Big ‘F’ Faith
One of the best definitions of faith is: without question. The Big “F” Faith IM series is all about harnessing the radical audacity to live in the Divine’s full embrace, without question. This doesn’t mean we don’t question or seek clarity, but we allow our faith to inform and shape our awareness instead of building first in fear, then demanding the Divine help us make sense of it. When we cling tightly to our faith and refuse to let the projection, the world, reality, or anyone else chip away at that relationship of trust, we begin to understand how to walk in full communion with Spirit and live a life infused with Divine creative ability. The miracle is real, but the cost is releasing all that isn’t. Don’t miss this third and final message in the Big “F” Faith IM series.
Podcast: Whats Behind a Happy Life
Podcast: Normalizing Spirituality
Article: Jumping across the Chasm of Personal Growth
Book: Watch, Assess, React: The Ultimate Guide for Personal Power & Safety
Program: Redesign Reality Readiness Assessment