Are you aware of the wonders of planetary awakening? In this episode host, Ayn Cates Sullivan and guest Rory Duff talk about the mystical aspects of science and planetary awakening. Rory is one of Ayn’s favorite guests; in fact, this is his third episode on the show.  He believes that it is not the disaster and ruin we are heading to. Instead, these are just crumbs of a more significant thing that we are destined to approach, the Golden Age. Join Ayn and Rory as they discuss the correlation of solar flares to the evolution of humanity, the science behind the changing world, and several observations from geologists.

Welcome, everyone. I have a special guest for you today: Rory Duff. I’d like to invite you with us on a journey into the science of planetary awakening.

Now, this is mystical and wondrous. I think you’re going to really enjoy it. We’ll go into the physical and mystical earth, and discover more about the wonders and science of planetary awakening.

My guest today is Rory Duff. This is his third episode with me. He’s one of my favorite people to interview because he senses that instead of heading towards disaster and ruin; which might be part of things; but really, we’re in a planetary awakening and we’re heading toward a Golden Age if enough people are ready.

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This “if” is why we need to keep doing these episodes and sharing the content with our friends.

But I personally believe that we can engage the intelligent, elemental, mystical forces that can help us usher in an entirely new time. A Renaissance, a Golden Age. Here we are, we’re right at the threshold. We should do this.

In this episode, we will continue to discuss the more mystical aspects of science and planetary awakening. But Rory Duff is a well-known biogeologist. I’ve never really gone into the science behind the earth’s changes. And now I’m curious; I want to know the nuts and bolts.

If we have time in the end, we’ll also discuss his novel, The Grail Hunter, which I’m really enjoying. It’s a sort of easy way to get into the Grail Quest and into some energy.

Without further ado, let me introduce Rory Duff. Hello, Rory.

Hey, and how do you do? Nice to be here.

Thank you so much for coming to the show. I know we did the Great Awakening, which was really fun; where we went into dowsing. We did the Holy Grail awakening to the Golden Age, which was about mysticism and sacred sites. Are you ready to really get into the nuts and bolts of science, so we can understand what’s happening?

Yes, absolutely. I mean, this is, of course, the angle I came into this all from the first place. I wouldn’t have probably touched it if I hadn’t had some grasp of what was going on with the science.

I was really following up on that aspect; being curious about the observations I was coming across and how that connected up with science itself. So, yes.

I wasn’t one of these kids in class that loved science, but I really loved physics. It seems to me that we do live in a holographic universe. Mysticism makes complete sense to me.

But the fact that science is coming along and saying, “You guys aren’t crazy and way out there. This is actually true.” We do live in an awakening world. I’m so excited to talk about this.

Well, yeah. It’s interesting you said you were excited about physics. I look back at my university time, studying geology. I was drawn to something interesting that perhaps a lot of other sciences weren’t teaching at that time. The reason why it was different is because geology was still a very young science when I did it back in the late ’70s.

In the second and third years, we were touching on the controversy. And there weren’t any answers. We’d reached the point where we’d learned the basics, so to speak. And we were now getting into the field of, “Well, is this, or is it something else?”

You began to feel like you were a pioneer in science. In a lot of other sciences, you’ve got to get to the Ph.D. level before that cutting-edge moment of finding groundbreaking new observations.

I think what excited me was that whole area of controversy, which was, “What was going on? How does this happen?” I mean, I literally found a mineral under a polished section. We were doing it, and I didn’t know what this was.


I asked the professor and he looked at it, said, “We need to put it under the electron microscope.” It came back: it was a Palladium Bismuth Telluride.

You wouldn’t know it, you wouldn’t expect it to know it. But as one of the Ph.D. students says, “I’ve just read a paper about something like this.”

Literally, three months before this person had published this new mineral called Michenerite, which was a Palladium Bismuth Telluride. This came from a platinum deposit we were studying on the Merensky Reef in Southern Africa.

But the point was, I’d just missed out on discovering this new mineral by about six months.

But that whole environment was one where you could be on any cusp of time, of discovering something new. That was what I find exciting; that at the cutting edge of science, there was uncertainty. This is where we are now, and where we should be with science, in all areas of the frontier.

And in many ways, what we’re finding today is that science has been presented as a done deal. This is how science is, but this is a complete divorce from how science used to be.

I mean, if you take back to how it began, you start by making observations. You test these observations, and you redesign tests with new observations after that.

You build up a hypothesis, then you test that hypothesis further until it becomes firm up. And you can begin to predict what observations you’re going to get with this hypothesis.

That then becomes the theory. Because the theory should be able to predict future observations.

At the point of doing this, you’re never going to prove anything. You can only ever disprove something. Theory can only ever be disproved or not proved.

There is always uncertainty. You’re never going to get to 100% of the truth. You’ll get a perception of the truth, but 100% of the truth is never possible.

What I love about it is that science gives us the doorway to become increasingly curious about life.

Now I have to take an ad break. I don’t want to, I want to keep talking. But let’s just take this quick ad break, then we’ll come and we’ll just really dive into this.

This is going to be fantastic. I know people can go to your website, which is, right?


Okay. If you want to listen to these two episodes that we’ve done before that are a little more mystical; there’s the Great Awakening and the Holy Grail: Awakening to the Golden Age. You can go to

Stay tuned. We’ll be right back. Then we’re going to dive into the science of planetary awakening.  

To listen to the entire show click on the player above or go to the SuperPower Up! podcast on iTunes.