If you find yourself working too hard and lacking happiness and contentment in life, then you need improvement. Becoming fearless is not all about dropping your schedule and doing nothing at all — it’s about self-improvement. In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell is joined by Adrien Paczosa. Adrien is a registered and licensed dietitian who has years of presenting on topics of mental health, nutrition, and addiction. Listen in as Kristin and Adrien talk about how you can become fearless, and happier, while noticing an increase in personal well-being and productivity at work and in life.

Hi everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m your host Kristin Maxwell. And in the show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today we have a treat, we are going to be talking to Adrien Paczosa about becoming fearless, self-improvement at work and in life. So, Adrien Paczosa is a registered dietitian and eating disorder specialist who also helps entrepreneurs set up businesses that actually thrive. And in something that I think is super interesting, she mentioned that she noticed that eating disorder, brains and entrepreneur brains often have the same types of thinking patterns and or challenges. 

And so, she has able to help both kinds of people progress. She’s a mental health expert and a public speaker and also has her own podcast. I’m super excited to share her with you because she’s going to be just relevant to all of us no matter what is holding us back. So, Adrien, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

Kristen, I’m so excited to be here and to be a part of this podcast with y’all.

Thank you. Oh y’all, you’re from Texas.

Oh, of course.

How fun. So, my first question is always, what super power did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

This question I think it has so many levels and as I was marinating over what superpower and I think it was one to trust my mind and also which led into trusting myself. We have, I always tell people we have this itty bitty shitty committee inside of our head that tells us we’re not good enough or can’t do all of these things. And once I knew that I could trust myself, then I could get past all of those negative thoughts and trust my mind.

Wow. That’s okay, right there, you’re talking over something that’s like a lifelong path for many people.

Oh yes.It did not happen yesterday.

Right, so that process of getting over and out of your thoughts, that sounds like what you do a lot with people, whether-


yeah with entrepreneurs or with diet. So how is it that they’re similar or similarities and how you would approach that?

Oh yeah. And it’s interesting because a lot of times people don’t think that of how we nourish our body and how we show up in our business can cross. And so how I explain it to people is we have all of these beliefs that this is good, bad, right, wrong food, or this is how I should do things in my business. But when we take out all of that chitty chatty and that negative thoughts and we start to really trust the process of like Oh, I can eat foods and my body is so amazing and will digest and I can trust that my stomach is going to digest and my colon is going to do its magic.

And then if I trust all of the steps in starting a practice, we can really slowly start to wash away all that negative thoughts. And it sounds so easy sitting here on this podcast like, Oh yeah, just trust the process. But I know that it takes practice and that’s the purpose of working with a dietitian or a business coach so they melt together is we have to check in or else we’re going to fall apart really fast.

Yes, and my experience with dieting because my area is thoughts that these thoughts that go round and round and actually how do you get out of those thoughts is it’s like building a muscle to change what you think. I mean occasionally you have huge paradigm shifts that are instantaneously, but a lot of it, this how you show up in the world, what you’re thinking to yourself and how you’re judging things. If you want to change that, it’s a matter of working out your brain almost like a muscle.

Oh, amen. Amen. It takes so much time to build a new muscle and it takes so much time to change those thoughts and patterns. I used to always have this thought that oh I hate reading a hate reading. I wish I loved reading. I wish I could read books, all my friends read books. And so it has taken so much time and practice to do all of those things that like oh, I actually want to sit down and read because that’s my new pattern. So, it’s taken years to get to that place.

Wow. See my problem is I could sit and read and not do any work so.

I am so fascinated by people like that. I’m just like, Ugh, I trade ya. I think it’s so cool.

Isn’t that funny how we judge ourselves? Because I’m like if only I could go read or work instead of reading, wanting to read.

Yeah. I love that. How people start to judge and put all those labels and where did that come from and how come and how can we get rid of that label?

Yes. Yes. That’s really truly lovely. So, my first other question now, because I have a first a million other questions always is what, if you want to be fearless, because I know you in your work with practitioners, in building a business, that’s one of the things you talk about is becoming fearless. And first of all, what does it mean to be fearless to you?

Oh, I love that question and I think it evolves and so what is fearless when you first start out is going to be different when you, the eighth year into your business is going to be a different type of fearless. So to me fearless is jumping in and trusting in your dreams. We all know we all have that little itty bitty voice in the back of our heads saying like yes you do have that dream and you can actually have a practice. It is going to be work. You’re going to have ups and downs and backwards and forwards and all of that. And just jumping in and seeing what happens.

And what I love to do with my clients a lot is talk about worst case scenario. Okay, so worst case scenario, what if everything falls apart tomorrow and we have to shut down your practice? Cool. I’m 900% sure you can find another job and we can try it again. Maybe it wasn’t the right time. So going from that worst case scenario and finding ways to build up a safety cushion. And that’s also one of the things I work with clients a lot is, okay, what is your safety cushion when you jump and might be different then my safety cushion when I jump into something. And so, I want us also to feel really safe when were fearless.

I love that. Right, so you’re fearless and yet you’re not being like it’s going to be easy necessarily, but you knowing that you can survive.

Yes. And I think that’s why a lot of people may not jump into starting your private practice working on the relationship with their food and their body it seems too ginormous and too scary. But if you really look at the safety and what is your safety needs to be in order to take that risk, it makes it a lot easier to like, okay, I can do this. I’ve got a plan, I have an idea. I’m not going to do this alone.

Yes, that’s great. It’s this feeling of, I work with a lot of entrepreneurs myself, and there’s this feeling of… So, they’re going, they’re going towards it, but often with many tasks or goals that they’re wanting to reach, there’s this way that sometimes they give up before they even start.

Oh, that breaks my heart. That breaks my heart.

So that’s what we work on. So, we do have to go take a break. And when we come back, I am super excited to talk more about becoming fearless and self-improvement at work and life, but where can people learn about you and what you do?

Oh, thanks Kristen. So people can check it out over at fearlesspractitioners.com that’s the website and there’s links to free downloads and the podcasts, and then over on social media. It’s just Adrien Paczosa and I’m on all social media and I love to play on social media, so come say hi.

That’s great, the love to talk and so play in social media. Let’s, we’ll talk about that just anyway, hang on. We’ll be back in a moment.


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