IMS – Making Space

What does it mean to begin making space in our lives? In this debut episode of the Inspired Messages series, host Amorahki Fenn talks all about the power of making space. This series shows us truly what it means to make space in our lives. Whether it’s taking time for ourselves, being productive, or spending time with loved ones, space is important for everyone. This series will dive into the processes we can use in our lives, to help us make space for what matters. Processes such as CEFA meditations, opening our hearts and letting go of anything that is taking up too much room in our lives. Tune in to this Inspired Messages Series to learn about the importance of making space!

2022-11-08T18:18:21-07:00October 30th, 2022|

LTN – Standing for What’s Right

How will you stand for what’s right? In this episode of Leave it To Neva, host Neva Lee Recla welcomes guest Cheyenne Hunt-Majer. Their conversation revolves around social justice and how to become an ally. The are a lot of victims of social injustices who lost their voices to trauma and vulnerability. Empathy to others could go a long way and it should be paired with authenticity — being who you are. Yet, we should remember that we should never compromise our safety over someone else’s comfort. Tune in to know how standing for what is right could give a voice and restorative justice to those who are suffering.

2022-11-08T18:19:04-07:00October 29th, 2022|

YSPM – Empowering Women Around Wealth

How should things be done to start empowering women around wealth? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell sits with Dr. Kelly Schuh. They discuss things that get in the way of women feeling empowered around wealth. One of the hindrances revolves around the sense of worthiness -- Am I enough? Dr. Kelly shares the four steps of the Prosperity Cycle to release you from limitations around worth.Tune in to learn all about empowering women around wealth!

2022-06-06T15:43:56-07:00June 6th, 2022|

REC – Clearing Your Cache

Are you clearing your cache on the computer? Did you know you can use this technique to clear energetic triggers, also? In this episode of the Reclamation, the Reclas: Justin, Tonya, and Neva talk about how to apply this powerful process to your personal life. We must clear our minds to clear anxiety around conversations or things coming up once in a while. It is essential to ​​live in a world that allows us to fully experience things through the mental, emotional, physical and vibrational levels. It teaches us to re-imagine and think through things before engaging with them. Tune in to clear your mind from the boggling cache.

2022-04-18T11:42:26-07:00April 19th, 2022|
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