Do you believe that spiritual revolution can help humans live a successful life? We only live once, they say; yet, did your spirit already embrace the fact that one day you are going to die? In this episode of Incorporating Superpowers, host Justin Recla and guest Michael Goddart talk about business from a new perspective – how to connect yourself back into that frequency and make sure that you are walking your path. Michael is a fiction novel writer who found his spiritual side after his spiritual retreat in India. He is the author of IN SEARCH OF LOST LIVES: Desire, Sanskaras, and the Evolution of a Mind & Soul. This book is all about Michael’s personal spiritual quest of over fifty years. Listen in now and join Justin and Michael to talk about a spiritual revolution and living life to the fullest.

Welcome to Incorporating Superpowers. Today we’re going to do things a little bit different on this show because typically the show is all about bringing people into the business, people that are doing business from a different perspective. Well, today the basic principle of the conversation is the same, the topic is going to be a little bit more focused than past conversations because this year we’re focusing on the divine and what that means for business and connecting yourself back into that frequency and making sure you’re walking your path.

My guest today is somebody who’s been doing that for quite some time. He’s written several books, one being Spiritual Revolution. My guest today is author Michael Goddart, who has written a lot of books, and I’m really looking forward to this conversation, Michael, because it feels like we have a lot of similar paths, our paths are very similar in the spiritual journey realm.

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Folks, if you’re listening, if you’re in business, if you’re a business owner, if you’re an entrepreneur, even if you’re an employee, this conversation is really at the heart of all of the issues of what’s going on in the world today. Politics, relationships, social media, all of it comes down to this conversation right here, because we’ve lost sight of what matters most. Michael wrote a book on it, Spiritual Revolution.

This is something that we’ve kind of brushed aside, right? We’ve gone through the waves of uber spiritual, to uber-religious, to woo, somewhere in the middle, to people who are just kind of lost and not knowing what that means for themselves. So, I’m excited to have Michael on the show today to talk about not only his journey, but the work that he’s doing through his books and helping people recognize what the Spiritual Revolution is, and how they can leverage it and use it to reconnect so their lives are much, much better and in alignment with who they are actually meant to be in this world. Michael, thank you so much for being here today.

Thank you, Justin. And thank you for the wonderful introduction.

Absolutely. So Michael, Spiritual Revolution, I know it’s made the list down in Australia as being one of the top 10 best spiritual books ever written. You’ve recently won some awards for your books. Talk to me about how you get started on this path? What drove you to write a book on the Spiritual Revolution?

Well, I had been writing fiction novels and I went on a spiritual retreat in India and I came back. I had taken a year off for the first time and I just didn’t have time to enter the world of fiction. You really need two and a half hours a day. I had a very demanding sophisticated tax practice and I thought, what am I doing here? I decided I just have 10 to 20 minutes a day, I’m going to continue to write and I decided to write nonfiction. Just the idea came through to basically give people everything they need to know to create a foundation of spirituality, and so basically the 52 principles came through.

It’s really from start to finish if you go through the book. The first principle is, embrace the fact that you’re going to die. A great majority of people are living in denial, and the whole idea of the book is to empower people to make the best use of their life. In my most recently published book that came out a few weeks ago, A New Now, that’s really a very intimate detail, an inspiring guide on how to live moment to moment, day to day, month to month, and for the rest of your life.

All the books work in concert. In Search of Lost Lives is my spiritual memoir in which I recover 80 past lives. What it really shows, it shows two main things. I was a very unusual kid. I was writing plays and directing them and producing them starting at the age of seven. I was drawing floor plans and elevations starting at the age of eight.

After we moved to California when I was 10, I had a whole portfolio, which I sent to the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. They had an office in San Francisco and basically, I was called in for an interview, and the head architect offered me a job when I finished high school. Well, where did these talents come from? I have certain aversions. I experienced a very powerful deja vu. For instance, when I was in Juhu Beach by Bombay, when I was an Occidental in Sonoma County, California. Absolutely when I was in London.

There were all of these idiosyncrasies, feelings, aversions that I don’t know where they came from, they didn’t come from my blood. So, one of the things I do in the book links all these specific experiences I’ve had this life to what happened in particular past lives, all very specific. The other main reason for the book is to give people a sense of all their comings and goings.

A lot of people think this is just it, or they think when they die and they’ve been good, they’re going to go to heaven and they’ll be surrounded by their family and they’ll have Thanksgiving dinner every day. Well, it’s not really that simple and easy. What you see going back to life afterlife is how I became spiritualized. That right after I turned 11, I let go of my parents’ religion and I really confronted the fact that I was going to die, and I decided to search for the answer to life and death.

My goal sounds absolutely audacious, Justin, but I’m going to be completely honest with you. My goal was to achieve immortality. Literally, this is a kid, 11 years old, okay? I wanted literal immortality and I realized I might not find it. If not that, then figurative or metaphorical, like actors can live on in their movies, writers in their books.

I wanted to have a consciousness about absolute bliss, and maybe when I was 12 or 13, we were great fans of the Twilight Zone. I saw an episode that just riveted me. It was, I think it was a very impactful husband scientist and by his wife and he wanted to exist after death. He had a rig. His brain would exist in the tank of saline, water, whatever solution it needed. And I just remember the end of that, his wife was so mad and she was blowing smoke into his tank that was trading all kinds of reactions. But we are not our brains. I mean, our brains are basically our hardware, and the software gets downloaded, that’s our mind and soul. A lot of people think we are our minds. Actually, we have a mind so we can function in the physical and the mental realms of the physical universe is just a really tiny part of creation. It’s one of the lower realms.

And I go through this in my books, particularly in the book In Search of Lost Lives. Who we are basically is soul, and this is the insight I gained as I continued my search. And I just want to say briefly the reason I started searching at the age of 11 is that I’d been searching in prior lives, and this is really illustrated in the book In Search of Lost Lives. I came in all prime to do that, I mean, someone like Mozart came in and as a total musical genius. Whereas let’s say a sibling of a similar genius has no idea what’s going on. You’ve been working on those often between lines. And I talk a little bit about what happens between lives in that book, but A New Now, your guide to mastering wisdom daily subtitle, achieving equilibrium, and empowering your nobler self.

That is the book that came to me, I have some notes. I have written in between promotions on my spiritual memoir. And I went to Florida to see what my higher self, my higher consciousness wanted me to write about next. And I started going through the notes and revising them. And shortly into that trip, I was having dinner in Delray beach in a vegetarian restaurant. And I saw this very sweet couple across from me. They were having dinner half the time, the rest of the time they were taking pictures of what they were eating and posting them on social media. And it was really sweet, and it occurred to me, my mother died rather quickly of pancreatic cancer. And I thought, what if I was in my forties and dying of pancreatic cancer and I had a twin son and daughter, what could I give them? What could I leave them with? And it came to me, this is the book I would want them to have because it’s a really intimate guide on how to make the best use of your life because you don’t know if you’re going to be here tomorrow in all honesty.

Michael, that’s a great place to pause because you brought up some really great concepts and ideas that I think those that are listening to this conversation. Folks pay attention here because if you’re in business and your sole focus is just to make money, then you’re missing the bigger picture. Before we go on break, Michael, where can people go find more information about you?

I’m sorry, where can they find out more about me?

What’s your website?

It’s spelled. And there’s a section on free media. I have many interviews, essays that they can listen to or download.

Fantastic folks, go take a look at Michael’s website. This conversation is going to take a real twist, real soon because it’s going to get real on the backside. Stay with us. We’ll be right back.

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