Is there a calling to become women of God? In this episode of We Rise Channel, host Ashley Palmer talks together with one of her best friends Kirsten DeGutes. Kirsten speaks life into the virtue of having a humble and giving heart. Kirsten is a church servant who likes to study apologetics and the Bible. She feels that her superpower lies in her generosity ever since she was a kid. Kirsten finds joy in serving the Lord by sharing the blessings that she receives with other people, and Ashley, as her housemate and churchmate, can attest to her infinite selflessness. Tune in and listen to Ashley and Kirsten as they talk about how much beauty a God-fearing woman holds inside and out.

All right. What is everyone up to? It is Ashley Palmer with the We Rise Channel. Welcome back to another episode. Today we have a really special guest because this is one of my dear friends. She is like a sister. She literally lives at my house, you guys. This is Kirsten DeGutes. Kirsten is one of my best friends. She’s a queen. She serves at my church. We serve together. She’s a coach. She loves kids. She’s just great. She goes to a lot of Bible studies. She is like, self-studying apologetics.

Activate Your Superpowers




I was like, is that what you said?


And, this is really special because we’re filming this live. It’s like, we just get to be together while we do that, and we have community. It’s super great. Everyone, this is Kirsten. Kirsten, welcome!

Hi! Thank you for having me. I’m so excited to do this.

I’m so excited you said, “yes.” I know a lot of people that I ask, I’m like “Hey, would you want to be on my podcast?” And they’re like, “Yes.” And I’m like, “Okay, sick.”


It’s like crickets because It’s intimidating.

Yeah, it is, but it’s exciting.

I’m excited you’re here. I’m so excited because we have a really cool topic we’re going to talk about today. But before we jump into that, Kirsten, what is your superpower and how do you use it to help others rise?

Okay, so we talked about this a little bit, but I feel like my superpower is giving.


Because ever since I was a kid, I’ve always put people first. My Mom told me a story about how, when I was a kid, I don’t even remember this, but when I was a kid, we were at a party and there was a pinata, and once we broke it, instead of grabbing candy for myself, there was this girl who was disabled and I was helping her get candy. So I’ve always felt like giving’s my passion. I love giving, like, I came over to your house a lot this past year to help your sister build her furniture, just because.

You helped me pull my little dresser too.

Oh yeah, I did. I forgot about that.

Yeah, seriously, and I’ll just piggyback off of that. You have such a generous, giving heart. Like you, she will come and we go out a lot.

We go out a lot.

Probably a little too much. But she will go out and she’s like, “I’ll pay.” Or like, “You guys can Venmo me.” And then she’ll never give us her Venmo or like Venmo charge us, or she’ll just cover it. she’ll buy us things, randomly, she’s like, “Hey, I bought you a Red Bull and I put it in your fridge.” And I was like, “Oh, you are so sweet!” It’s like, “Thank you!” Also, you just put it in my fridge.

Hey, you know, you never drink red bull warm.

So true. No, but seriously, that’s such a good gift. I can’t remember what verse, but in Matthew, it talks about how you should give with your right hand to where your left-hand doesn’t know what you’ve been giving. Which is like, that could be taken as tithing or generosity, or giving, or serving. And I think you embody that. I just think that you give so humbly and you just have a really great heart.

That’s so nice.


No, don’t.

No, stop. Okay Well, before we dive in more about your gift and your superpower, and ministry because we know you’ve been studying ministry, or would you say you’ve been sitting in ministry?

Yeah, I’d say like, really getting into it at the beginning of the year.

Okay. Yeah. You guys, she’s super biblical. She always has a verse for the occasion. Okay. But before we dive into that, you guys, we have a quick break. But before we go into that, Kiersten, do you have a platform? Like where can we find you?

You can find me on Instagram @fallingasleepagain2k. That’s about it. I don’t really have a lot of social media. 

Queen. You can also follow me on Instagram. It is @ashleynoelle pretty much across the board. You can find me pretty much anywhere, but yeah. All right. Well, we’re going to take a quick break and when we come back, Kirsten and I will dive into a conversation. All right. We will see you back here.

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.