Have you been suffering from experiencing overwhelm? Do you want to learn how to gain confidence in the midst of overwhelm? In this episode of SuperPower Mommas, Laura Greco and her guest, Trisha Terns, a mindset coach, go into a discussion that explores this very topic. Trisha is also building a business where she assists business builders and aspiring entrepreneurs to stop living by the seat of their pants, reclaim their calendars, and align their life’s dreams so they can start living the lifestyle their business was meant to create. Listen in to learn some very simple secrets that you can apply right away to begin your journey from overwhelm to confidence. If you are finding that your energy is dropping along with your patience, if you are not sleeping so well, and this is affecting you and your ability to parent as you want to, you will learn some choices you can make that will empower you to change your life and that of your family.

Hello everyone and welcome. I’m Laura Greco, your host at SuperPower Mommas. I’m so excited about our topic today. Our topic is concerning something that’s very prevalent among us as moms, and that’s overwhelming. What we’re going to be discussing though is how you can gain confidence in the midst of overwhelm. If you’re a mama, well, then you’ve been visited by overwhelm either a little bit or a lot, often or sometimes. No matter what, when it comes, isn’t it true for you that it’s challenging to know exactly what to do? You may also be a mom who works. You may be running a business. You may be contributing to a community and assisting in school functions and all of this while showing up as that put together mom. Well, one day you find that your energy is dropping along with your patience and maybe you’re not getting enough sleep anymore. It’s affecting you along with your ability to parent as you really want to.

Well, I wonder during those times of overwhelm, do you remember in that very moment that you have power of choice? That overwhelm has shown up not as your foe, but as your teacher, as an opportunity for you to see how things can be done differently. I love this about this because you think, oh wow, in a perfect world, sure I would just know in the moment what I’m supposed to be doing. Yet there are ways to begin to hone that skill so that you can shell up with a little more presence when the signs begin to show up for you. Gaining confidence during these times of overwhelm requires empowerment. That empowerment comes from the ability to see and execute choice. This requires a go to plan, and that is exactly why I am so excited to introduce you to our guests today, Trisha Terns.

She is a creative, confident and wilderness driven soul. I felt inspired to have her on the show because mamas, no matter whether you are running a business or not, you are running a family. The skills that are required to avoid overwhelm in business are very similar to the ones that also are required and can empower you and support your ability to have choice when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Trisha is growing a business where she inspires business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs to stop flying by the seat of their pants to reclaim their calendars and align their life’s dreams. She’s assisting them in starting to live a lifestyle where their business is, or you could say family is supporting what they are meant to create. Trisha, welcome to the show. I’m so excited you are here.

Hi. Thank you Laura for having me. It’s a pleasure. I’m so excited to be here.

Well, we’re thrilled to have you because you bring with yourself some great things that we would love to talk about.


As always, when we start our shows, we ask our guests what their superpower is. I’m excited to hear yours.

Yes, absolutely. Well, my superpower is really just having the ability to read the energy of a room. Always bringing enthusiasm to the table like if there was a word that would describe my genius, my native genius or my superpower would be enthusiastic. Just the ability to connect in the moment with people and leave people feeling more capable than when they arrived. That’s something that I’m a connector. I mean, connection is a big part of who I am, but I’m also an introvert, so I definitely know the line of when too much is too much and I need to dial it back because that will also overwhelm me. Really, I give it my all when it comes to people and I love, love, love digging into people’s minds and really figuring out how they think. That’s why this mindset coaching and this growth coaching that I do is so important and in alignment with my superpower.

I love it. Love it. It’s a wonderful skill to have, not just for you in the work that you’re doing but as mamas to consider. Being able to broaden out and have superpower similar to that is so helpful, right?

Yes, yes.

Leaving our children, right, in an empowering state. However, when overwhelm hits, it can be really a challenge. Right? Because we’re in that space where we’re not feeling empowered. Is that you or me?

I’m sorry. That’s me. I don’t know how to get rid of that.


Sorry about that.

Sorry everybody. Okay. We’re good. What I’m leading to is these superpowers that you use, how do you see them assisting not just the people you work with in business… I’m sure you work with moms as well, but how do you see these superpowers assisting you with that challenge of overwhelm?

Say that again. How do I see them as what?

How do you see your superpower, your ability to read the energy in the room, can you expand on how that assists your clients and assists moms when they’re in that place of overwhelm?

Yes. One thing that I will walk clients through actually and something that would be really beneficial for your audience to hear, an exercise for them to really do is to think about three words. I mean, everything goes into intention, right? If we set up the day to go in with intention and we know what is backing us as us showing up as our best self, right? Not just our best self but also our superpowers. If we know those things, we can start to go into the day having already started on a good foot. If you think about like three words that would now describe the best of who you are, like words that your friends would describe you as and the best parts of you. Starting off your day by reviewing those words is something that will immediately, it gets tucked in your subconscious. Right?

The more you review it and the more you really feel yourself in those words and reflect on experiences in the past where you actually showed up as that, they really start to come into play when you’re challenged with feelings of overwhelm, or feelings of frustration, or feelings of doubt. All of that stuff that comes up when we get into that overwhelmed state because we really need to open up our minds to have the space to think straight. When you get into an overwhelmed state, the first piece is awareness, right? If you know the difference between being overwhelmed and not, you can then gain some agency and some control over your own actions and those knee jerk reactions that we tend to have when we get into a state of overwhelm. Just reflecting on those words for you. For me, my words are adventure, connection and presence. They change here and there.

Maybe I go through them a couple times a year, sometimes more. Typically, those are the three that always come back. I definitely think about those when I’m in those situations of overwhelm. Because you can show up and you can show up in terms of what you have to do, but instead, what I would think about is who do you want to be?


Right? For me, when I did this, when I did high performance coaching, which is what I teach in this framework, this curriculum. I was a client for the last three and a half years. I still have a coach to this day, but that was the initial thing that really got me to go back and be like, you know what? That was my aha moment. One of my biggest aha moments is I was constantly waking up thinking about what I had to do in the day and already starting a to do list, like checking it off in my head instead of realizing like who do I want to be today? Like, how am I going to show up today based on all the things that are going on today and the people that I need to meet, the events that I have to go to, the stuff that I have to do, everything that’s on my plate. Like, who do I really want to show up as? When you go in with that mindset, all of the sudden when you’re tested because you’ll be tested, right?


It will come back in your subconscious if you’ve reviewed it in the day. I mean, the mind is a super powerful tool and it’s something that could be really beneficial for that state if you get into that overwhelmed state.

Oh, I love that. There’s a couple of things you said that I just want to… We’re going to go for a break in a minute but I just want to focus on, and that is number one, the intention. The words of course that’s the obvious, but the fact that you were saying to do this prior to the day is more like a practice of intention so it gives you the opportunity to have this in your mind all day. Even a three by five card that you carry in your wallet.

Oh my gosh, yeah, exactly. I love that idea. A lot of times it’s sticky notes. Clients will put sticky notes up. I have them in my house, I have them on my mirror. I mean, hopefully you brush your teeth every day, right?


It’s just a quick glance sometimes. Sometimes, as I walk out the door, I have, did I serve with excellence today? Sometimes I just touch it and I take a couple of deep breaths. I’m like, how am I going to show up to this meeting today or whatever I’m going to. Even if it’s a doctor’s appointment, or the airport. How much you have to bring your patience to the airport? All those things, going into things, it really helps you to connect with who you really want to show up as. Then everything else just follow suit.

Right, right. Life is a practice so being perfect is not the optimum. What’s optimum is learning to work through these challenges in a way that works. I used to have a little stickers everywhere that says I choose love.

I love that.

I had everywhere, my mirror, like everywhere, every doorway. Like you, I would just touch it.

Yes. I love that. That’s beautiful.

There’s one, and it reminds us, right? As moms going through the day maybe we’re immersed in child stuff and we can forget that we’re even mattering. Right?

Oh my gosh, yes. Just in distraction alone, right? I mean, we could go to so many pieces of high performance, but the productivity part and the distraction to your aim and what you’re shooting for and who you are, there’s so many distractions in our world right now. We have to be able to minimize them to really create the space to show up as our best self.

That requires practice. It’s something you can do before you’re in an overwhelming situation in a day. It’s something you can prepare yourself. Well, we have to take a break. Please, tell everybody Trisha, where they can find you?

Sure. Trishaterns.com, just my name. You can also follow me with that name on Facebook and Instagram.

Perfect. Perfect. You’ve been listening to SuperPower Mommas, and we’re talking on the topic of overwhelm and how can you gain confidence in the midst of overwhelm. Stay with us. We’ll be right back as we continue this discussion.

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