From the moment we’re taught to say, I’m sorry, we develop an instant love-hate relationship with the concept of atonement that grows and twists and, generally, wreaks havoc throughout our existence. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya Dawn Recla introduces the next IM Series, Atonement. In this series, she walks us through the depths and intricacies of truly atoning and the undeniable truth that only through mastering the process of taking responsibility, seeking forgiveness and making amends can we release ourselves from the prisons that bind us. Don’t miss the fabulous episode that illuminates the path that sets us free.

Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And on today’s episode of Disrupt Reality, we’re talking all about the next IM series, Atonement. This is a doozy, folks. This is intense whatnot, for sure, because there’s this thing that happens when we’re young, right? And where you’re required to say, “I’m sorry,” or maybe were invited to the first time, depending on how your relationship with it evolved. Where it plants this seed of this immediate love-hate relationship with the concept, and grates on an aspect of us through most of our existence. Because regardless of how we frame it, regardless of how we talk about it, regardless of anything, we have way too many stories personally and collectively that tell us. It doesn’t really matter if you say, “I’m sorry,” this is still going to be held against you for a long time to come.

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And maybe you haven’t had that experience personally, but regardless, that’s part of this, our understanding of the process. And so it creates this real begrudging aspect, and even when we can admit our own wrongdoing, we still don’t really want to say, “I’m sorry.” And we contend that a big part of the reason for that is that world doing it wrong. And if we were to do it right, nothing could stop us from seeking forgiveness and going after atonement because when you do it right, it is the most freeing thing in the world. When you do it wrong, it feels like prison. So, we can understand why people are a little bit apprehensive about doing it but regardless, you can’t hit on a spiritual path that doesn’t have some form of aspect of atoning or forgiveness. Or salvation in some concepts, something to do with this idea of, there is a flaw and how do we deal with this inevitable awareness of the flaws?

Certainly different philosophical thought and everything. Everybody’s tried to touch on this in some way or the other, and perhaps there are many, many, many, many ways that “work” to liberate us from it, that don’t involve some aspect of spiritualism. I’m not going to close the door on that completely, but I don’t know what they are. Everything that I’ve experienced or explored, or seen work with others, or used and worked with clients. Decades upon decades of the human potential stuff here, folks. And I’ve yet to see one that works, that doesn’t have some sort of rooted element in something spiritual, cosmic, energetic, galactic, whatever is your thing. There’s something about this divine energy that exists outside of all of us.

And then maybe the divine aspect really grates on you also, and you’re not really apt to buy into all of that, then at least this creative energy, right? And when we can harness that, it allows for some sort of reconciliation to the flaws. We can start to get how they happen, perhaps what their purpose might be, and what to do with them. So, look at atonement through those lenses of there’s an imprisonment, and we’re wanting to be set free. Now, if you walk this world and feel absolutely not imprisoned by anything. Anything, I mean, even if somebody cuts you off in traffic and that minor little constriction happens inside of you, but you don’t shout at them. You don’t honk on your horn, you immediately go, “Oh, bless them.” You can go there quickly. There’s still that immediate, “Oh, there’s something in my environment that isn’t in alignment with my preferences.”

Even so, I don’t care how advanced you are and have gotten to a place where you can be in harmony with all of the things that you see that you don’t prefer, there’s another layer beyond that. And because it still indicates something that’s not “perfect,” that doesn’t reverberate or vibrate at the highest frequency. Even in that, there’s freedom in the unfoldment of this process that we call atonement. So understand that we really can come at it from that high of a level, and there’s a way to master the steps to get us there. And so we’re going to take a quick break, but if you’re not getting these IM series, if you don’t know what we’re talking about. And you haven’t heard of before, or maybe you caught a few but you’re not really “religiously” keeping up on them, or consistently and intentionally doing that.

The easiest way is to put your email in, if you go to and click on the messages tab, just put your email in there and they come to your inbox. And that way, and even if you want to just put them in a folder, and then you just know that once a week, you set aside your time to really be in that space. Because it helps to counteract and to offset everything that’s not in resonance with whatever you can perceive of as being your highest. And so make sure you’re checking that out and playing in that space.

Sit in that ecosystem a little bit, go to our ways to play page and just see if something appeals to you. The easiest way to walk in communion with God or the divine is to just be in it. Just allow yourself to be guided a little bit and see it, and look and see if anything resonates in those spaces. We have a lot of different touch points of very, very, very diverse multidimensional organizations. And people only see what lights up for them to see, so it’s fun to play in. So, trust yourself and go check those out. But we’ll be right back from the break, folks. Today, we’re talking about the next IM series on Atonement. Stay with us and we’ll dive in more deeply when we come back.

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