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Master Your Personal Power - MYP 103
Five Steps of Manifestation
Manifestation and the Law of Attraction
Law of Reciprocity
Listen to Spirit
Manage the Mind
Integrate Your Emotions
Move through the Body
Manifest in the Projection
5 Steps of Manifestation Worksheet
The New You Exercise
Integrated Learning
Understanding Triggers
Cognitive Triggers
Managing Cognitive Triggers
Emotional Triggers
Managing Emotional Triggers
Vibrational Triggers
Managing Vibrational Triggers
Coach Yourself
Managing Triggers Exercise
Triggers Worksheet
Integrated Learning
Collaboration and Oneness
Synergistic Collaboration
The Invitation
Getting to Know New You Exercise
Integrated Learning
Managing Triggers Exercise
MYP 103 Exercise
Understanding Triggers
1. What are the areas of your life or situations where you find yourself getting triggered?
(100 to 5,000 characters)
2. When you are triggered, what thoughts come up? What emotions? Make a list.
(100 to 5,000 characters)
3. Identify which top thoughts are most upsetting to you.
(100 to 5,000 characters)
Cognitive Triggers
1. Take one of the cognitive triggers that you identified above and describe how the concept of the 10-second rule or asking, "Do I need to make a decision right now?" could take you out of worry about the past or anxiety about the future in this area.
(100 to 5,000 characters)
2. Does doing the exercise change the intensity of the trigger?
(100 to 5,000 characters)
Emotional Triggers
1. Take one of the emotional triggers you identified above and integrate it into your heart.
(100 to 5,000 characters)
2. How did this process change your experience of the trigger?
(100 to 5,000 characters)
Vibrational Triggers
1. Select one of the cognitive or emotional triggers you identified above. As you think about this trigger, scan your body and notice any tightness or constriction.
(100 to 5,000 characters)
2. Where is the sensation in your body? Rate its intensity on the scale of 1-10 (10 being most intense).
(100 to 5,000 characters)
3. Try one of the exercises to loosen the vibration. How does this exercise change your experience of the trigger?
(100 to 5,000 characters)