In this episode of SuperPowers of the Soul, Jennifer Urezzio and Anke Hermann discuss ways to build confidence through creativity and the mind. Here how being creative leads to feeling one with everything and full of creativity. Listen now to begin your creative path to confidence.

Hello everyone and welcome. I’m Jennifer Urezzio, Super Power Expert, founder of the Soul Language and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. Today we’re talking to Anke Herrmann and we’re going to talk about ways to build competence through creativity and the mind.


Thank you so much for having me. I’m very excited to be here.

It really shows up in everything I do.

I’m very excited that you’re here as well. And I always like to start with the kind of icebreaker question about what do you consider the superpower of your soul? But for you, not for anyone else, what’s the superpower of your soul?

Creativity. Bringing ideas to life is the thing that jumps to mind.

I love that. How does that reflect into your sacred purpose, that thing that you’re here to experience, that purpose, your mission, what you’re here to kind of participate the most in? How does the creativity revolve or included in your sacred purpose?

It really shows up in everything I do. And it’s funny because when I discovered that it was what it was, what’s at the heart of what motivates me to get up in the morning, I could really see how it’s in every job I’ve ever had, in every move I’ve ever made. And it’s that sensation of flow and that’s really when I’m making something. It can be something with my hands or basically when I’m creating something, there is that sensation that time stops and I basically dissolve. It’s almost like as if it’s coming through me and I’ve heard poets say that and I’ve really noticed it when I’m cutting a dress, when I’m sewing or something like that. And it’s when I feel most alive and it really shows up, and I can see that the creative process in every everywhere look.

Agreed. I understand that. I mean, I’m a creative being as well, and it just feels like you’re connected with, it feels like total connection to me when I’m in creativity. It feels like I’m the one with everything.

Yes. Yeah, me too.

So, what has been a common theme that your soul has shared with you throughout your journey?

A common theme is the sensation that the time we have is a really precious gift and I don’t want to waste a second of it. And it doesn’t mean I have to hustle all the time, but it means living consciously and making decisions that go towards, in case of doubt, give it a try, right? Instead of letting fear stop me from doing things, I’d rather go out and try it and see what happens. And if it doesn’t work out, well, then at least I know that sense of making the most out of life.

Beautifully put. And it’s a philosophy or guidance that I think most of us should adapt. Before we have our break here, where do people get in touch with you? How can they learn more about you and your work?

The easiest place to go would be my website, that’s have trouble spelling my own name. 

I love that because that’s what this is all about. It’s about a dabbling, and it’s about realness, and about being alive, and not being perfect. I was recording an audio for class this week and my cat did a howl I’ve never heard out of her. And you can hear me pause, and then I finished my sentence and I stopped the recording and made sure she was okay, and then started reading recording. But you could hear her go growl at it. And you know what? I could have recorded, but you know what? Why? It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being in the moment and showing, and being conscious and what you do with each moment. So, everyone, stay tuned to hear more about ways to build your confidence through creativity in the mind.

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