SPS – Nourishing Motherhood

How can we shift the societal mindset about what it means to have nourishing motherhood? In this episode of Superpowers of the Soul, Amorahki chats with Alasen Zarndt. Alasen is known as The Nutrition Doula, breaking out of old paradigms in motherhood, “she who sacrifices the most, loves the most.” She will discuss how to tweak society’s view on motherhood — a sacrifice rather than deep nourishment. It takes a whole person, physically, spiritually, and emotionally to raise amazing little humans. Listen in and discover how to embrace the nourishing mindset, which indicates that mothers deserve to be cared for.

2022-08-29T18:06:29-07:00September 10th, 2022|

SPM – Abortion and Motherhood

Abortion is a taboo topic. It has become political and triggers intense emotions for many. But what are we missing when we make it about politics? How does abortion fit into the experience of motherhood? In this episode, SPM host Tatiana Berindei talks with author, mother of 3, and abortion coach Amanda Kingsley about her journey, how to hold the shades of grey in a topic that has been made black and white, and how we make space for all of the feelings that abortion brings up. Held with love and tenderness, this is a critical conversation you will not want to miss.

2022-05-31T18:09:17-07:00June 13th, 2022|

SPU – Expanding Motherhood

Motherhood is one of the most crucial relationship constructs we carry as a collective. Wrapped up in the concept is all kinds of emotions, fears, hopes, dreams, sorrows, and joys. In this IM Series, Expanding Motherhood, we explore three major energetic archetypes associated with motherhood. Whether you are a mother, plan to be a mother or were birthed by a mother, you’re impacted by the stories and examples we share collectively about the role of mom. We invite you to join us in an elevated perspective of “mother” and lean into the sheer joy of experiencing an unabashed affair with the deep comfort and creation made possible through its expression.  Motherhood is the complex arrangement of various roles, responsibilities, commitments, and privileges afforded to the brave souls who choose to raise the offspring. Tonya Dawn Recla Hello, everyone. This is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power [...]

2021-11-29T14:29:24-07:00April 17th, 2020|

SLSP – Motherhood and Intimacy

Do you find that motherhood has made your sex life more complicated? Or non-existent? In this episode, SLSP host Tatiana Berindei and Master Theta Healer Karen Abrams discuss the most common obstacles to intimacy in the postpartum period and what you can do to overcome them. First time moms especially, as well as women who are currently pregnant - and partners too! - will benefit greatly from this discussion. Tune in to learn how to manage sexual expectations after the baby is born, how to talk about the hard stuff with your partner and some simple and very effective tools for mothers to use to bring intimacy back into their relationships.  Hello everyone. Welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host, Tatiana Berindei. Today I have Karen Abrams with me. We are going [...]

2022-05-30T18:37:20-07:00March 4th, 2020|

SPU – Stretching Motherhood

Motherhood encompasses the heart and soul of our collective essence, however, it often gets left behind in the transformation conversation. In this episode of Disrupt Reality, Tonya talks with author Amber Trueblood about her book, Stretch Marks: A Self-Development Tool for Mothers Who are Being Stretched in Every Direction. Amber’s mission of supporting moms in their quest to evolve themselves, their children, their families and their lives, comes through in this fantastic book. As a licensed marriage and family therapist and mother of four, Amber combines her years of assisting women through conversations and retreats to bring a wealth of wisdom to the motherhood experience. Listen in to this uplifting conversation about the breadth and depth of the mom-child relationship and learn how you can implement easy changes now to create a happier experience with your kids. Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super [...]

2021-05-28T01:41:42-07:00February 7th, 2020|

SPM – Learning Self Love through Motherhood

In this episode Angela Schwartz, writer, tutor and momma, joins Laura Greco on SuperPower Mommas in a lively and vulnerable discussion about learning self love through being a momma. Angela graduated from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She has written for newspapers and trade publications. What she enjoys most is her creative writings and has been featured in literary journals and online magazines. Currently, while raising her son and tutoring 2 days a week, she is exploring the mandatory requirements that come with being a momma to include such topics of self care, forgiveness and kindness towards yourself. And then she shares these rich topics and more in her blog, Moms Coffee is Cold. You will fall in love with her delightful expressions that are honest and vulnerable and truly loving. So I encourage you to join us. We are so grateful to have you listen in. [...]

2020-10-12T18:37:06-07:00October 1st, 2019|

SPM – How to Get What You Want by Loving Yourself First

Nat Couropmitree guides innovative leaders to live their lives through the energetic frequency of their Truest Selves. He joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas as they explore the topic of how to get what you want by loving yourself first. Nat is all about tapping into love, respect and value that frees people from the exhausting cycle of working harder to gain something that can never be achieved through more effort, more work, more sacrifice, and creates space for them to experience what they really long for...ease, joy and adventure in the present moment. Aside from his website, you can also find Nat on his podcast Bold Magnificence. Be sure to listen in and glean for yourself how self love must come first. Hello and welcome to SuperPower Mommas. I am your host, Laura Greco, and I'm so excited to have you listening today. Our topic [...]

2020-10-12T19:34:00-07:00October 16th, 2018|

SPM – What is the Secret to Balance for Mommypreneurs

Kenneth Choo is an entrepreneur, business consultant and mother industrialist. He joins Laura Greco of SuperPower Mommas to explore the question...what is the secret to balance for mommypreneurs? Kenneth is best known for his out-of-the box thinking and offers creative solutions for his clients marketing campaigns. With his book, Mother Industrialist, he helps moms become entrepreneurs and to perfect the balance between motherhood and business success. Join in and hear his story of why he coaches mommas. Hello and welcome. I'm your host, Laura Greco and you are in the SuperPower Mommas Show today. I'm so excited to bring you to this topic of what is the secret to balance for mommypreneurs. Today, we have a very special guest who has been working with mamapreneurs for such a long time, and he's written a beautiful book, which is what he's best known for, and that is [...]

2020-10-12T19:34:07-07:00October 2nd, 2018|

SLSP – Sex and Motherhood as a Spiritual Journey

Chaya Leia Aronson helps many women through her specialized bodywork, joins Tatiana Berindei as she talks about sex and motherhood as a spiritual journey. She embodies her commitment through her private bodywork, health, and nutritional coaching and spiritual and emotional counseling with women in North Hampton, Massachusetts. The main forms of bodywork she practices to support pelvic health and embodiment are the Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy and holistic pelvic care, both of which are informed by her degree in nursing. Listen in as she shares her deep wisdom about sex and motherhood as a spiritual journey. Hello everyone and welcome to the Sex, Love and SuperPowers podcast show. I am your host Tatiana Berindei and today I am really happy to have with me my dear friend Chaya Leia Aronson. We're going to be talking about sex and motherhood as a spiritual journey. Before [...]

2022-06-05T11:15:51-07:00March 14th, 2018|
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