What is the great awakening? On today’s episode of Wisdom of the Ages, host Ayn Cates Sullivan speaks with guest Rory Duff all about spiritual awakenings, what the great awakening is and how we can participate. Ayn and Rory talk all about the impact of the great awakening and how to grow and benefit and grow from something so significant. Tune into this episode to learn all about the great awakening.

Wholehearted welcome, love and blessings. This is Ayn Cates Sullivan, host of the Wisdom of the Ages podcast show. I’ve been recording many interviews and monologues about spiritual awakening, cosmic mysteries, and the possibility of a new paradigm. You can find out more about them on wisdomoftheages.superpowerexperts.com. I’m really excited about this episode about spiritual awakening. This is going to be all about awakening to a new paradigm. I personally have had enough of greed and division and domination over an anger and oppression, and so many things that are going on. I’m very curious about this potential shifting consciousness that’s taking place and how it’s taking place and how we can be involved in it. The guests on my show are generally people who are also grail seekers, spiritual alchemist of the soul. In June 2020, I did a Wisdom of the Ages episode called The Holy Grail and The Coming Golden Age.

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People loved it so much that I decided to invite Rory Duff back onto the show to talk about spiritual awakening. We had one of the most inspiring conversations of the year and I’m looking forward to more. We’re going to go deeper this time, so get ready. We’re going to talk about some really wild and wonderful things. To set the stage, I’m going to take you back into my childhood because to open up to these wonderful mysteries, a lot of times we have to drop into the place of the inner child. The one who is curious, the one who is interested in fairytales. When I was 11 years old, my father bought me a pendant pendulum, and I was so excited about it. I held it up and it had a little Merkaba, a little star in it, and it started to spin. I actually just started squealing. I was so excited about it. I just started dowsing everything. I walked down the aisle at the grocery store and I would dowse for my food. I dowse for my supplements. I dowse the lay lines around our farm.

I dowse my chakras. I probably really didn’t know what I was doing, but I certainly had a lot of fun. I’m going to invite you to shift now on to that inner child. After the show, you might want to order some dowsing rods or ask Rory to create a lay line map of your area, or just see what happens. Just see what excites you. Anyway, at the time, I found this place, it was in a lower meadow. I was living in Virginia. It was a place where the cows would go when they were going to die naturally. I was really curious about this place. I would sit there with the bones and in this natural animal graveyard, the deer would go there too and birds and other things. I would sit there and go, why is it that they know to come to this spot? What’s special about this place? Then I started to feel that maybe the animals understood something that I couldn’t quite feel yet or could maybe only vaguely feel.

I got a little more interested in it. I found a buzzard tree, and that had a very strange energy. Then I walked the deer paths. Then I realized if I closed my eyes, I could follow these golden paths, snakes through the forest, and I might run into a tree though. It’s a good idea to keep your eyes open, but it’s just there are these things that we can feel if we’re playful and if we’re open. I’m more of a poet than a dowser, but I do know that we can intuitively sense the special places of this world and that we can work with them. I love to visit them. Several years later, I think I was about 13. We needed a well. A proper dowser came to the farm and his name was Elf. I thought it was great. Anyway, he’s dowsing rods and he located the water and we still use that well. Years later, when I went to Avebury stone circle in England, I skipped to the hen shop and I bought a set of dowsing rods and they clocked all over the place.

I really had no idea what was happening, but they were very active. I realized that you could start to read these, the width and length and direction of these lines. I’m not great at it, but Rory Duff really is. Then at that place, I also ran into some wonderful books by Paul Broadhurst and Hamish Miller, the Earth Energies and The Dance of the Dragon. It was at that time that I learned that the dragon or the serpent was originally thought of as the life force of the earth. I started to wonder about that because I’d always thought, oh, you’re supposed to tame the dragon or slay the dragon. Then I started to realize, well, this is actually the symbol of the goddess. The Gnostic secretly believed the serpent was the embodiment of wisdom. That was I think really what started this grail quest for me, this interest in the captors and the Rosicrucian’s and Freemasons and so forth. The people who understood that there’s a way to actually have direct knowing with the earth and the cosmos and so forth.

It’s something that we’re moving into again now. It’s very exciting. This stuff about spiritual awakening is so exciting. Anyway, there are lots of ways to engage with reality and dream with reality. There are many different realities. What are we going to do? We’re just going to jump in here. I’m going to take a little break for five minutes to talk about spiritual awakening. If you want to check out Rory Duff, you can go onto roryduff.com. We’ll mention his work again in a minute. When we get back, we’re going to be speaking about earth energies, lay lines, planetary awakening, and what we can do and help. Okay. Stay tuned. We’ll be right back.

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