Hello everyone, this is Tonya Dawn Recla, your Super Power Expert, and I have a treat for you today. My shows are so much fun, and I get to meet amazing, amazing people. And today’s absolutely no exception. We have today, Gary Bodley, and we’re talking with him about channeling a new reality. And so, he channels the entities, Joshua and their message of all yumminess and amazingness and superpower into the universe. And then they’re doing their part as Gary does his and allowing that message to come through.
And so, we’re excited to share our platform with him and with them and just with this message and helping give those of you out there who are experiencing maybe some kind of weird things that aren’t normalized in your existence, helping you see that that’s okay. There are support mechanisms and people who perhaps walked a little bit on that path before you who can reach a hand back and assist you, and you don’t have to go through it alone and nervous and thinking maybe you’re going crazy.
Today’s episode is really about what does it look like when we start really truly accepting these gifts and using them in the highest frequency possible in service to promoting this new version of reality that so many of us crave and we know is right there, right? We know that we’re living in it, and we just want to stay in that space. So please take a deep breath and settle in and get comfortable and help me welcome Gary Bodley to the show. Welcome Gary.
Thank you, Tonya. Thanks so much for having me. I’m really excited to be here.
Aw, well we are so excited to have you. And again, just, just kudos and appreciation to you and your courage and being so out there and open in the world using your gifts. We know that kind of comes with its own twists and turns. So, we don’t take that lightly, and we appreciate you.
Well thank you so much. And that’s so true because this all started for me six and a half years ago. I was living a normal life, and if you had said that I would be here being this channel that’s widely viewed by lots of people… That I like, “No, I don’t want to do that.”
Oh, we know a few things about those kinds of chats with God. We’ve talked about that here before. Well, before we dive too into just loving on you and appreciating you for your brilliance, let’s jump in and ask, what are your superpowers?
Well, my superpower now… For the first time in my life, I’m 57 years old, and I get to wake up being totally satisfied to be Gary Temple Bodley.
There’s only..
What a beautiful statement. That just sunk way in there. That was beautiful.
… Yeah, my whole life I always wanted to be someone else and thought, “Well, if you’re Brad Pitt, you’re going to have a really great life.” But when you realize that you intended to have this life that you’re living for a journey of self-discovery, and then you get to the point where you discover that all your superpowers are actually meant for you to live this life you intended to live and that you don’t have to be anyone else. And when you step into who you authentically are and not needing to be anyone different or to prove your worthiness or to be good or to control others so they like, love, or respect you, well then you’re just moving with inspiration throughout the day doing those things you are fascinated by. And what could be more fun than that?
Well, it’s kind of like spoiler alert, right? Let us tell you how this goes. But we know this, right? In the depths of the cells of our beingness or wherever all of that knowledge lies… We could argue all day long about different versions of reality. But ultimately we know there’s a deep resonance with this idea of, yes. I think when we can kind of push aside all the noise, psychological noise, physical noise, whatever’s going on inside of us or around us and get really, really clear, there’s an inevitable connection and synergy into that level of awareness.
And yet, we could talk conspiracy theories, we could talk, oops, mistakes, we could talk about all things. But ultimately, we live in a construct, at least until we kind of awaken into this higher space, where it feels like that everything is kind of set against that very notion. And it takes real… I often say, you have to be willing to stare something in the face and deny its existence.

Neva Lee Recla is on a mission to inspire 1 million kids to start businesses. Get the tools to inspire your young entrepreneur so they can go out and change the world. The book gives you the insights you need to support your child, while the monthly Messages inspire and support your kids on their entrepreneurial journey. Give your child the gift of Super Powers and join Neva in changing the world today!
And it’s removing our trust on what we perceived of as the physical reality and placing our trust in something else that’s not tenable, right? Well, not that the physical reality was either. But we thought it was, and so that was easy. So, these are, folks, these are the kinds of conversations that come up when… It’s kind of like, be careful what you wish for because you start talking to entities, angels, whatever, and you have to start seeing things differently. So, we’re going to dive more deeply into that with Gary, all of that yumminess. But we need to take a break right now. Gary, I know we’ve intrigued a lot of our folks already. Where can people go to find out more about you?
They can either just Google Gary Temple Bodley, or they can go to theteachingsofjoshua.com.
Perfect, and we’ll have those links on the sites, folks. We’re talking today with Gary Bodley about channeling a new reality. Stay with us because when we come back from the break, we’re going to go even deeper into this idea of channeling these new visions and realities into an existence that sits tenable, that you can actually be in. So, stay here. We’ll be right back.
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