How do you cope when you are facing life’s most challenging times? Do you run away and block these thoughts from your consciousness, or do you face it with total presence? In this episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan talks with Arthur Kilmurray on thoughts about making peace with reality. Kilmurray is a spiritual teacher and a blog owner. He is a yoga instructor who uses yoga poses as entry points to awaken the timeless flow of aliveness. Arthur Kilmurray believes that we must all trust that there is wisdom in our deepest core and soul. Listen in and understand how trusting the unknown can actually bring you the assurance you need.

Warm welcome and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show, where we invite the sacred into modern-day reality. But before we begin, I want to share a wisdom quote with you by a spiritual teacher known as Adyashanti and it goes like this, “So let us understand that reality transcends all of our notions about reality. Reality is neither Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Veda Vedanta, nor Buddhist. It is neither dualistic nor non-dualistic. Neither spiritual nor non-spiritual. We should come to know that there are more reality and sacredness in a blade of grass than in all of our thoughts and ideas about reality.”

So just think about that for a moment, a blade of grass. When we get scared, let’s observe a blade of grass or a flower for a moment. Let’s just get to what’s real, what’s infinite. It’s a beautiful, beautiful quote. Our show today is about being conscious in the most challenging of times. And we’re going to be speaking with Yogi Arthur Kilmurray about making peace with reality.

So there’s wisdom in being brave enough to embrace the mystery and learn as much as you can about the experience you’re in. We might want to run, but what we’re being called to is a shift in consciousness. We’re being called into total presence. Now, Arthur Kilmurray will be sharing his journey as a spiritual teacher, and it might help us learn how we can be present and stable in a changing world. Most of us want to find comfort, be healthy, financially stable, and know what’s going on, but we’re living in wild times.

And our survival needs lead us into contraction, fear, and depression. That’s not where we need to go in the most dangerous and chaotic times, we need to be aware, focused, and grounded in beingness. My wise guest Arthur Kilmurray is one of the most innovative, unique yoga instructors of our time, who uses yoga poses as entry points to awaken the timeless flow of aliveness. He has a wonderful blog that you might enjoy reading on

Now, Arthur, I heard just as we started the show, he’s been facing his own health challenges, which I’m hoping he’ll talk about moving through a very unknown future, but he’s done it with eyes wide open. He’s going to talk about what’s happening. Witnessing his bravery and openness has been humbling, a true yoga teaching. We are all in uncertain times and I feel this awake Yogi can help us overcome fear and embrace consciousness as a way of being. A new reality. So welcome Arthur.

Thank you, Ayn.

Thank you for doing this with us and helping us understand how we embrace the unknown.

Well, it’s amazing how we all have a deep intuition that’s totally natural, totally spontaneous, and ever-present. And yet very little in our culture encourages us to actually find it and develop it. It’s not like going to school and having to learn something, it’s just about being present to our true nature at its very depths. That’s what we need in this present time is the ability to actually just trust that in our deepest soul and our deepest core there’s tremendous wisdom, but there’s also the unknown. And there’s something very assuring about trusting the unknown. That’s one of the things we really need as we move forward in this crazy world.

Absolutely. Is there a collective awakening going on?

Oh, absolutely. It’s quite extraordinary to see. One of the obvious ways that it’s apparent to me is when I began my spiritual practice, say 50 years ago or so, as a student at MIT, enlightenment, and liberation and all of those things were interesting concepts and words that I was drawn to, but I had no idea what they meant, and I tried to figure them out. But what I’ve noticed over the years is that more and more people have been drawn to that. There’s like a giant flowering now of that generation of people, forties, fifties, sixties, and seventies now, the number of spiritual teachers on the planet that are channeling really, really amazingly extraordinarily wise wisdom, each with their own unique voice, each from their own unique set of backgrounds.

It’s created this collective awakening that … when we teach, one of the things we recognize is we’re all teaching the same thing. That’s what’s quite extraordinary. We may have slightly different words for it, but we’re all teaching the same phenomenon of going inside and awakening to your core and finding it in nature and finding it in your relationships. It’s quite extraordinary.

It is.

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It’s showing up in artists, it’s showing up in musicians, it’s showing up across almost all works of life, not just spiritual teachers. People are waking up in all kinds of other situations independent of traditional spiritual practice, which to me is the real sign that it’s a very collective process.

Absolutely, so it’s a global awakening. This is exciting. I’ve been reading your blog, which I find very interesting. You always have some kind of new tidbit of information about yoga, and do you want to tell us where we can find that?

All right, we’re going to take a short break, and when we come back we’re going to talk more about making peace with reality and also embracing the unknown. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.

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