In this premier episode of A Glimpse Inside Reinvention, our reinvention experts, host Wendy Perrotti and co-host Dana Hilmer talk about why your reinvention starts now – before you’re ready – before you’re sure -sometimes even before you’re clear about what you’re reinventing into. Tune in for tips and strategies to help you build your dream and love your life.

Welcome to A Glimpse Inside Reinvention. I’m Wendy Perrotti, and I am joined today with my co-host and Camp Reinvention co-founder, Dana Hilmer. I’m so excited that we’re going to get to do this together.

I’m so excited to be here. This is so much fun.

Yeah. A Glimpse Inside Reinvention is going to be a new sort of series on A Glimpse Inside, so at the end of each one of our A Glimpse Inside series, we’re going to plug in one of our, A Glimpse Inside Reinvention episodes where Dana and I are going to help you use the topics covered in the previous series to help you build your dreams and love your life.

I just wrapped up the Best Life Now series on A Glimpse Inside, so today Dana and I want to talk to you about why reinvention starts now. Dana, do you want to give them a little overview of some of the juicy stuff we’re going to dive into today?

Oh, I do. Why does reinvention start now? Because, we’ve got to stop waiting. I think so many people are waiting for the perfect time, or for permission, or for somebody else’s feedback, or to have more education. Whatever it happens to be. Waiting for the kids to grow up. The reality is, this is it. Right? This is it. We need to step into our dreams, and to be true to ourself, and to start just making progress in the direction that we want to go, and be true to ourself with that.

As you mentioned, with Camp Reinvention, we work with so many people that are having the courage, really, to step in, and to play big, and to really just lean in to what their heart is telling them. Honestly, I think for a lot of people that can take a lot of courage. Right? In this life that we lead, I think a lot of times we get wrapped up in what we think we should do, and we need to stop and listen to what we want.

I know at camp, we talk about how should are not allowed. We tell everybody to stop shoulding on themselves. And it’s because as soon as you let go of should, and expectations, and what society says you should be doing, that’s when you can listen to that quiet voice inside of you that is whispering, or maybe it’s even yelling at you, to say, “Hey, you got to listen to me. You got to listen to me so you can live the life you want to live.”

There’s a beautiful quote I’d love to share with your listeners. It’s from Thich Nhat Hanh, and I just think this is so on target. He says that, “Time goes by very quickly, and we rarely offer ourselves the time and the space to consider, am I doing what I most want to be doing with my life? And do I even know what that is? The noise in our heads and all around us drowns out the still, small voice inside. We are so busy doing something, we rarely take a moment to look deeply and to check in with our deepest desires.” Boom. Right?

Yeah. Mic drop.

Yes. It’s interesting, in this time of COVID, I think a lot of people we’ve been talking to have been really acknowledging that this is kind of a collective reset. A lot of people are pausing and slowing down enough to start listening to what that small voice inside has been saying and to tap into that. I think we can turn this time that we’re collectively experiencing as a challenge into an opportunity to look at our life, to look at what is important to us, and to live into it. Right? To really start making choices that allow us to step into the life that we really, really want.

At camp, we have three core beliefs, and I think these beliefs are something that everybody benefits from. One is that change is possible. I think a lot of times we get so stuck in our ways, and we’re creatures of habits, that we forget that change is possible.

The next is that it’s never too late to pursue a dream. I think sometimes we get kind of stuck in the life that we have, or maybe we feel like we’ve kind of laid our bed, and now it’s time for us to lay in it, like this is our life and this is it. There’s an element of settling. But we refute that a hundred percent. Wait a minute. It is never too late for you to pursue a dream, and the life that you’re living up until this point does not need to dictate the life that you live in the future.

That’s where we hear these re-invention stories. You hear about the attorney that turns into a baker, or you hear these people changing.

Or the baker who turns into an attorney.

Exactly. These stories are so inspiring, but at the core of it, these people simply had the courage and that’s not simple, by the way, but they had the courage to be true to themself and to realize that, “Wait a minute. The fact that I was doing this thing before does not mean I can’t do this other thing.” Right? I just got to do it.

Yeah. Right on, sister. We have so much for you guys today, but we have to take a really quick break to continue talking about reinvention starts now and how you can start. Before we do, if this is resonating with you, if there’s something like itching inside of you, that you’re feeling like, “Oh, there’s more for me. I know there is, but I don’t know what it is.” Or you know what it is, and you haven’t had the courage to take that leap, head over to and you can sign up for our free Camp Notes. They’re little journal prompts that come out every week, little things to think about every single week, to help you get your reinvention started right now. Camp Reinvention is not open right now, but you can get on the waiting list, if you’d like. There’s a little tab to hit to get on the waiting list for when Camp Reinvention opens back up again. But go ahead and sign up for our Camp Notes. In the meantime, stay with us, because Dana and I have a ton for you. We will be right back.

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