you sit and wiggle your nose on your couch, because none of us have been trained that way. Right? Most of us have been trained to do things the opposite way than how to walk in communion with each other to come from love and to impact change for good. We’re going to take a quick break, stay with us when we come back we’re going to talk more about that Superpower Parenting series on the IM series. Stay with us, we’ll be right back.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.