Women in Empowerment and the Men Who Love Them
Women in empowerment and the men who love them have chosen to embark on an amazing journey together. Along the way, obstacles arise and challenges emerge. I recently had a conversation with a friend that highlighted some of the ups and downs in this journey. Here’s an open letter to all who relate:
Brother – Your woman is responding to your energy. You think you’re protecting your relationship by not discussing her “issues” but in fact you are sabotaging it. Your fear of not wanting to talk to your woman because you’re afraid you’ll meet her ego (and her fury) is what is actually causing the problem. She feels that from you and is responding to it accordingly. The more and more you go inside and not discuss these things with her the more and more that energy is going to build and the farther and farther apart you will grow.
Here’s the thing…Guys who are in relationships with strong willed and highly aware woman tend to turn inward and have an inner dialogue that sounds something like …”it’s her issues….it’s her ego…this is her shit not mine….I didn’t do anything wrong, etc”.
Sound familiar? How to fix it though…
Women want intimacy, but as guys we often equate that to just the physical. That no longer works, it will get you cut off and your relationship will only last so long. Instead recognize that what women want is for their man to Stand in their POWER. This means having a conversation with her, even if it is her shit.
It’s a relationship…which means you have to be communicating. If you’re not then the resentment builds, sex lacks and there is no connection, on any level.
Sure…her shit triggers your ego. That’s natural. But what’s more important to you. Your freaking ego which just wants to be right? Or your relationship and working through both of your shit together?
If you try to meet her ego with yours…You will lose
If you try to ignore it and hope she figures her shit out on her own…you will lose.
If you only dialogue about it with your internal voice and don’t communicate..you will lose.
Your thinking brain will sabotage your relationship, lay blame and push her away. You have to be willing to open up and be vulnerable. That is the intimacy she is looking for. You have to connect on all levels.
When you continue with the internal dialogue you only feed your ego, your ego will create stories which justify your ego’s need to be right and ultimately make her the enemy and push her away.
Recognize your ego when it wants to speak up. Give it voice by talking about it, but don’t let it run the conversation. Honor what you feel, what you’re going through and have a conversation with her about it.
Stand in your Personal POWER and meet her from your heart, not your head.