Big ‘F’ Faith

When lukewarm faith and mediocre commitment simply won’t cut it anymore, we hear the call to step into something much bigger than ourselves. We stand at the edge of a chasm, facing the void that both beckons and terrifies us,  wondering if we have the strength to trust the promise and leap. There’s no way to properly encapsulate this experience, but we try. The experience of lighting up the purest element within us and connecting it to the purest element within all things. The experience of riding the waves of creation itself and seeing through the eyes of the Divine. The experience of knowing all things as Spirit and finding yourself within. An all-consuming, myopic focus of this magnitude within a human existence is unthinkable to most, but most never reach the full embrace of co-creation with the Divine. Each of us eventually reaches a decision-point asking us to choose between continuing to build on a foundation of fear or step boldly into the existence we know is possible, built solidly on faith. We call this Big “F” Faith.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take a deep look at the relationship between fear, fault and faith and how to step fully into a total relationship with the Divine. It takes courage to stop, turn and stare your world in the face, but that’s the call we’re all responding to. And it’s going to take Big “F” Faith to get us there.

This Series

In this IM Series, we explore the concept of Faith from a place of total commitment. While most of us were programmed to build on some element of fear, faith promises something completely different. In order to completely change ourselves, our lives, our world, we must be willing to review everything we think we know about ourselves, our lives, our world, and rebuild it all founded in faith first. This requires complete trust in the ability of faith to disentangle us from the guilt and fear that motivate so much of how we navigate the world. 

In this series, you’ll:

  • Understand more fully the relationship between fear, fault and faith and move beyond being caught in the riptide of guilt.
  • Reignite your drive to pursue divine expression and learn how to step fully into the only thing that gets us there.