SPU – What are Real Superpowers?

What are real superpowers? Are we talking about movie magic, science fiction, literary imagination or just plain woo-woo whatnot? Last week’s episode with Danielle Egnew shared insights about living with supernatural powers. This episode expands on the idea of superpowers and claims that superpowers are, indeed, real and we have methodologies to enhance their development. Whether we’re talking about predisposed superpowers, CAT I or CAT II superpowers or, the most powerful and essential superpower, intuition, we must first start with a construct that entertains the possibility they exist. Listen in to this information and how to discover your own predisposed superpowers. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And today I'm talking about, what are real superpowers. Last week, I talked with Danielle Egnew about living with supernatural abilities. She's been on the show a couple of times. She's such a delightful [...]

2019-11-26T06:34:02-07:00November 29th, 2019|

SPU – Living with Supernatural Powers

The idea of wielding supernatural powers to create impact is exciting, but what does it look like to live with them? Everyone wants supernatural powers, but what is it like to live with them? Danielle Egnew returns to the SuperPower Up! Network to talk with Tonya Dawn Recla about the responsibility that comes with honing superpowers and using them in the world. Their first conversation was all about super powers and the supernatural and in this episode they expand on the topic. Don’t miss the fantastic conversation that reveals the good, the bad and the ugly about living with supernatural powers.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I'm excited. First of all, I just want to talk about my sultry, post plague voice that I have going on here. So if you hear silence for a moment, it's because I'm [...]

2021-05-28T01:31:39-07:00November 22nd, 2019|

SPU – Spirit and Superpowers

Expanding on last week’s episode, Living by Christ’s Design, Tonya talks about spirit and superpowers and everything in between. In her discussion with Dave Stone, they unveiled some of the more challenging aspects of truly walking the world as God intended. This brings up all kinds of questions about religion, spirituality, metaphysics, magic and all things disruptive to the status quo. Listen in as she dissects the complexities and searches for the shared symbolism in all of it.  Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're expanding on last week's show of Living by Christ's Design with Dave Stone. And today's episode is Spirit and Superpowers. And the reason why we're coming back on and talking about this stuff is because it's... There was so much complexity, right? That gets brought up when we talk about living as the divine, walking [...]

2021-05-28T01:31:54-07:00November 15th, 2019|
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