SPU – Spirit and Superpowers
Expanding on last week’s episode, Living by Christ’s Design, Tonya talks about spirit and superpowers and everything in between. In her discussion with Dave Stone, they unveiled some of the more challenging aspects of truly walking the world as God intended. This brings up all kinds of questions about religion, spirituality, metaphysics, magic and all things disruptive to the status quo. Listen in as she dissects the complexities and searches for the shared symbolism in all of it. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert. Today we're expanding on last week's show of Living by Christ's Design with Dave Stone. And today's episode is Spirit and Superpowers. And the reason why we're coming back on and talking about this stuff is because it's... There was so much complexity, right? That gets brought up when we talk about living as the divine, walking [...]