How can the consciousness of your skin create your reality? On today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, hosts Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth talk all about how the consciousness of your skin creates and forms the reality you live in. Jewels and Erika talk about skin as an organ and how it has a role in society and isn’t just something we were created with. Tune in to this episode to hear Jewels and Erika discuss skin, awareness, reality and the consciousness we create, you won’t want to miss it.

Welcome soul family, this is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness: Coding the New Human for the New Earth, and this is the reprogramming reality series. And I have my co host here, Erica, and we are going to talk today about how the consciousness of your skin is creating your reality. When you put all those words together, it seems like it doesn’t make sense, but this is the movement that we are a part of, is that our skin has a consciousness and it is the one organ we have that is reflecting into our reality.

And it’s the one organ that we have that we’re constantly looking at. That we’re constantly feeding it, on a conscious and subconscious level, that we constantly have thoughts to it. Because when you look at your skin, you look at your arms, your face, immediately thoughts get triggered, emotions get triggered. So what kind of reality is that consciousness creating for you? What reflection by having that consciousness says back to you.

And how we can use this awareness to shift our reality. You know, science is actually proving now that our skin has cynic responses, just like our heart and our brain. And we can use these cynics’ responses. Like these are electric charges that are charging the energy that’s within our aura and expanding beyond that. So if we can shift the consciousness of those responses, or even just the frequency of this responses, think about how we could create a whole entire… Not only with the way we look, but the way that we are experiencing life itself.

And as you mentioned before, just to be aware of it. And so people are like, “Well, how am I even aware? How do I get aware of that?” Well, good news, we have a tool for that. And we call that DECU Face Reading. DECU meaning dermal expression cellular upgrade, right? I mean, amazing.

It is, and it’s so fast and so simple. And I think that’s what I love about DECU the most, is that it takes out the story. It takes out the, “Oh, I have to process all this stuff and I have to go into this long thing about my past.” No, you don’t. We’re past that. Karma is cleared. We are in spherical time. So there is no time. Everything is instant. And the only thing holding us back, are belief systems. And so what better way to be aware of belief systems, than reading programs that are in ourselves, so that we can just go right into the DNA and shift instantly. I mean, it’s that easy.

It’s that simple and that’s our reflection. Like what our belief systems that we carry on our skin, on our face attached to organs is what we’re reflecting. So what better tools to clear that energy, shift it, rewire it and reprogram it, and then look amazing, feel amazing and defy aging in the process.

It’s all interconnected, because aging is a disease of consciousness and it is a disease of losing life force energy to being unconscious, we’re reflecting lower frequencies. And so we can use the intelligence of our skin cells because it’s reflecting back to us, yes, this is working or no it’s not and when it’s not, well, what belief system is in my way? Clearing that and then starting and continuing to reprogram. And so the consciousness of our skin understands or agrees with, “Yes, this is what we’re doing.”

It’s so awesome to take the power back and to know that we can heal ourselves, we can heal our skin, we can create our reality through our very own skin consciousness. Brain, skin, heart, all of these consciousnesses are connected and we get to rewire them and reprogram them.

And that’s what this show is all about. It’s reprogramming reality. It’s coding the new human for the new earth, and that is exactly the next level of human evolution. So if you want to learn more about DECU Face Reading, go to And we’re just going to take a really quick break and then we’re going to come back and we’re going to do some DECU on a universal level and start to experience how we can change our lives right now. We’ll be right back.

Optimize Your Life!

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