What is the supermind? What is possible when you tap into its powers? In this episode of Your SuperPowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell talks with guest Dr. Ron Dalrymple as they discuss how one can awaken to the energy of the supermind. Dr. Dalrymple talks about shifting from seeing the world through a cloud of confusion to experiencing the supermind’s energy field and the connecting power of love and hope. Join Kristin and  Dr. Dalrymple in today’s episode to discover how you can tap into your supermind.

Hello, everyone. Welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. I’m Kristin Maxwell. In this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am really excited. I am going to be talking to Dr. Ron Dalrymple about tapping into your supermind with quantum field psychology. Dr. Dalrymple is a Licensed Psychologist with a special interest in helping people tap into the true higher seldom understood powers of the mind. He is the author of four bestselling books, and also produced a bestselling film about quantum field psychology called Paradise Found in 2015. He recently released a new film, The Endless Question, which I will most certainly be asking him about. So, Dr. Ron, welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind.

Activate Your Superpowers

Well, thank you, Kris, and great to meet you. It’s a pleasure to be here. I’ve been looking forward to doing your show very much. 

Thank you. Me too.

Really. Yeah. Yeah.

Your stuff is interesting, so.

Thank you. Yeah.

My first question is always what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

Well, this all started back when I was a kid working at NASA. I went there at 17 years old. I was majoring in math and physics at the University of Maryland, worked at NASA part-time to pay my way through college. By 19, I started taking psychology classes, and I discovered that you could explain many of the major theories of psychology with math and physics, especially topological mathematics and quantum physics. So, my superpower there, I guess, really the ability to abstract, take many theories, and go to a higher level to pull up the essence of each one and create a whole new super theory or super theory of mind, which of course involves a concept of supermind.

We’ll have within us a super mind or a higher power that we can access. By accessing that supermind, we can do many, many amazing things. I know you had Jonathan Levi on your show. You did a great job of talking about super memory and super learning. I used to teach that type of thing. I was teaching college at Maryland for a number of years. We also can do incredible things I think when we access that higher power within us and we all have it, and we all have that ability. I love your show because you’re focusing on this. It’s a very important thing to the world. Thank you very much for what you’re doing.

Well, thank you. Thank you for going and figuring it out. Because what I love is getting to talk to you, people like you who think about life on a whole different level. What I want to do is try to understand it and help break it down, so people of us who are not working at NASA at age 17 can understand it, right, and employ that. So, you’re talking about a whole new super theory of mind, a super mind. What abstract idea did you come up with? I mean, how did you get to that?

Great question. Great question. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you off. Yeah. Actually, I was at NASA one day in November of 1969. I was in my junior year at Maryland. I just started taking, I guess, my second class in psychology, which was about personality theory. I was walking into my dormitory at the University of Maryland. So the evenings are cold, dark November night, the wind was blowing outside and I asked a faithful question, can you explain the different theories of psychology with mathematics and physics? I was hit by a thunderbolt, a tsunami of ideas where I saw that the mind is an energy field, which transcends the physical brain and projects through space as a way for much like electromagnetic energy that interacts with matter in terms of particles that could also explain manifestation, thought transference, as referred to in so-called psychic phenomena. 

So, there might be a way to explain that scientifically I thought, and I told many folks about this. I told some scientists at NASA about this. Most of them laughed at me. One guy said, “You should go live in California.” But, there’s a great physicist there who said, “You know what? You really should go research that.” So, I did. That was over 50 years ago. So, I’ve been looking at this for a long time. Eventually traveled the world, studied a lot of different philosophies and so forth and languages and people, went back to grad school, got my doctorate in psychology, and then saw over the years probably 22,000 patients. Then also taught 15 different courses for Maryland to really understand the whole field. Then wrote the book in 2004 called Quantum Field Psychology, but the promise it puts in terms of too much math and physics and all that, most folks weren’t really enthralled by that. So, I said, “Well, I’ve got to make movies.”

So, I went back to film school or to screenwriting school. We’ve been producing films ever since that. The most recent film, a documentary, is called The Endless Question, which tries to make it easy, where you’re trying to thoughts of Nikola Tesla. He made a lot of comments about once we start to explore the energy aspects of the mind, we’ll make more progress in humankind in 10 years than we’ve made in all history before us. I think he was right because it opens up all kinds of avenues, but how the mind really works. In other words, the brain is not supernal to the mind, it’s the other way around. 

The mind is superior to the brain and transcends the physical brain and also transcends the physical body, which means also transcends this physical life we’re in, which also implies, of course, many spiritual aspects. So, this is truly a bridge theory between spirituality and science connecting the two up. So, it’s really kind of a shocking thing. We call it to mind shock in our podcast. So, it does shock a lot of people, but that really is the essence of it is that it started as way theory and actually with the matter as particles, that was the original thought.

So, you’ve got a lot there to try to break down. So, what you going back, so the mind is superior to the brain.

Yes, exactly. 

How do you distinguish the mind from the brain?

Well, the usual theories are that the mind is a subset of the brain with biochemical theory. Most theories think that they make the assumption that it’s all part of the physical world, but I really think that the mind transcends a brain. It explains out of body experiences, astral projection, psychic phenomena, thought transference. I’ll bet folks in your life where you’ll be thinking something or thinking about this person and the phone rings or you get a letter in the mail or an email. Many people experience mind’s connecting back and forth. Very often spouses might have that or a parent and child or siblings will have or very close friends where they pick up each other’s thoughts and feelings. So, I think we are really connected to each other.

So, we’re all connected to each other by energy fields and to a higher source as well. That truly is one of the greatest secrets of the universe. We’re all really connected. In our theory of quantum field psychology, we show how it makes perfect sense as you can connect the two together. We show by topological mathematics and so forth how one mind projects to another. I’ve explained the terms of the mathematics of that. It all ties into also quantum concepts as well. So, we’re trying to make it scientific, but also simple. That’s been a real problem. How to reduce it down to make it easy for everybody to understand. That’s been a real task.

Yes. Because I mean, really what you’re talking about is something that’s so, it’s paradigm-shifting. It’s not the way most of us think at all, which is why even just using the term super mind is good because I first was talking about thinking this, you’re tapping into your higher self. Well, we have an idea of that, but when we have this idea that we have a super-mind, that even is above that, it sort of shifts the brain a little bit or how we’re looking at it. So, I think that’s good. We do have to go on a break. Can you let people know where they can find more about you and your films and your work?

Thank you very much. Our film, The Endless Question is free on Amazon Prime. So, folks can find it there. Our books are also on Amazon. They’re on Kindle as well, so they really don’t cost much. The first book is called Eight Days of Creative Power. The second is the Inner manager, which is a short course in mind development itself. The next is called I Love You God, which helps people tune into the idea there’s a divine presence inside us. The last is called, of course, Quantum Field Psychology. They’re all on Amazon and the films on Amazon Prime. Yeah. 

Good. Thank you so much. Hang on everybody. When we come back from this short break, I’m going to dig a little bit deeper into what it would be like and how we ourselves can maybe start to look into tapping into our own super minds.

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