What does it take to break down the protective devices around your head and heart that keep you from feeling empowered? In this episode of Your Superpowered Mind, host Kristin Maxwell and guest Susan Burrell share the power of asking good questions to get out from under the weight of anxiety and depression. Susan also shares the patterns that keep strong, capable people from recognizing their own power. Join Kristin and Susan in today’s episode and master your inner life and awareness for a more empowered you.

Hello, and welcome to Your SuperPowered Mind. This is Kristin Maxwell. And in this show, we explore the process of transformation and give you tools and strategies that you can use to transform your own life. Today, I am going to be talking to Susan Burrell about the process of becoming empowered. Susan Burrell is an author, podcast, speaker, and coach who works with strong, capable women who have pockets of self-doubt. She helps them uncover their brilliance and inner love, access their inner wisdom, and clarify their truths. She is the author of Live An Empowered Life, and the host of the podcast, Empowering Chats with Susan Burrell. I can’t wait to hear what she has to say. This is something I, and I know about a trillion other people could use. So Susan, welcome to Your Superpowered Mind.

Activate Your Superpowers

Thanks, Kristin. It’s a joy to be here with you.

Thank you. My first question is always what superpower did you uncover as the result of mastering your mind?

That’s a big question, man.

It is.

That’s a really big question. That’s an ongoing journey. But I think the thing for me wasn’t so much mastering my mind, but my intention and my intention was to come out happier, healthier, and more in love with myself going through a divorce than when I entered in. And so I think that the superpower that uncovered itself by means of all of that turmoil, that’s a very, very kind word, was that once I broke down all the protection devices around my mind and my heart, I realized that I’m actually an intuitive healer. And I had all my life just kept that hidden, even from myself. So that I think is my superpower, being an intuitive healer and in-path.

Who knew, who knew? Yes. Isn’t that funny? I know, I started as a litigation attorney.

Oh my gosh, you poor thing.

Yeah, exactly. And I even liked it. So there you go. Well, what I love that you just brought up there is mastering your intention. What does that mean? Because that’s not something people talk about. What you sort of did is you wanted to be happier and healthier.


And so how did you go about starting to get that mastery? Breaking down, again, as I love the words, the protective devices?

Yeah. And it’s kind of what’s going on right now, whenever this airs, 2020 is about breaking down chaos, being sequestered, all of that. So what was happening for me when I was going through, well, realizing my marriage was over and then going through the divorce process, I realized that I did have these protective devices that actually kind of kept me safe in a way that wasn’t necessarily healthy because it caused me to disengage in that previous relationship with my ex-husband. But the intention for me was to really come out whole. To really kind of find all the pieces of myself that I didn’t know, or I had lost track of. Again, it’s never a done deal. The end game isn’t the end game until however many lifetimes you come back. But the mastering of my intention meant that I was focusing my awareness, and some people say it’s your mind. For me, it’s my awareness, it comes from the center of my heart.

And where am I focusing it? Am I allowing fear and anger to run my heart and keep me safe by putting up barriers and blocks? Or am I allowing myself to be vulnerable, and vulnerable in a way that yes, it does get painful, and the pain, man I used to hate that phrase, no pain, no gain? I hated it. But having walked this journey now, it’s kind of true. Because in the pain, you get to really clarify who and what you are, and why you’re here. And so that to me was mastering my intention. My intention was to be free, happy, and loving myself more than I ever had before in my life. Gosh, Kristin, maybe I did master it, because when all was said and done, on the day I got that final divorce paper, I was free and happy and loving myself more than I ever had.

And then I met the love of my life the next day. So I think that mastering your inner life, mastering your inner awareness, in a way that continues to focus it towards conscious growth, conscious evolution, conscious transformation, it’s no easy task, but for me, that’s the only way I want to live my life. Being conscious, awake, happy, feeling love, and joy, and you know all those dancing through the meadows.



Yes. Okay. And there’s a lot there that I’m wanting to break down, because, in terms of this process of people becoming empowered themselves, I could see a lot of us saying, yeah, I want to break down these protective devices around my heart. I want to be able to focus my awareness from my heart, but I have all these other beliefs and traits and habits that drag me back, and out, and away from that. And I want to go into that, but we have to take a break first.


So before we do, I know you recently wrote a book, Live An Empowered Life. Where can people learn more about you and your book, and what you have going on around that?

Okay. So my book, Live An Empowered Life! A 30 Day Journey. You can find it on my website, susanburrell.com, among all the other things that I’ve got going on. But you can also get it through Amazon. And the one thing I want to say, tell everybody, it’s not a book you read, and then you kind of get some gems and you think you’re really healed. It is a workbook because I had to do the work, my belief is everybody else has to do the work.

Yes, it definitely is. We’ll go to break. But that is one of the things that myself, my clients, it’s like, wait, do I have to go back and keep working on this? Isn’t it just going to go away? And when am I going to just switch over magically? And it’s practice. So anyway, we’ll go into that in a moment. Hang tight. We’ll come back. We’ll talk more to Susan Burrell about becoming empowered.

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