Do you believe that everything here on Earth has a soul? Is it remarkable to think that even rivers, animals, plants, or rocks embody life? In this episode of Wisdom of Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan and guests Penelope Jean Hayes and Carole Serene talk about learning to honor the Earth. Penelope and Carole are the authors of the book “Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late.” Through a divine being of wisdom which they call Pax, the authors relay the importance of consciousness to humans as guardian angels of Mother Earth. They also discuss taking responsibility for the mess we made here on the planet. Join Ayn, Penelope, and Carole as they talk more about how we, as transients here on this planet, learn to live harmoniously with the elements of the Earth.

Welcome friends and mystical travelers. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of Wisdom of the Ages. And today, we’re going to be discussing peace, and it’s not only looking for peace outside of ourselves, but also inside of ourselves. Can we be in peace? So if you like these shows, you can listen to many Wisdom of the Ages episodes or read my Celtic wisdom tales on, or you can go to

I have some special guests today, two people. So this is going to be interesting. Penelope Jean Hayes, an author, and Carole Serene Borgens wrote a book called Do Unto Earth: It’s Not Too Late. This is an important book, so get into this with us, please. I think this is a message that we all need to hear.

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The subject of the living planet is dear to my heart. And with all the work that I’ve done over the years gathering Celtic myths and legends, I want to invite people to open up to some ancient and yet new possibilities. So you can also check out my book, Legends of the Grail. It’s a whole series of stories of Celtic goddesses and so forth, and these are the stories of the indigenous Europeans. They came from when the land was known to be a living, breathing, and soulful being. So, in those days, people were humble, and they worked in alignment with the elements. People took care of the soil, the water, the air. And when we do this, it brings fire into our hearts and eyes, and it brings the divine light back into our being. So we need to honor the elements once again and restore the ancient rituals and ceremonies that help us walk in honor upon this earth.

This brings me back to our book today, Do Unto Earth. In this book, Penelope Eugene Hayes communicates with Pax, a being, Wisdom. Well, I’m going to let her describe what Pax does precisely, but she’s described, or Pax is described as the divine wisdom source who’s channeled through intuitive Carolyn Serene Borgens. Hayes writes in the book’s introduction, “This moment, this writing is a call to action, a warning, a challenge, a prayer, and a message of healing to the world. You are about to read something, unlike anything you’ve read before. This book brings us to the threshold of a life-changing decision. And we’re asked to be the change.” And boy, is that true?

In the book, Pax explains our Starseed origins: consciousness is the guardian angel of Mother Earth, that our greatest stability is to raise consciousness. Pax explains that while we will eventually move off-planet, our role is to take responsibility for the mess we have created here and save our planet. We can do it. We have to evolve a little bit. And it’s time. We’ve got this. Pax challenges the belief about our origin, saying that humans were planted here as seeds, and they were alien to the earth, which makes sense. We need to learn to live in harmony with the earth and its elements.

Perhaps my favorite passage of the book is when Pax speaks about the Aboriginal first people knowing how the earth does best. Pax says everything has a soul is their belief. Whether plant or animal or rock or river or tree, everything has a soul. And we must treat each being in this way. And this is the way we practice love and compassion for all. My heart just opened as I read those words.

Today, we’ll also speak about finding light even when the world around us seems dark and how to move from disease to ease, harmony and balance. When we come back from the short break, we’re going to speak with Penelope Jean Hayes and the channeler in Carole Serene Borgens, who does automatic writing. So, maybe Pax won’t be talking, but we’ll be speaking about the process. You can find out more about my guests on Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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