Matrix manipulator Sevan Bomar has the amazing Super Power of taking vast amounts of metaphysical data and translating it into current linguistics. He’s on a mission to inform society how to unlock information and use it to change the world. Listen in as he talks about the innate intelligence running throughout all of existence and how to use it to create what you want.

Hello! This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I’m not even going to say that I’m excited because that word doesn’t even encompass how I’m feeling right now about today’s guest. I can probably talk the whole half hour just bragging about him but he is amazing. Sevan Bomar has amassed thousands of people to kind of the whole concept of this Open Source Spirituality type of stuff and so he really, he speaks my language and just regards to that he wrote the codes of nature, lovingly and generously disseminate for free. He is beyond compare, an amazing, amazing individual so I’m not gonna take up any more time introducing him. I’m just gonna let you find out for yourselves how amazing he is. So, Sevan, thank you for joining us today.

Oh, thank you so much Tonya. It’s amazing to be on this interview. And the thing is, I’m excited too. Yeah, I’m beyond excitement, so yeah, let’s jump into this and do something amazing.

Perfect, perfect. How can we do anything but, right? 


Awesome. So, what are your superpowers?

the matrix Well, for sure I would just jump right into this. I would say that my super powers are being able to absorb vast amounts of metaphysical data and then translate that into our current vernacular here in 2016. And in most specifically, you know, taking in a lot of information can at times be a bit confusing and disorientating. And obviously, we want to take information wherever we can get it from and we want to see how we can apply it to this reality. So that, that’s definitely one of my things especially during meditation. And second thing I would say for sure since I was younger, I’ve had this ability to pull things from my dream and I actually thought everyone had that ability and I was just using it then for like rudimentary things like I’d pull a bicycle out of my dream, and two weeks later I’d have that bicycle. And so I didn’t really actually learn what I was doing until I can no longer use it. And that’s just getting into reality, making things more for priority. And the last thing I would say you know, now on this segment, I’ve had a vision ability for quite a bit of time. I really feel like I have more of a bird kind of mentality hence why of course I’ve developed so many different things at this point. But that vision really allows me to not only just come up with really brilliant applications for the future, but also to be able to see in the future that in fact our ancestors are in the future and not in the past. And it’s just because of the frequency. So when a person kind of thinks about that, it starts making more sense. So, yeah.

You’re one of the few people I know who will throw that out and go, “Yeah! That starts making more sense!” Awesome. Very cool. How did you get going in all this stuff? Like, I mean I know that you are aware early on you had some abilities but maybe you didn’t know that they were abilities. What triggered all of this?

Well actually my mother really took us out of this traditional schooling. Actually, I was home-schooled. And you know, I was encouraged to make things up with my hands and really read books as a form of education. So, you know I was very fortunate to have that going on even though I did not feel like it then, because I was a bit isolated from what was going on normally in the reality and allow the programming? And so obviously, those seeds were planted. It didn’t have some kind of a sling-shot effect. Meaning like, once I could get out of that, you know somewhere in a spiritual environment, you know I was head long into the world and just wanted to do that. And at some point, in my later twenties, I just started having a massive recollect of all the knowledge and the things that I had read and some of my experiences and abilities, and somewhat simultaneously around that time I think the towers fail and then a lot of different things happened in the reality that utterly altered the way we saw things then. And so that’s the awakening for me is obviously I have some very aggressive spiritual experiences of going into a high vibration through a different method and for a very logical person, what I’ve been able to prove is that for me to keep believing that the spiritual world’s metaphysical planes especially from what I’ve seen at this point doesn’t exist would actually probably drive me more into a level of insanity than just accepting that it does at this level. So for sure it’s been all the experiences that I’ve had since I was younger finally culminating into being something tangible and real for me.

I can really resonate with that. Isn’t it interesting that you would mention 9/11? That was really key in my trajectory also but in an interesting way was that’s what nudged me over into the counterintel world, first through the military and then into government, and it was never ever on the trajectory prior to that. So, it’s interesting that you would even bring that up. Obviously, it was a huge situation. It was a big thing, but I never really ummm… Okay, I’ll have to dive in to that more. Anyway…

Well yeah, I mean it’s a call you know, so if everyone knows what we are kind of talking about because I did a research on it personally much later on when I had time to do that kind of thing but you know it’s really on multiple levels you know – mentally, physically, spiritually. The accounts are holding a vibrational frequency. And when that frequency broke, I mean it’s even the masonry in the building alone was to configure the building like tuning forks and if you go and see some pictures of the World Trade with that in mind and you go look at some tuning forks, you’ll see that kind of design with the pillars and how things are kind of connecting. But even beyond that, you know that I believe that our country had to believe for a while that it was virtually impervious to these kind of things, whoever did it. And that day things changed and I believe that many of us rode that frequency into something higher. We use that quick wake up to propel us to getting to a whole another level. So, you know, these kinds of things to me become like alarm clocks in the reality and they wake us up.

I just have this image, I don’t know if you watch “Green Arrow” and “The Flash” and stuff like that. That we like The Flash here in our house, so there was this whole like reactive thing that occurred that has created all these metahumans and I saw that energy of the energy going out, can open up all these, and create all these metahumans.

Yeah, basically. I mean, again, you know it was definitely altering for many people so they took on a different frequency after that.

It makes sense. I have looked at it that way, and I just want to think that I really, really appreciate that about you. That you have this vast wealth of information and your ability to take that from the outer limits and kind of bring it into forms here or adopt things or in form and expand on that on another limit is an amazing gift. Honestly, and it’s so contrary to kind of how I came into all of this. I’m like, “Oh! That’s fascinating!” and I just moved through with a high degree of trust. Not suggesting that you did it, obviously, you had to, but I love that side of it like you have such a depth of information. Did you study certain modalities or how did that unfold for you?

Actually, through that process of my “other’s awakening” I’ve actually been through you know the big, I dunno I guess you call it the “Big Five” but basically the top major belief systems in the world. And it wasn’t just from a level of “Okay, let’s order a couple of pamphlets”, you know my Mom would go into these you know sanctums and fully commit herself to the whole thing and I would be there? And you know, there would be the whether it was the baptismal, or you know whatever they have for you.

I was always an observer. You know I was definitely on the gate in Edison List for gifted and talented. I just had the bad conduct which I’m starting to revolve a lot of very unique people. They always have the intelligence but the bad conduct, and so they’re always in this waiting list that never end up getting caught. But what happened is just with me absorbing what she was experiencing, I was taking notes on different things like spiritual phenomenon stuff that occur and really as a skeptic because I really wasn’t able to adapt to it early. And when I started accelerating in my pursuit of spirituality, I had already encompassed thousands of books just again as my cartoons more or less of spiritual knowledge. books

So, it gave me the ability especially now you know, I think I really had the conclusion of how I can read and really learn from that level. I do recap on things because there’s always some gems in there, but realistically I’ve covered about 20 to 30 thousand books and that may seem for people to be a bit fictitious because you know, who can read that many books? But actually, there’s a lot of applications now that allow you to take in information and digitize it and then get it into a format where you can be listening to it at the gym you know, that sure thing. And so, for me, you know it’s definitely the priority is knowing what’s going to happen when I die, and I know that’s going to bother me first. So, I feel like if I figure it out first, then I could really start life. And I’ve had that going on since I was three years old.

So, in that respect I’ve culminated again all this knowledge and information and then when I started having the experiences I could match it right with what I had read. And that also let me know what was authentic and what was not, and so it’s definitely a formula as we talked about you know, and you get a certain mixture going on with the person and then it can produce some amazing results. And the great thing of course is that, these results are really put out for people now to start to get their feet wet. I mean there’s tons of free information as hundreds of recordings. And you know we’ve even started the Innerversity for those who like more of a curriculum based structure to learning this type of knowledge.

I appreciate the multi-faceted approach. What, you know so obviously, you’re here to have an impact on the world. Obviously, you’re changing it. What would you say is your kind of legacy with all this? Well, first let’s back up, have you answered the question, “What happens when you die?”

Yeah, you go to the vibratory frequency that you correspond to and that may seem like a too grin for a question, but truthfully, we can actually die daily. Any time you make a massive frequency shift you do really die. The other frequency in fact, there’s generally a massive drop-off of the floor Farnam bio organisms that are inside of your body. When you make a frequency shift, and they’re generally a growth of new type of organisms within the body. So, yeah, I mean just going to those shifts of frequency really allow you to give yourself a new clean slate on life. And then when you get familiar with that, like if I get familiar with dying? That’s what reading a lot of these books you know, “Egyptian Book of the Dead”, or “The Coming Forth By Day”, and the “Tibetan Book of the Dead”, really start to drill into if you listen to what’s being said; is just the way of change, and how you have to be prepared for the change and how you’ve even been given some guidelines to change which are like the stars and what we will call Astrology. But it’s more Astronomy of just seeing kind of the changes that go not only within your body but within your ancestor and I think that if people think that’s a bit fanciful, look there’s a huge lunar influence on our planet from how things grow to you know see the menstrual cycle to all the different things that that’s connected to. So we would have to realize that there’s other bodies if you may, celestial bodies that are also affecting other things and it behooves us to find the resonance and the connection with those things and it gives us again a different toolkit to begin to approach the life that we want to live because you know these are then you know, now you’re using the right kind of tool for, if I want to manifest something that is massive in a very short period of time, why need something that actually has the potential to go quantum? And again, you know grounding this because it’s one thing to say, it’s another thing to do, we find still a plethora of information. Because one of the things is we discovered a blueprint. Something that kind of exists as some common integers between all things as they would say sometimes as above so below.

And when really mapping out that blueprint, putting it and applying it to stuff that you’re experiencing you know once you start getting the integers down it becomes very easy to find where the missing pieces. And this is kind of like basic troubleshooting. Gets a bit more complex and you begin to troubleshoot your life, and you now again have these new tools to examine how your life is functioning and you’re almost startled for a moment at how accurate it could be where even the names of the people around you, the street that you grew up, the hospital that you were born in, all this stuff has such extreme significance when you have the proper tool to you know to translate that language into what you’re speaking now.

I love that you talked about tools and a grounding. My husband and I often joke that you know we’re the womb to do and if there’s no like a possibility due to esoteric information, then what’s the point? But, I love that you also obviously have heard many of the criticisms or the challenges to the information. And then you’re very adept at sliding that in the… When I tell people, I mean I told our listeners many times I can’t remember the time about it, is whether you believe in astrology or astronomy or believe in constellations and the impact or believe in you know God and god of deities or the angel valves or the dragon round or theory or whatever the constructs might be or the Matrix in and of itself. Rather than waste your time kind of sitting around going, “Well, is it real? Is it real? Is it real?”; dig into the symbolism and that’s the beautiful part of what you’re talking about is how you know in retrospect we could always look back and see the synchronicities in this little choose your own adventure that we’re all playing here and see how things line up getting adept at seeing it in the moment as you’re making your choices really starts to put you in the power scene and starts to help you create your decision. So, to me it’s a waste of time to go, “was it real?” “is it not real?”, because that’s the question in and of itself. Who gets to dictate reality and on what dimension and what frequency? And so, it’s the information that you’re hearing doesn’t necessarily sound right to you or doesn’t resonate with you tap into it and see if you can look at it from a symbolic standpoint because the symbolism sometimes there’s so much power in that that it can move you forward into space where you then do create the ability and the tools and the resources to hear the information at a different frequency. And when you do that, now you’re seeing it. I talked before about you know you can hear a quote like a quote from the Bible or whatever and depending on which frequency you are sitting at you’ll hear it and adapted very differently each time. And so, it’s like. “Oh that’s what it really meant”; and then you go up a couple of hours. “Oh no, that’s what that really meant”. And you just keep going in and it’s the whole peeling back of the layers. And so rather than sit in in disbelief and discredit affirmation ask if there is a way for you to symbolically utilize that for your own personal growth regardless what frequency you’re sitting in.

Exactly I mean 100 percent because it’s our perception is really based on the filter that we’re taking it through. And you know, a lot of times our interpretations are just based on that I or that filter which they call the Chakras. And what happens is that when we move into more of a harmonic space in the Chakra because it’s interesting because there’s so many dynamics to it, it’s not necessary that you need to move into a higher Chakra. It’s that you need to have access to the balance base off that chakra so you can see that universal truth. Right?

And you know this is what allows us to have applications for what we’re talking about on these high spiritual levels. Even in some of the most bunk and dark places if you know how to build a bridge there.

I really like that concept when you talked about the Innerversity. So do you teach mostly or do you work with clients directly? What’s your modality right now?

Right now, what we’re doing is well, I do quite a few different things. I used to do radio shows primarily and then you know I did several shows, did the 2012 show we did “After Quest” interactive enlightenment so there was quite a few things that I’ve done just on a media level. And the most recent series is actually, “The Key Maker” which is about to go into season 2. But primarily I really started putting together a social network about five or six years ago which has now grown to 16,000 members. And it also kind of morphed in the beginning it was called, “The Resistance” and it actually ranked number one on Google for those keywords. And you know we were doing that for a while we were pulling out a lot of people who are just kind of tired of a lot of things and then with really conspiracy related and we’ve got a lot of information out and discovered a lot about languages and those kinds of things. Then it was trying to you know metamorphosize it because I’m on the mission. I’m just reporting about what I’m experiencing. I’m on the path. So, I’m just reporting what I’m experiencing in real time and people became very fascinated with that because there was a lot of synchronicity and what they were experiencing. So eventually I started realizing that we needed something that was going to really be able to hold all of what we wanted to do as far as new endeavor like geo location and connecting people conscious people that are in your area. We even started a form of employment. We also wanted to release as much knowledge as we can from imagery to documentaries to libraries and then also real time trending knowledge and that’s really what you find that secret energy. So that is now why I’ve done a couple of retreats even here in Costa Rica.

But I’m interacting with people all the time on different levels even on the astral and you know we’re just taking it to where it needs to be regardless. You know, I have this thing that you know if five billion people don’t do it, it doesn’t mean that you should because a lot of time we really base what we do on how popular it is. And this is a direct result of a consumer base reality we don’t buy something unless it has really good reviews. Only 7 percent of people in the world actually take that initial chance just because they want it first. So, the mass majority is just waiting on that to really start trending to get involved. So, we’re actually at this point now when we’re exclaiming that hey there’s a spiritual world there’s a whole another level that we actually live on. This is real, this happy application beyond death, this could answer major questions within society, within racism, within every single structure. Why don’t we look here?

Mount Shasta You know what we generally get is there’s a confusion between the standard. You know since Mt. Shasta day even before that application of let’s say, you know you got to watch out with some of these terms but “false new age knowledge”. No, we won’t say the new age is false. We’ll just say there’s some false information within it because it is a bias toward frequency in itself and we have to respect that frequency it’s transmuted many people from carrying a lot of things that they were doing before and to where we are now. So it’s that it’s basically all just assembling all those applications if you can. And then really starting to look at you know just how many applications this spiritual knowledge really has. I believe that we’re constantly in research of things that don’t have as much potential to do things so I feel that I’m equally justified with exploring the metaphysical vehicles our consciousness and its limitations the linguistics the tones and vibrations in which we can emit and also that we can receive and for potential beyond what is actually being explained to me at times and the reality by some of the most intelligent people which generally has to do with just three dimensional aspects of things such as you know how to get rich. And you know these kinds of goals that for many of us have already been actually achieved and then now we’re looking for what comes next. And so, for any real thinking or any real master of life they’re going to need to know what comes after their vision or else they may find themselves never achieving that vision or when achieving it not kind of feeling just filling the void after that. So, to get people back on the highway of life.

I love that! I remember like kind of where a lot of this is just started for me was my husband one day, it was years ago now, looked at me and he’s like, “Can’t you just be excited?” Whatever, it was something that we were wanting that was about to manifest. And it came to fruition and he’s like, “Can’t you just be in that moment and be excited?”. I was like, “no”. And I was like, “Why?”. I sat with him for a second and I was like, “what’s wrong with me?” Like here’s this thing. I said I want it. And it was really anti-climactic again and I said, “What is that about?” And I go back into the bathroom and I’m brushing my teeth. And in the amount of time it took me to brush my teeth I downloaded all this information about the size of the transformation and how you know in order for something to appear a physical reality we’ve already lived it in different phase and you know so at that time it was very rudimentary but it was like you know your spirit had to kind of get it and your mind has to be okay with it. The emotions that we integrated that would be in the way of it. And then you have to move beyond the physical body in order for it to show up here. And I’m like what makes perfect sense that by the time I get here is like ho hum, because you’re already on to the next thing and so you’re bringing me back to legacies and the basic concepts that I started with. Because of that conundrum like you know what happens when you do accomplish what you wanted to accomplish? I get like, “Oh, is there something else?” and you know those of us who are seekers it’s never ending like there’s always something beyond what we’re doing.

The areas that I play and now pretty vocally is you know helping people see that, “Sure maybe you broke out of the first Matrix you know good job and you know. But what nobody told us we just made a new Matrix you know?” And so, I loved that you were talking about the new age information and it’s not again out of there was a foot fault but it did what it was designed to do. Those prophecies will you know they got you here they’re not going to take you forward from here. So, what’s after that? And even entertaining the notion that there’s something after that. I remember when I first kind of glimpsed that it was like wait a second like we’ve been you know kind of live in this land like this isn’t all there is. It wasn’t that we just needed to gauge consciousness and that was really beginning of like what was after that and that’s where the concept of the abstract frequency and really like creating the world here as we see or know that it’s possible. We’re with you though in a meditation or visioning rather than look at the third dimensional reality as the quote unquote “real world”. But if that’s the concept what if that’s not necessarily true. You know and really kind of continuing to push that envelope. So I really appreciate all of the work that you’re doing.

For most certainly when you know that the thing is you know I’m constantly having a reel myself in and every single moment in my life because of the activation because you know realistically to even be able to articulate and say in the interview and even talk actually takes to bring yourself into a certain state of calm right. But then what happens when you do that is even the listener is like well if he’s been to all these spaces she’s been to all these spaces like how do you even like, like why don’t I see that. Let me see you fly across the room, right? And there’s so many reasons why flying across the room is not allowed.

It’s just like at a certain point you know we realize and that’s why reference revenues the movie “Dune” you know the main thing was the spice and the ability of spice was to transcend crossover space and time without actually moving. So, you know we can see that there is an immense level of misconceptions going on about you know how people pulse to see something in the physical reality when it comes to physical power when there is a metaphysical realm and if you want it to really see how powerful a person was or non-power focus you know we can discharge ourselves.

Then you need that ice deal yourself. And this is what I find it so powerful about the spiritual experience as it demands for you to actually tap into yourself before you begin to witness it not only in others but in everything around you. And then there’s this huge humbling moment because you realize how much true complexity true intelligence and true purpose and gift that there are in each person that you’re around. But before, if you’re trying to get a notion of that just by watching someone else that may even say that they’ve been there and they’ve achieved that it’s not possible. And that’s just because we are reading about pregnancy is totally different than having a baby and the map in itself is still not the terrain. So, we get to an ability now instead of using our minds all the time just to experience something vicariously. We now go into actually some kind of action that triggers maybe even advancement to experience that spiritual experience. But to insist something that doesn’t exist and is not real is almost like their shutting the door on one’s self. And that’s when I feel like even a lot of these prophecies talked about that they said that you know there would be a shutting of the door by a certain group or culture or religion and they wouldn’t be able to enter it themselves but they would also allow others not to be able to enter it either. And that’s perfect for what’s going on right now. It’s not that there isn’t a vast plane really out there but to be able to enter into that plane takes some real ingenuity it takes you to be very sharp like you say some people discover the matrix by entirely different means. So, it doesn’t mean following the same format as somebody else. It just means really tapping into your own serenity in your own abilities. And of course, we have these mentors in these examples that we can either completely discredit and say I don’t believe what they’re saying but how much does that really do for us. And like I was saying before even saying that the reality is fake and that we’re living in a fake reality the person would then have to admit that they’re fake. So that doesn’t do any constructive building for one’s consciousness especially if in fact the truth is you’re very real Actually hyper real. This is where it gets a bit scary. Well you know we have a lot to wake up to.

I absolutely agree with you and just to say about that flying around the room you know when you go around the world telling people that super powers are real. You know the obvious question that become well, okay, show me! How does that work?

Show me. They want you to throw electricity from your hands like a seaboard or something that was ruined.

Absolutely. It’s coming. I’m telling you, it’s coming. But I love what you said about the fact that these things can be occurring and depending on what frequency you are sitting at or the verbiage that you use, you won’t be able to see it. And so, there is the you know believing and seeing kind of concept that is so essential in this journey and that we could dive into that for days. But I do have a time constraint here in the physical play. And so, I do want to make sure that I ask you a question about you know at a time when you chose to live in your power time when you took intuitive guidance and took action on it, and what transpired; do you have a story you’d like to share with our listeners.

Yeah most certainly. you know I really worked for a while into an industry that involved a light like ultraviolet light and in lasers and I went through a process to where I had seen to call some level of configuration to where I was able to quicken my mind and that’s how I was able to get into a high vibration and get tons of information and energy which are the same thing. And then even to this day I’m still unpacking that information. And one of the most important aspects I believe to note that happened during that process was when I was going into the high vibration I think to go somewhere and then come back very fast. And I only could feel where I had been in my hand. And ever since then there was a period of a heightened activation that lasts for like two weeks to where all my faculties were turned on. So actually, being able to read people’s thoughts even though you didn’t want to. At that point was possible.

And that to me really made it. It hit home because if I went forward from there it didn’t matter what anyone said. I could never not believe again. And so, I could for sure say that that was the point to where I was able to not only fully confirm in my being that there was something way beyond what had even been discussed and I’m living in that energetic potential even to this very moment.

That’s so powerful I just I really appreciate your energy the words everything all the work that you’re doing in the world. I honor you for that. How can people find out more about you? I know they’re going to want to follow you after they hear this.

Oh, for sure. Well they definitely could check us out at Secret Energy. As I said it’s just a vast storehouse of tons of goodies for people like us, whatever that means, you know because it’s more and more people every day realizing they need to really wise up and expand themselves so they can visit there at or and your browser does the same thing. And we’re going to be starting, “The Key Maker” show again this time is going to be called, “The Key Makers”. And so, there’s going to be some amazing people that we bring on to really share some more information so that people can actually get in touch with me or anyone else in the platform like I said we have geolocation so if a person is kind of low on conscious people in their area you may be able to go in and actually find someone next door that actually is on that same vibration as you. So that’s definitely how you can you can get with us.

Very cool. So, exciting. And thank you so much. I’d love to have you back on the show. Some other time how we can dive into maybe we can pick a topic and dive into it more and more deeply for our listeners if you’re up to that.

Oh, yeah you know me. You just give me the ring and show the light in the sky, I’m there. Ok. Thanks a lot for having me on. It’s been amazing time to share this space with you and I definitely appreciate everything that you’re doing and just allowing people like me to reach more people. So, thank you.

Oh absolutely. Our pleasure and to all the listeners out there as you know we appreciate your loyalty. And until next time go unlock your super powers and change the world. Take care everyone.