Why Do Women Wear Makeup?

Why do women wear makeup? Makeup is just a mask we wear. It’s a face we put on that makes us feel more comfortable with who we are, what we look like, and how we will be perceived in the world. It’s not real. It’s not truth. We like to dance around the story that it “enhances” our features and makes them stand out more. Not true. This is a lie that we choose to believe from all that is shoved in our face from the media – commercials, movies, TV shows, print media, etc. Beauty is not what you look like. Beauty is what lies within. Regardless of that fact that sounds cliché, it’s truth. We as humans tend to hate what lies within ourselves because we are so scared of what we’ll find, that we choose to live in the lie that what is on the outside [...]

2017-04-27T13:51:18-07:00April 27th, 2017|

Wasted Zombies? We’re Living the Zombie Apocalypse

The Zombie Apocalypse is here. Katy Perry - Chained to the Rhythm Ha! I love using a play on words, and I’ve really been wanting to write an article on the hype with the zombie apocalypse…and I guess a shout out goes to Katy Perry because I’m using her lyrics to do it. What if I told you the Zombie Apocalypse was already here and we’re currently living in it? Now I don’t mean literally with dead human bodies feeding on live human bodies. No. What I mean is we have created a society where humans live according to what they are told to do, are constantly plugged in to some sort of technology, believe and feed into what they see and hear on the news, and play the game of “Keeping upwith the Jones’s.” Take a step back and look for yourself, you might be surprised at what [...]

2017-04-27T13:21:27-07:00April 18th, 2017|

Conscious Awakening – Are you paying attention or choosing to live in the lie?

Conscious awakening doesn't happen by accident. Either you pay attention or you live in the lie. You choose. I’ve always had this knowingness that everything happens for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence or happenstance. Everything in our lives serves a purpose. Sometimes it felt so real, yet silly at the same time – that I was afraid it would come off narcissistic or histrionic in nature. I questioned everything – meaning I questioned everything about myself and judged it according to my Catholic upbringing. Why is this important? Do you ever notice patterns that play out in your life on a consistent basis? Do you keep seeing the same numbers all the time? Do you hear the same song or artist on the radio when you’re in the car? Do you keep reliving a memory or a feeling/emotion and don’t have a clue as to why it’s coming [...]

2021-05-28T01:36:46-07:00January 30th, 2017|

Multidimensional Consciousness and The Secret

Multidimensional Consciousness The Secret and The Law of Attraction are only a very miniscule portion of the story when it comes to bringing what you truly desire into this dimension of existence. This is the very beginning of the understanding and grasp of multidimensional consciousness, living in multiple dimensions simultaneously, learning how to access each of them, and for what purpose. When we come to Earth we are strapped down in a straightjacket of time control built in fear and lack. We come into this veil of existence, immersed in forgetfulness, and are taught and bred to “follow the rules.” We forget that we can break the “rules.” And once we have this understanding of “the secret” we come to a realization that there really are no rules at all. After this realization comes the shift of living in only 3D consciousness to living in and accessing multidimensional consciousness. These [...]

2021-05-28T01:38:53-07:00January 14th, 2017|

Conscious Catapulting aka Running of the Bulls

Conscious growth was the theme for 2016. I don’t know about you but the entire year felt as though I ran a gauntlet like running of the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. My personal conscious catapulting led me down some pretty treacherous paths. Although the bulls were not physically running behind me, breathing down my neck, instilling the face of fear and death into me, every twist, turn, and curveball thrown at me felt like a damn horn being shoved into my side! I began my “Journey of Truth” as I have been calling it, around November of 2015. I was questioning everything and wanted answers, little did I realize the journey I was about to take was going to drag my ass face first through the mud and make me face every damn fear, story, judgment, and thought I’ve ever had. I finally saw life without the veil, without the lies, without [...]

2021-05-28T01:38:12-07:00December 28th, 2016|
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