As the world looks forward in an attempt to glimpse how we’ll navigate through, we suggest turning to radical love. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the latest Super Power Experts IM Series, Radical Love. This series takes the concept of love into places where real transformation, real integration and real solutions exist. As Kahlil Gibran said, “For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning.” In times of intense and widespread pruning, let’s regroup and reflect upon what it might look like to respond differently this time. To move in harmony with the Divine path set before us. To stare the projection in the face and say, “No thank you, not this time. I feel complete with fear. I feel complete with guilt. I feel complete with divisiveness. I choose love. I choose big love. I choose radical love.” Listen to this episode that sets the stage for the powerful information Source brings forward inviting all of us to elevate our perspective, free our minds and choose love…radical love

Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am so excited about this episode. Today’s episode, Radical Love, is introducing the latest in the IM Series by the same name, Radical Love. In this series, we’re looking at the complexities of this concept of love that we throw around a lot. I mean, most religious-spiritual texts have some element of the concept of love. A lot of times, in more spiritual growth circles, we hear that the idea of love or fear, that’s a biblical concept and is woven in all kinds of texts and poetry and spiritual insights and ponderings throughout the ages.

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And yet, it’s this really elusive conversation. And so we’re looking at it, as with everything we do, through this really high perspective lens, but also drilling it down into, “Okay, are we talking about self-love?” Which is a great and really important place to begin in this concept. Without that, we don’t really know how to connect into other people. We’re not clear of all of those nuanced spaces within us. So, we’re going to take a look at that in this series.

The second part around love of others. How do we do that? Some of us are “Yeah, that’s great. Love myself. I’m good. I got this down. It’s just other people that kind of throw me off.” So, what do we do when there’s that friction when we meet up with another being, another incarnate being, here in this world, and we want to operate in love and these high frequencies and gosh darn it, they just make it really, really difficult? So, let’s look at that and see, well, what does that have to do? So, we’re going to dive into that piece too.

Then, also we have this concept of divine love. We would be remiss if we didn’t elevate this into the only space where it really comes from and where we can do anything with it is in that abstract divine space. So, all of that’s enmeshed in this series and I’m excited to bring that forward. I know we’ve had a lot of fun in crafting this, but of course, it’s even bigger than that. God knows exactly what he’s doing. His spirit is very clear on where to drop its truth bombs and where it lays things and where to plant seeds. All of this has been so incredibly guided. We just sit back and marvel at how everything plays itself out. So, I can’t think of any more powerful conversation to be having right now than this idea of radical love.

So, if you’ve known us for more than half a heartbeat, you know that we don’t do anything fluffy. When we’re talking about radical love, we’re not talking about just increasing the number of Valentines that you send in February. We’re talking about that gut-wrenching, digging in, really looking hard at where do we pull our piece from? Where do we lean into? Where do we get fueled from? Where do we resource ourselves from? How do we spread that to others? I know so many of you have shared with us you know you’re here to change the world.

You know you’re here to have an impact. Well, folks, this is that work. So, we don’t shy away from those conversations. So, if you haven’t had a chance yet to sign up for our messages, make sure you go to and get signed up there so those go to your inbox. We’re going to take a quick break, but before we do, I just want to leave you with this idea and to ponder for a moment, plant that seed in you. Because when I come back from the break I’m going to discuss the … get deeper into that work, but really what’s the inspiration for a lot of this and how my prediction, if you will, or what I’m sensing, and what the insights are showing about where this is going to start interweaving into things in a really beautiful way.

So, you’re not going to want to miss that, but before we cut to break, just sit in it for a minute and just take a deep breath and breathe in. What does that look like to be able to both receive this shining, powerful force of energy that we call love, but also to emit it? And let’s not even just emit it, let’s amplify it out to the world. What would that look like? How does that feel? Perhaps, if you’re really, really honest with yourself, that might be different than how you’ve been walking the world recently. It might be a little bit different than your perspective when you’re on social media and getting caught up in the fear. It might be a little different than when you’re looking at your bank account and projecting ahead and not real sure what the economy is doing.

Let’s get real about that and just take a moment and recognize that we have free will and we have choice, and in every moment we can choose which filter we’re going to peer through. So, stick with us. When we come back from the break, we’re going to talk about how to make that choice a little bit more tenable and tangible for you and create real change with it. So, stay with us. Again, we’re talking about the IM Series Radical Love here on Disrupt Reality. We’ll be right back after this break.


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