Abortion and Motherhood

Abortion is a taboo topic. It has become political and triggers intense emotions for many. But what are we missing when we make it about politics? How does abortion fit into the experience of motherhood? In this episode, SPM host Tatiana Berindei talks with author, mother of 3, and abortion coach Amanda Kingsley about her journey, how to hold the shades of grey in a topic that has been made black and white, and how we make space for all of the feelings that abortion brings up. Held with love and tenderness, this is a critical conversation you will not want to miss.

Tatiana Berindei:

Hello, everyone. And welcome to the Superpower Mommas Show. I’m your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today, I have a very special guest with me, Amanda Kingsley. I’ve known Amanda for years. She was actually my doula. One of my doulas with my first baby. So, we go way back. But she is a very important life path and mission, and I’m really, really excited to have her here today. We’re going to be talking about abortion and motherhood, which is a taboo topic that we don’t really talk about in our culture very much. I’m just so grateful to her for opening up that space so that this conversation can be brought forward. Because it’s a really important one, and this is not about arguments about who’s right or wrong. This is about creating space for wholeness.

Let me tell you a little bit about Amanda before we get started here. Amanda Kingsley is a certified feminist life coach and doula. She’s the host of the Speaking Light Into Abortion podcast, and the author of What I Wish: 100 love notes to help you survive, come alive, and thrive after abortion. After her own unanticipated abortion as a mother of three, she recognized the need for a wider conversation around the complex emotional landscape of life after abortion. She reminds her audience that it’s okay to feel all the feelings after abortion and that we can honor our decisions by living the life we made our choice for. Welcome to the show, Amanda. I’m so glad that you said yes to coming and sharing with our audience today.

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Amanda Kingsley:

Thank you for having me. It’s always lovely to be a guest on a podcast, but particularly lovely when we do have that past, and that history, and the evolution together. We’ve both done a lot of growth over the years.

Tatiana Berindei:

That’s for sure.

Amanda Kingsley:

So good.

Tatiana Berindei:

You know, I don’t like to open up the whole Pandora’s box of conversation before we go to break, because I hate to cut it off. But I would love for you to share with our listeners before we do break what your superpowers are in this line of work that you have found yourself in.

Amanda Kingsley:

Well, I don’t think superpowers tend to change much over the years. We kind of take them. We take them.

Tatiana Berindei:

True. They evolve. We evolve with them.

Amanda Kingsley:

Exactly. But they do shift. They do shift, or we understand them differently. I think my superpowers are being in nuance, allowing for perspective. Like, being able to see things from different angles. Creating space and holding space. And then letting myself hear, and listen, and adapt. Based on whatever’s going on, wherever we are, whoever we’re with. I feel like that’s always who I am. I’m just stepping more and more into that.

Tatiana Berindei:

You’ve just taken that into a much-needed place.

Amanda Kingsley:


Tatiana Berindei:

Again, thank you for doing that work. Yeah. We are here today to talk about abortion and motherhood. To talk about all of the ways that this fits or doesn’t fit into our lives and why. And Amanda’s going to share with us some of her journey, and how it came to be, and we’re just going to let the conversation flow as we do. I want to say thank you to the listeners for coming to listen to this show. This is going to be a really deep and possibly triggering conversation, and hopefully also a very nourishing balm and salve for your soul if you have found yourself on this path and have not had anyone to talk to about it. We are talking with Amanda Kingsley about abortion and motherhood, and we’ll be back soon. Don’t go anywhere. Stay tuned.

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