Conscious awakening doesn’t happen by accident. Either you pay attention or you live in the lie. You choose.

I’ve always had this knowingness that everything happens for a reason. Nothing is a coincidence or happenstance. Everything in our lives serves a purpose. Sometimes it felt so real, yet silly at the same time – that I was afraid it would come off narcissistic or histrionic in nature. I questioned everything – meaning I questioned everything about myself and judged it according to my Catholic upbringing.

Why is this important?

Do you ever notice patterns that play out in your life on a consistent basis? Do you keep seeing the same numbers all the time? Do you hear the same song or artist on the radio when you’re in the car? Do you keep reliving a memory or a feeling/emotion and don’t have a clue as to why it’s coming up at this time in your life right now? Pay attention to these! They’re your messages to move you into your evolution.

I am divinely attuned to music, it takes me places that I need to be for comfort, consolation, joy, and spiritual awakening. For many years the music I listen to has held me together and carried me through my darkness. Listen to any song by Linkin Park – their combination of lyrics and musicality is perfect for an emotional release. However, today I am not sharing the meaning of one of their songs with you. Today I want to talk about waking up through the lyrics of the song “Hello” by Evanescence (link to song is below).

There’s always many different interpretations to the meaning of a song. For me, this song is about a spiritual and conscious awakening to our world and how to really live in it – with constant awareness of self, thoughts, beliefs, and intentions.

Here are the lyrics to the first verse with my interpretation:

“Playground school bell rings again
Rain clouds come to play again
Has no one told you she’s not breathing?
Hello, I am your mind giving you someone to talk to

In the beginning of the song, she talks about not breathing and having her mind to talk her through the situation. Your mind controls everything – especially the subconscious mind. What is stuck in there? Your belief system and the habits you have formed because of those beliefs. How do you change them? You choose to dig down there, sort them out, and change them if they are untrue for who you are today. We forget that we have the power over our lives, how we feel, and how we act in any given scenario. This being true, we have the power to change how our brain works. Yes I’m serious. Think of your brain like a computer program. Change one line within the program, and it has the power to completely change the output, right? So change your belief to change your habit to change your life.

“If I smile and don’t believe
Soon I know I’ll wake from this dream
Don’t try to fix me, I’m not broken
Hello, I am the lie living for you so you can hide
Don’t cry”

In the second verse the best way I can interpret how I experience this is that she’s having an out-of-body experience and is beginning to realize that she’s been “asleep” for so many years. She wants to really experience the world for what it truly is – a simple experience that we encounter day to day, minute by minute, second by second. That’s it! Our mind fills in the blanks with the meaning, and if you don’t have control of what your mind does, guess what – you may be living a lie instead of your truth.

What’s the lie?

Being so consumed in what other people think. Being so concerned with what society says is true. Being consumed with what is on the news and in the outside world that you let it affect your entire soul. You forget who you are deep down inside. You allow others to think for you and you just go along with it because it’s easier. Continuously choosing the easy way because you’re scared of what you’ll find along the way.

Another way to look at this as well is to relate it to your ego – whose job it is to protect you and keep you alive. If something is going to hurt your feelings, your ego protects you and makes up some story to ease you through the pain of really dealing with it. These lies that we make up in our head – they allow us to hide behind a mask. So think about it, are you living a lie with a mask on because it’s more comfortable to wear than to face reality? Or are you living in conscious observance of your life and making adjustments accordingly?

“Suddenly I know I’m not sleeping
Hello, I’m still here
All that’s left of yesterday”

It the last verse, she realizes she is awakening to pure conscious living. She’s ready to fight the ego, put it in check, and take life back into her control. She’s found her power and is choosing to live for today, instead of the lies and beliefs from “yesterday.” She’s choosing to live in present moment.


I cried, hysterically, when I finally heard the message hidden in this song. I urge you to pay attention to what is happening in your life. Notice the patterns coming up. Pay attention to the constant thoughts in your mind, are there any circular thought patterns? Do they even make sense? If not figure out where they come from and go rewrite the belief! What speaks to you – Music? Movies? Nature? Literature? Be in observance of what comes your way. Everything serves a higher purpose. Catch it before it forces you to notice!

