How do people hold on to the concept of faith? How do people do this to the extent of moving beyond their beliefs about themselves in the world and lean into some element? In this episode of Disrupt Reality, host Tonya Dawn Recla talks about seeing faith in all of its various forms, and even in the subtle ways that it appears that most people would not orient around as being faith. Join Tonya and listen to this episode that explains the faith concept to learn about how it enters into your existence. 

Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I am really, really excited to kick off this new series we’re doing called Faith in Action. And the reason why we’re doing this is that I talk to so many people, brilliant people, amazing people, doing just miraculous things in the world. And one of the underlying threads in most of them, if not all, and I don’t always ask, and that’s part of the reason why we’re doing this series, is how they hold this concept of faith, at least to the extent that they move beyond their beliefs about themselves in the world and lean into or trust some element. And I don’t want to put too much of a framework on it, because part of the series is helping people identify for themselves what faith is. And I think it’s easier to do when we offer diverse perspectives on it.

Activate Your Superpowers

And certainly, I have my sense of faith and how I encompass it, but it’s a really, really, really broad stroke. Because of the work I do, it has to be. I have to be able to see faith in all of its various forms, and even in the subtle ways that it appears that most people wouldn’t orient around as being faith. Because if we continue to keep faith or God into boxes of religion or spirituality, then we lose sight of the fact that it’s a pervasive nature. It’s in everything, in all ways, in all things. And it’s difficult to have a relationship with something that abstract and pervasive, we have to kind of put some form to it we can start to personalize it in some way. But that very process in and of itself kind of waters it down.

And how do we talk about concepts and terms? And most importantly, the disagreement that we tend to have around faith, I suspect can be traced back to the fact that we never stopped defining the term. Nobody really knows how anybody else is using it, but we have some real judgments about it, especially if we hear someone use the word faith, and then we hear them use words like God and Jesus or church, or versus if we hear someone use the word faith, but we hear them talk about something like goddess energy and the divine and spirituality. Or if we hear someone talk about faith, but in more of an energetic, scientific kind of universal construct. And yet, there’s another whole world in the cosmic space that people tend to fly around in.

We want to be really careful not to think that we know, and also to start asking ourselves how we’re holding it. Because we do talk about it. We either say, yes, we operate in faith or no, we don’t. Most people will say yes or no almost immediately. But when you really query, they don’t actually know what they’re answering, because they don’t really know how they define faith. They just know that they’ve got some really strong opinions or feelings about it. If we can dismantle that a little bit, or at least tug on some of those threads or pull back those layers, then we’re going to see, I think, that it’s much more common, that all of us have something that we trust. We trust that when we put our feet down on the floor, that we’re going to be able to stand upright and not fall over. For the most part, we operate in faith on that. But we’ve tested it and we tried it, there’s some sort of experiential nature to it.

But we’re going to dive into all of that with these amazing guests that we’ve attracted to the network, and ask those who are willing to share their faith journey with us how it unfolded and what it means for them now, and is it worth it? If you’re kind of on the precipice going, “I don’t know about all this,” maybe it’d be helpful to hear from people who would say, “You know if I had it to do over again, would I do the same thing?” Those are the areas that we’re going to dive into, why I’m very passionate about the series, and why I wanted to take a moment to share that with you all and explain it.

Stay with me. I’m going to take a pause here and go to our break. And when I come back, I’m going to dive in a little bit more deeply about that faith concept and touch on how that enters into my existence and what I think it can inform you about your own. So stay tuned. Before we go to break, you do know that you can go to and get started on your own path to unlock your superpowers. It’s super simple. Step one is attuned yourself, attune yourself to these conversations, attune yourself to conversations that matter, to real conversations that are infused with love and respect, and a willingness to understand. That will do wonders for your day-to-day existence. If you listen to one episode a day from our network, just get in the habit of that and start to watch your life change around you.

And then when you’ve done that for a while and you feel confident, then move on to step two. I know a lot of you are already on step two, congratulations, on the IM series. You’re watching one of those videos each week. You’re learning with us. And that’s super important, also, but that’s a little bit of a bigger commitment, to say, hey, I’m going to start to implement some of these things into my own life. That’s what the IM series really encourages you to do.

And after you’ve got a little bit of that going and your life is evolving and unfolding beautifully, and you feel like you’re ready to move on to step three, you can then look at the superpower programs. That’s where you make a much bigger commitment to come into the community with us and allow yourself to truly expand that. Right now, a lot of you who are, you know that you’re here to change the world and have an impact, that that’s the space that you’re stepping into, and we honor you for that. And it is a journey. For those of you on step three, kudos. Really, really well done.

It’s a walk, folks. Give yourself all the time you need, but when you’re ready, make sure that you’re challenging yourself to step into bigger spaces, as well, and we’re happy to hold that container for you, to walk beside you. You can find all of that at Again, thank you for joining us. We’re talking about faith in action, which is a series that we’re starting, and I’m going to dive more deeply into that when we come back from the break.

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