The Role of Women’s Empowerment in Collective Higher Consciousness

Women’s empowerment as a movement plays a catalytic role in higher consciousness, both as individuals and a collective. Despite what most people can conceive, we experience the world collectively. As individuals it’s easy to think our experience is uniquely our own. We've come up with thousands of reasons and ways to be separate from each other. We feed off of the divide in perceived difference. But even in this we prove how unified and connected we are. We feel each other and feed off of each other and thereby create reality together. Human Nature vs. Ego Our human nature is not to be separate - to hate, judge, divide, oppress, and kill each other. These are symptoms of ego. Our ego is only a part of us, and whether or not it defines who we are and what we do is entirely our choice. In awakening to our true and [...]

2017-04-20T11:56:17-07:00November 9th, 2016|

SPU – Shmaya Channeled with JoAnne Palladino

JoAnne Palladino, a way shower and light worker, delights listeners with a channeled message from Shmaya. Her delightful, loving, grounded energy illuminates her Super Power of being a clear conduit for the messages of love and light. Listen in as she channels the Language of Light with a message of expansion for all. JoAnne Palladino - Reiki master teacher Hello everybody. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I am delighted to have with me today just this amazing being. In the very short time that we've been conversing, she is just a breath of fresh air. Like I just, you know that feeling you get with people where you just exhale and just say like, “Ahh” and you don't have to kind of wonder what's going to come next or be on edge or be like, “OK, which dimension am I [...]

2018-02-26T22:21:27-07:00November 7th, 2016|

SPU – Activating Super Powers

Activating Super Powers with the Founder of In Flow CEO, Stephanie Beeby. As a business intuitive, Stephanie acts as a catalyst for her clients as they activate their Super Powers. Stephanie discusses her experience with visions and deja vu experiences. She reads the energy regarding her clients opportunities and the business mission or vision. And she incorporates her experiences with vibrations and frequencies to serve her clients and illustrate the fluctuation in time and productivity.  Listen in as she explains how the vibration of a business means everything and how to harness it for success. Hello, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Personal Power Expert. And I'm thrilled to have with us today, Stephanie Beeby. Stephanie's quickly becoming one of my new favorite people. She's over there with InfloCEO to the business intuitive and what I love is that she is a self-proclaimed catalyst who acts of [...]

2018-10-15T16:29:18-07:00November 4th, 2016|

SPU – The Speaking Goddess Speaks on Super Powers

Speaking Goddess, AmondaRose Igoe, joins the SuperPower Up! podcast to share her super powers helping others find their story and share it. Listen in as she talks about the power of finding your voice and using it to create a prosperous and joy-filled life. This woman is a speaking goddess. Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am so excited to be here today with AmondaRose Igoe. This woman is a speaking goddess. She is amazing at helping her clients on the entrepreneurial sector or the private sector work on their stories. You know, really figure out how to share what is the essence of who they are through their stories and then she magically helps them craft their content around that. She's had successes all over the world and I am just so tickled that she was able to take some time out of her schedule to share with us [...]

2018-02-26T22:22:18-07:00October 28th, 2016|

SPU – The Quintessential Earth Mother Melanie Dunlap

Melanie Dunlap, Founder of the Peaceful Spirit Enrichment Center, talks about the experience of being an Earth Mother and the magic of Earth Medicine. Join us as she shares her Super Powers of treading lightly in the world and infusing others with grounded energy. She is the epitome of the Earth Mother Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and I am super, super excited today to have with me one of the most lovely people in the world. Melanie Dunlap she is if...if I had to describe her in a small sentence it will be very difficult. I would say she is the epitome of the Earth Mother. Like this woman exudes, like that really amazing, just solid like loving creative Earth energy. To be in her presence like you feel it, you know it, you sense it, it takes you back [...]

2018-02-26T22:22:57-07:00October 14th, 2016|

SPU – The Portal of Possibility

Portal of Possibility Founder, Sheryl Sitts, joins us to share her experiences as a self-proclaimed posterchild for the 2012 awakening, shares her experiences studying with a shaman from Peru and her Journey of Possibilities. Listen in to her amazing journey of self-discovery and Super Power mastery.    

2018-10-15T16:36:00-07:00October 7th, 2016|

SPU – Keith “King” Leon and his Angel Posse

Angel among us. Keith Leon, “The Book Man,” is a multiple best-selling author and touches the lives of everyone he meets. Through book writing, publishing, speaking, and singing, he lights up the world and shows others the impact of listening to your highest guidance and trusting it. Listen in as he talks about his journey into the miraculous and his angel posse.

2018-10-15T16:33:24-07:00September 30th, 2016|

SPU – High Performance and Super Powers with Amy D

High Performance Expert, Amy D, moves high powered CEOs, athletes, and celebrities when they can’t move themselves. She is a 20-year veteran of many things healing, helping, and guiding. Listen in as she shares her insights into what stops people from reaching their highest potential. Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. And I have with me today an amazing woman, key performance mentor, this woman has guided everybody – individuals, entrepreneurs, CEOs, high achievers.  As soon as she starts talking you're going to hear her voice, just the solidness, the steadiness. Her foundation is so just founded that that's where that's coming to me in terms of you can just see her standing on the mountain if you will and you really feel in her the prophecies that she's been through, the growth that she's undergone herself to be able to guide [...]

2018-02-26T22:23:53-07:00September 23rd, 2016|

SPU – The Code to the Matrix with Sevan Bomar

Matrix manipulator Sevan Bomar has the amazing Super Power of taking vast amounts of metaphysical data and translating it into current linguistics. He’s on a mission to inform society how to unlock information and use it to change the world. Listen in as he talks about the innate intelligence running throughout all of existence and how to use it to create what you want. Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I'm not even going to say that I'm excited because that word doesn't even encompass how I'm feeling right now about today's guest. I can probably talk the whole half hour just bragging about him but he is amazing. Sevan Bomar has amassed thousands of people to kind of the whole concept of this Open Source Spirituality type of stuff and so he really, he speaks my language and just regards [...]

2018-02-26T22:24:13-07:00September 16th, 2016|

The Dark Underbelly of Real Super Powers

The Dark Underbelly of Real Super Powers Let's talk about the dark underbelly of truly unlocking real Super Powers. It's easy to look at people who wield their power effortlessly and say, "It must be easy." It is. It is the easiest, most natural state of our existence to stand in full autonomy and move the world with every breath. It is the easiest, most natural state of our existence to manage our vibration and manifest from our highest. It feels like coming home to step into that sovereign space. BUT... The path between where most people stand and the effortless space of Real Super Powers is like nothing you can fathom. This goes beyond fluffy conversations about personal development or spiritual growth. It goes beyond meditating, reading cards, asking for guidance, and searching in every flower, animal, person, event for meaning to help you understand [...]

2021-05-28T01:19:12-07:00September 13th, 2016|

SPU – Conscious Comedian Lightens Up Enlightenment

Conscious Comedian, StevieAnne Petit, uses her Super Powers of being a conduit for Source/God. She helps others BE more fully who they are. Her book, Egos are Like Farts, is rocking the world in an abrupt and humorous way. Get ready to laugh it up with this hilarious interview. Hello this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert and you all are in for a treat. I am really excited to introduce today's guest, StevieAnne Petitt. She is a...she is a who...she is a conscious comedian. And I can talk all day long about her and brag about her. And seriously take up the entire show time just in her accolades but what we’re going to focus on, because you're just going to get that if she just...she starts talking, I really want to focus on the fact that she's got a book out on [...]

2018-02-26T22:24:31-07:00September 9th, 2016|

Intuition Tops the List of Most Powerful Super Powers

Intuition Tops the List of Most Powerful Super Powers Most powerful Super Powers get overlooked as boring or mundane. However, THE most powerful Super Power is not only essential, it’s life-changing, life-saving, and, definitely, life-enhancing. Intuition: the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. Without discovering and using your intuition, you cannot effectively and accurately hone your other Super Powers. Intuition requires high degrees of trust in your ability to “know” truth for yourself. For some, the journey into discovering their intuition starts as a frustrating game. It seems intuition whispers and whispers and whispers and then Whack! it knocks you upside the head.The process to honing your intuition is to listen when you hear the whispers. “BUT,” you’re asking, “how do I hear the whispers?” Or, better yet, “How do I know if it’s really my intuition or if it’s my fear piping in?” Ah…yes…therein [...]

2021-05-28T01:19:38-07:00September 8th, 2016|

On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero’s Journey

On Being Superheroes: How Multidimensional Existence Requires Super-Sizing the Hero's Journey “You create superheroes to take care of problems that can't really be solved another way,” Robert Rodriguez What do you do when an entire population waits for the next leader? What do you do when the next phase of existence requires something more than the masters who’ve come before? What do you do when heroes simply aren’t enough? You super-size them! It’s no shock to anyone that times are changing. Even those who have no knowledge of or interest in pursuing consciousness or personal growth can feel it. Something is a-brewing and it feels foreboding. The internal fortitude required to continually walk closer to the storm rather than shy away far exceeds what most people can handle. Even those who’ve done a fair amount of journeying realize they are ill-equipped to deal with everything starting [...]

2023-05-13T16:36:06-07:00September 1st, 2016|

SPU – Power Up! Living Life with Zest

Zest for life. After being on Oprah, Suzy Prudden ended up homeless eight months later. She’s been building a magical life and honing her Super Powers ever since. Listen in as she talks about treating every day as an opportunity.      

2018-10-15T16:47:01-07:00August 5th, 2016|

Separateness, Super Powers, and Human Consciousness

Separateness, Super Powers, and Human Consciousness As more and more people pursue the concept of operating at higher degrees of human consciousness, we see the inevitable push back from aspects of society and from within ourselves. The biggest culprit of this is the illusion of separateness. After operating a completely collaborative, high-vibrational membership model for the past seven months, I’ve noticed some telltale signs that someone isn’t ready to move into all that’s possible for them. We attract people who want to develop and hone their Super Powers in a quest to operate at higher levels of vibration and, ultimately, change the world. Those are our peeps – the ones who KNOW they’re here to do something bigger, better, unique. They find us when everything else they’ve tried didn’t work. They’ve watched The Secret, took the red pill, studied the Law of Attraction, and practiced [...]

2021-06-15T22:35:04-07:00August 4th, 2016|

SPU – Love Your Inner Child

Inner child work. Born and raised in El Salvador, Mercedes Guzman was taught early on to downplay her own gifts. Now she uses her Super Powers to help others embrace, love, and cherish their own inner child.    

2018-10-15T16:49:53-07:00July 29th, 2016|

SPU – Danielle Egnew talks Super Powers and Supernatural

Danielle Egnew, talks about her Super Powers and Supernatural. Self-proclaimed spiritual and emotional archeaologist, Danielle Egnew, talks about her mission to light up the world. Joins us as she shares her experiences being a TV psychic and translating for otherworldly beings. Hello, everyone! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am over the moon excited to have with me today, Danielle Egnew. She has graced us with her presence, and she instantaneously became one of my new favorite people the second she opens her mouth. You will feel it as soon as I let her speak and I can give her a little bit of space, but I want to brag about her a little bit. We're talking about a woman who was named, “Psychic of the year” by UFO’s and Supernatural Magazine, and that is no small feat. Not only is she [...]

2019-10-09T10:39:58-07:00July 22nd, 2016|

SPU – Story Craft

Story Craft as a Super Power. Super Power Expert Laura Burt talks about how she mastered Story Crafting to create her future and rewrite her past. She also tells listeners about her adventures being held hostage and chased by a baboon. #SuperPowersAreReal  

2018-10-15T17:03:08-07:00July 1st, 2016|

SPU – Being Epic

Being Epic. From NASA engineer to consciousness catalyst, Alex Iglecia discusses the Mars Rover, free diving, and Ghandi. Listen in as he shares how he invoked his Super Powers and followed his inner guidance to Hawaii. #BeingEpic #SuperPowers  

2018-10-15T17:07:06-07:00June 24th, 2016|

SPU – Earth Power and Matrix Manipulation

Earth Power and Matrix Manipulation with Super Power Expert, Eric Weiland. Joins us as he shares his connection to the Earth and stones. He talks about the healing energy available from the Earth and the Crystal Reiki Resonance process he uses with clients.   Hello, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Personal Power Expert. And I am very excited to have one of our own with us today, Eric Weiland. Eric, you want to say Hi? Hi guys how’s it going? Nice to be here today. Oh well thank you so much for joining us. I'm so excited because we like to take this opportunity to feature some of our experts. And Eric is…he's just amazing. He is, I, you know, I don't even know if you’re aware of this, but a lot of times, there are thirty like quintessential, like, Earth Child. Like he is tossed into [...]

2018-10-15T17:12:55-07:00May 27th, 2016|

SPU – Triggered

Triggered? Discover what to do to manage cognitive, emotional, and energetic triggers. In order to intentionally manifest, you have to stay in high vibration. But what does that mean? How do you know if you’re vibrating high or low? And what happens when you’re not? Join us to find out how to manage triggers that pull you out of high vibration. Hi this is Tonya Dawn Recla. And this is Laura Burt. And we are your Super Power Experts. So today we're going to talk about Triggers. We were going to do something a little bit different with this recording because a lot of you are going to listen to this recording over and over and over again. And some of you just want to come in at this very entry point at the beginning of this and get the steps. And so, we're going to [...]

2018-02-26T22:29:04-07:00May 19th, 2016|

Self Improvement Through Integrating Emotions

Self Improvement Through Integrating Emotions Self improvement through integrating emotions is the second step in preparing to develop your Super Powers. (Read: Personal Growth Step One - Manage Your Mind) After learning how to manage your mind, the next "child" piece of yourself to master is your emotional system. Emotional energy is very different from mental energy and the emotional system requires a delicate touch. Most of us in the Western world are much more comfortable dealing with thoughts than emotions so we tend to turn emotional energy into thoughts, ignore it altogether, or Reiki it out of us. None of these techniques honors the very important role your emotional system plays in your survival and evolution. This is one of the biggest hindrances to people's self improvement. As with the mind, the emotional system is designed to keep you alive. When you get a twinge of [...]

2021-05-28T01:20:08-07:00May 14th, 2016|

SPU – From Fortune 500 to Transformationalist

After spending decades in Corporate America, Laurie Polinski made the decision to hone her Super POWERS and follow her intuition into a whole new world. Listen in as she shares her journey from a Fortune 500 company into the life of her dreams.

2018-10-15T17:21:33-07:00May 13th, 2016|

SPU – Neva Lee Recla talks about Hot Clothes for Kids

Super Power Kids - Six year-old, Neva Lee Recla, shares her experience with Super Powers. Join us as she talks about loving her gremlins instead of letting them take control and her business, Hot Clothes for KidsTM. She tackles the controversy of children wearing “hot” clothes and how to deal with criticism.

2020-04-17T16:31:23-07:00May 6th, 2016|

Personal Coaching Step One – Manage Your Mind

Personal Coaching Step One – Manage Your Mind The first step in personal coaching is to manage your mind. Your mind is a magnificent, wonderful, reliable, functional, purposeful, dependable, piece of you. It is NOT you. It is a tool — a database of perceptions, thoughts, fears, programs, memories, etc. designed to keep you alive. And it isn’t real interested in fast, massive, evolutionary changes. But here’s the catch, your mind constantly sends you information to navigate this dangerous, treacherous, worrisome world we live in. It believes you need all of this information in order to survive. And it isn’t completely wrong. However it only knows one part of the story…the past part. Your mind is only helpful when it comes to recalling information about where you’ve been, the world you’re already familiar with, the place most of us strive to move beyond. The mind cannot help guide you where you’re going. [...]

2021-06-15T22:40:20-07:00June 18th, 2015|

Women in Empowerment and the Men Who Love Them

Women in Empowerment and the Men Who Love Them Women in empowerment and the men who love them have chosen to embark on an amazing journey together. Along the way, obstacles arise and challenges emerge. I recently had a conversation with a friend that highlighted some of the ups and downs in this journey. Here’s an open letter to all who relate: Brother – Your woman is responding to your energy. You think you’re protecting your relationship by not discussing her “issues” but in fact you are sabotaging it. Your fear of not wanting to talk to your woman because you’re afraid you’ll meet her ego (and her fury) is what is actually causing the problem. She feels that from you and is responding to it accordingly. The more and more you go inside and not discuss these things with her the more and more that energy is going [...]

2021-06-15T22:39:11-07:00July 14th, 2014|

For the Men Who are Waking Up

For the Men Who are Waking Up Brother – You are on a path of growth. Often times we have to leave behind old friendships, old patterns of communication and old standards in order for us to grow. Often times that path can be lonely. In a way it has to be, because the path of personal growth IS a solo journey, no one can do it for you. Along the path you will meet others who emulate and mirror back your own Personal POWER. […]

2021-06-15T22:39:06-07:00July 13th, 2014|

The Conscious Experience – Unplugged

The Conscious Experience – Unplugged The conscious experience is what some of us chase where we’re called to create our existence. This is a common conversation amongst new age, metaphysical, spiritual folks, but when you reach the point of complete freedom to create, it takes on a whole new depth. Those of us driven to serve in a selfless way toward creating higher levels of consciousness tend to seek signs, drift in the flow, and basically defer to Spirit for our general life plan. I think this is a necessary step for some. It takes us to a place of complete faith and utter surrender. But what happens next? Some of us agree to take our knowing of Truth to a higher level. And this is where true creating occurs. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:54-07:00May 20th, 2014|

True Transformation to Personal Power

True Transformation to Personal Power As I sit and compare these images, I marvel at the concept of True Transformation in a quest for Personal POWER. The process is so much bigger than dying my hair red and going from a size 22 to a size 8. Those are just the outer reflections of a deep, intrinsic transformation. I married my POWER partner five years ago. I knew then that hidden deep within the person I’d become was the person I intended to be. I knew he saw her and I knew I needed his support to truly become her. Despite the fact that I was an accomplished, successful, educated, confident, aware woman, the wounds I carried ran so deep that I kept hitting walls trying to heal them. I see this in my clients also. There are levels of ourselves that exist so far beneath the surface that [...]

2021-05-28T01:21:53-07:00March 16th, 2014|

Transformation Step 4 – Mastering Physical Energy

Transformation Step 4 – Mastering Physical Energy A few months ago I swore that mastering the emotional body was THE most important step in The 5 Steps of Transformation. Silly me. I suppose I should be used to this journey by now and recognize that each step of the way there are phases to come I can only vaguely anticipate. And even though I “get” that the 5 Steps continue throughout our lives as we grow and change, when I was knee deep in Step 3 I assumed the others would be a breeze. In fact, this is a direct quote from my original post: Once the emotional body is mastered in Step 3, the rest is smooth sailing. This [the fourth] step requires processing change through the cellular memory of the physical body. Usually once the spirit, mind and emotional body are on track, the physical body follows with [...]

2021-06-15T22:38:56-07:00February 28th, 2014|

The Symbolism of Personal Power

The Symbolism of Personal Power The tunnels of light pass by me, through me, as I drift further and further into the abyss. Once a frightening and foreshadowing passage, the familiarity now wraps me in a comfortable knowingness, a feeling of coming home. I allow the process to unfold (can we ever really rush it?) and journey to exactly the right place. I pass through countless realms and silently observe nameless creatures long forgotten or shrouded now in mythology. This time I land in a space of infiniteness. The darkness consumes me until a ball of light moves into focus and shapes itself into a planet-like sphere. It emanates bright yellow-orange. As I witness, bright red clouds drift around it swirling on all sides. The clouds take form and become hands shaping the planet in a swirling, undulating embrace. The voice says, “And here we just play with [...]

2021-06-15T22:39:01-07:00February 1st, 2014|

Developing Personal Power in a Crowd

Developing Personal Power in a Crowd How do you develop your personal POWER in the midst of people who want to make you exactly like them? I spent the last few days at our home-away-from-home (ironic since we travel full time and don’t have a home…but work with me here). We belong to an entrepreneur group that is more family than business at this point. We trust that community to help us raise our daughter and we develop relationships that serve to catalyze our personal and professional growth. We’re known as the “due diligence” people and we consult and advise companies regarding their due diligence and risk assessment needs. Over the last year, as we continue to show up in integrity and service, people seek me out to help them with their more personal needs. They come to me and confess that there are things they don’t know and [...]

2021-05-28T01:22:02-07:00January 15th, 2014|

How to Master Emotions – Step 3 in Transformation

How to Master Emotions – Step 3 in Transformation This is the follow-up article to The Importance of Mastering Emotions in Transformation post. As I promised, this one outlines the actual process for moving through this step. I want to preface this by saying that this process works for most triggers. It takes a bit of practice in order for the impact to take hold but after a couple times it really becomes second nature. There are some emotional triggers that run so deep this process won’t work. But for your run-of-the-mill triggers of frustration, anger, control, annoyance, jealousy, etc. it should do the trick. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:50-07:00August 8th, 2013|

Why Personal Force is NOT Personal Power

Why Personal Force is NOT Personal Power An Arizona Cardinals cheerleader recently made the news because she allegedly chose to invoke force instead of personal POWER. Part of the reason people shy away from conversations about POWER is the misconception that POWER and force are the same thing. This recent incident in Arizona is a fantastic example of what happens when people choose force (i.e. manipulation, physical abuse, etc.) over POWER. […]

2021-06-15T22:38:47-07:00August 5th, 2013|
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