What does it mean to reprogram reality? In today’s episode of Cosmic Consciousness, co-hosts, Jewels Arnes and Erika Barth discuss what it means to reprogram reality. Jewels and Erika talk about letting go of the victim mentality and being empowered to make choices on how you perceive your own reality. The way two people experience the same situation could be very different and it all depends on their perspective. Tune in to today’s episode to find out more about how we can reprogram our reality with love, joy, and ease.

Blessing, soul family. This is Jewels with Cosmic Consciousness and this is the Reprogramming Reality Series, and I have my co-host with me, Erika.
Blessings, everybody.
Today, we are going to talk about what it means to reprogram reality.
We both stopped and took a breath at the exact same time, right? Because when you say that, people are like, “That’s so fascinating, but what does that really mean?” I just think it’s so important why we want to talk to ourselves, why do we want to connect to our skin, why do we want to create a life that we want to live versus a life that we feel like we have to get through.

Oh, that’s so beautiful. Really, what it’s about is being empowered to be the creator of your life. In that empowerment, we let go of the victim mentality and really start making choices upon even the things that maybe we can’t change, we still have the choice and the perception of what we would have in our experience or the frequency of which we would have the experience. I say it all the time that two people can go through the exact same experience and come out saying two different things. This is really interesting because this morning I was just doing some just kind of mindless work, and I was really, really enjoying it. My frequency was just in this place where I was just really connecting to a really high energy pattern.
Two days ago, I was doing the exact same thing and it was a struggle to get through and It was just like, wow, this is what it means to have some experience in two different frequencies because I very rarely go to a frequency where I struggle to get through things, but I was just in that place, and I was like, “Oh yeah.” This is what people can experience, but we have the choice not to.
I think a lot of times we hear about choosing happiness, right? We all have been giving ourselves adversities, right? I call them adversities. People will call them challenges. I just like to think that we’re creating the foundation of yourself of who we are, right? We are building the foundation blocks in our bodies. When we do that, you can do it in a loving, happy, joyful way. Or you can do it in like suffering, painful, like, eh, I gotta get through this kind of way, and it’s a choice. The new earth way is to choose the ease, to choose the joy, the choose the love, and the old way was to kind of drudge through it and I gotta get through this, I gotta get through this. What people don’t realize is that mentality alone is what you’re feeding your body. That choice is what fed yourselves, that’s what your energy is taking on and you don’t even realize you’re doing it.
I think that’s the first step to reprogramming reality is to acknowledge and have the awareness that we actually have the choice to not be there. So many times our body just goes into these old programs and just recreates the same programs. I mean, if you really stopped to think about it, you probably recreate the same experience or at least the same feeling in experience over and over and over again, and it almost kind of becomes personality on a lot of levels. But we can reprogram that to higher frequencies, and that’s really what reprogramming reality is about and why we created the DQ system is that we can bring higher levels of consciousness into the cells. So when we’re not thinking about these higher levels of consciousness, our bodies are already vibrating there. So it gives us the ability to move into higher vibrational experiences without always having to think about it.
So this is where I think it would be the perfect time to bring in. People don’t even know what their belief systems are, right? They’re just living a life that they’re not happy in. They feel like they’re hitting their head up against a wall, and they’re like, “Okay, great. You’re identifying me right now. Now what? How do I even become aware?”
I think the first part is to ask for awareness because what we focus on is the information that we will get. So if we are in a frequency pattern, and so many times we go through lower frequency patterns and we’re all the way down the rabbit hole before we realize like, wait a minute, how did I even get here? So if we start to focus on the awareness of even how we’re feeling or what we’re thinking, we will be able to start to interrupt those thoughts. It’s just like that first initial of waiting a minute, is this what I want to be thinking, and then we can go into the deeper processing of clearing this belief system as you said.

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What I love about that is that there is a very commonality that I myself was guilty of. Yes, but, yes, but. I did this, yeah, but. What we’re trying to have you guys do is yes, next and more, right? When you’re talking to yourself, and it’s not resisting it, there’s a beauty in the surrender of it, right? Because there’s a belief system that you may not be aware of, and instead of looking at it and fighting it, just embrace it, be okay with it, let it go, and then choose what you want to step into next.
That is beautiful. So when we get back, I’d love to do a universal clearing and then go a little bit more into how we can identify what our belief systems are, and then once we do, what we’re going to do with them. If you are interested in finding out more about DQ, go to eternalgoldbeauty.com and then go into the DQ shop. It’s so much fun and, gosh, this is just cutting edge. We are in the cutting edge of reprogramming reality and that’s what this show is all about. We’ll be right back.

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