Justin Recla

Looking for the secret sauce behind a truly happy life? In the first episode of A Glimpse Inside’s series, Letting Happiness Win, host Wendy Perrotti talks to guest Justin Recla about what’s behind a happy life hat very thing. You’ll be surprised at what this former counterintelligence agent turned rockstar entrepreneur has to say. If happiness is what you’re seeking, then don’t miss it.e

Welcome, this is A Glimpse Inside, I’m Wendy Perrotti and today we’re beginning our four-part, Letting Happiness Win series, with a conversation about what’s behind a happy life. My guest today is a force to be reckoned with, and I can’t wait to hear what he’s got to say about being happy.

Justin Recla is an army veteran and former Counterintelligence Agent who transitioned those counterintelligence techniques into the business world. Justin increases trust and certainty for his client’s business relationships and has founded the Clear Business Directory to promote transparency in business-to-business transactions. In addition to changing how business gets done, Justin courageously embarked on the Super Power Experts adventure with his wife, Executive Director Tonya Dawn Recla. As Director of Operations, he provides a much needed balance to her cosmic persona, which I can attest to. Justin’s clients benefit from his practical approach to transformation and evolution. Whether it’s learning how to utilize the abstract frequency in business, managing logistics while maintaining high vibration, or accessing information from different realms, Justin is the expert to call on. And, if you’re looking to create an edge for yourself in business, do not miss his insanely good podcast, Incorporating Superpowers. Welcome, Justin.

What’s behind a happy life

Thank you Wendy for having me on the show. I’m looking forward to this, it’s going to be fun.

Yeah. So, I’m kind of guessing that there are a lot of listeners out there, now that I’ve read your bio saying, “What the hell, what’s the counter intelligence business disruptor guy going to tell us about what’s really behind a happy life?”

Yeah. One, I can share from just sheer experience, a lot of people don’t like that, they counter intel, they think James Bond or Jason Bourne or whatnot, and how most of those kinds of arc types aren’t necessarily happy, they’re drama filled, they’re action filled, whatever that perception that people might have of that role. And what’s so funny is that role was so… the role that I played in that arena feels so far removed, I mean, we were just down in Sierra Vista, Fort Huachuca, taking our ten-year-old for the first time on the base to give her a glimpse as to the world that we came from. And it was the first time that she’s ever seen behind the scenes of what we used to do, and she got a glimpse of it, and literally a lifetime ago, 10 years ago. But it served me well, everything that I’ve learned in that arena served me very, very well and helped me create the foundation for the life that we’ve built so far.

So, before we get onto what’s really behind a happy life, since you’re the business guy, do you think there’s a place for happiness in the business world? What’s behind a happy life

That is a great question.

It’s a loaded question because you know what-

That is a loaded question. That this is the biggest misnomer that people have when they transition into being business owners is that thinking that running your own business is going to bring you happiness. And first and foremost, and to answer your question directly, yes, if you’re not having fun, you shouldn’t be doing it. Simple as that.

Right on.

Right? Simple as that. I mean, that’s the basics. So that’s the basis for anything that we do in our business, is one, is it fun? Two, is it easy? And three, is it in alignment with God’s purpose for the path that He’s put us on. And if it doesn’t meet those three criteria, we don’t do it. We just don’t do it. I mean, and we’ve turned clients away, tens of thousands of dollars, just because it wasn’t going to be fun, it wasn’t in alignment with our mission. Absolutely, could we have helped the person? Sure. But knowing that we weren’t going to have fun doing it, we referred them out to somebody else who would better serve them. And it’s being able to have the courage to say, “Nope, not going to do that because I know it’s not fun.”

I think a couple of those things, people don’t realize generally we sort of associate fun with happy, but we don’t necessarily think about, easy, enough in our lives, right? We complicate things to such a degree that we forget that there’s so many ways that we can go about things and most of them are a hell of a lot easier than our initial approach or our initial instinct for approach, right? What’s behind a happy life

Yep. So, and that’s the key though, is when you’re inside the box and you’re looking out, you only know what you know, right? And we’ve seen this, I mean, we’ve consulted with thousands of business owners over the last eight years, and you don’t know what you don’t know. You only can see the perspective that you’ve had, but if you’re willing to step outside of the box and look at it from an observer standpoint and recognize that, “Oh wait, maybe there are some things that I can learn here. Maybe there are some things that I don’t know, that if I just make a slight tweak, this becomes easier.” You don’t have to struggle. It doesn’t have to be hard. And if it’s not easy, that’s your first indicator that you probably shouldn’t be doing it.

But something’s out of line, right? I read something somewhere, I think it was in a Chip and Dan Heath’s work. I love those guys, so a lot of my info has come from them.

I think it was them that said that in their research people try to find a solution that is equally complex to the problem. Right? And with all of those moving parts, we end up going awry.


So the other thing, the third thing that you said that I loved about being happy, is alignment with purpose, and for you and Tonya, it’s alignment with the divine. Whatever that is for people, I think people find themselves stuck sometimes thinking they’re doing the right thing, they’re trying to be happy. In essence, the pieces are in place for them to be happy, and yet they’re not, and often that’s a misalignment with their own sense of value and purpose. Was there a part, a time in your life where you kind of woke up and said, “Huh, I’m out of alignment with where I’m supposed to be or what I’m supposed to be doing or need to be doing?”

Yeah. I get the chills as you just said that, because absolutely. I was blessed to have married my guru and what I’ve learned from being with Tonya over the last 12 years was, she’s a remarkable woman, knows more than any person on the planet that I’ve ever met. Her ability to connect to the community and help people see what it is that they’re doing, is by far just amazing, and if anybody’s had a conversation with her, they’d know what I’m talking about. But for me, I was in this great relationship with her, and I knew I was doing this work, I just knew this was the path that we were supposed to be on, we’re building these businesses and all of these things, and everything was working, but I was seeing things from a very lower level, from a bottom level, up. I didn’t have the vision that she had. And it wasn’t until April of last year, Easter as a matter of fact, Easter 2019, when I got baptized, that my perspective shifted.


And it was a huge, huge alignment because I was looking at things, especially as an operations director, where as you know, it’s get shit done and make things happen. And that was all working fine and well, but I was in this mindset of checking the box, and I wasn’t seeing things from a bigger perspective. And while I was happy per se, I knew I wasn’t living my life at the highest, and that was because I was not seeing it from that higher perspective and seeing it from how it was lined up with the divine and the guidance that Tony had been given. And while I was the mechanics of helping make everything work, I wasn’t in alignment with the divine purpose and in my role in it.

And when I got baptized, it literally completely shifted my perspective on things and I started doing things differently. I started seeing things differently. I started seeing how it wasn’t just about check the box that made me happy. Yeah, absolutely, get it, I’m a generator, I love checking the box, right? I love seeing my task list complete, but nothing makes me happier than knowing that the work that we’re doing in the world is in service to something greater than ourselves and it’s having an impact on other people’s lives. And it was that moment, that time when I got baptized that my life and the way I live it, the way I work and the way I connect and interact with people, completely changed. And since then, my perspective is literally… Do you want to be happy in your business? Tune in, start communing with the divine, like you said, whatever that looks like for you, right?

The problem is, so many business owners and entrepreneurs have stopped talking to God, stopped talking to the universe, and they’ve to the left to their own accord trying to figure it out. It’s going to be a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be. And again, if it’s not easy, you shouldn’t be doing it. And if you want it to be easy, tap into your higher self, connect with the divine and watch what happens.

Holy smokes. Okay, my brain is exploding with all the things I want to ask you, but we have to take a quick break. Before we do, just for the heck of it Justin, on a scale of one to 10, with one being, can’t get out of bed in the morning, and 10 being, I’m so happy I might explode, how would you rate yourself currently?

I’m just getting over a batch of the flu, physically I’m much better and I would say that right now my life is, I’m feeling it a nine right now, a solid nine. So, which is great because I plan on busting through to 11 and 12 in the next two months.

Oh my gosh, I love that you’re going to break the barrier of the scale that I gave you. All right, that’s awesome. We’re going to take a quick break. We’ve been talking with Justin Recla about what’s really behind the happy life and when we come back, he and I are going to dig into the things that can get in the way of being happy and what you can do about them. Justin, what can listeners do if they want to know more about you?

Well, they can always come in and they can download the Super PowerNetwork app by searching for, Super Power Experts or, Super Power Net on any one of the app stores, Google or iTunes, you can download the network there. My podcast is on there as is yours, or connect with me directly by sending an email at [email protected].

Awesome. Stay with us. We’ll be right back. What’s behind a happy life

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