The Scent of Intuition

What’s it like when your child has the scent of intuition? How do you attempt to be the wind beneath their wings? In this episode of Super Powers of the Soul, Amorahki is joined by her daughter Hannah, now 18 years old, to talk about her experience of clairalience or Clair essence as it is sometimes known. It is the intuitive sense of psychic smell. Amorahki discusses how she handled it when she found out that her daughter has superpowers. It is vital to recognize and support the child, although out of their experience. Tune in to know more about the scent of intuition.


Blessings everyone. This is Amorahki and welcome to the Superpowers of the Soul. I am so excited to be here today, talking with my dear daughter, Hannah Marie Fenn, about The Scent of Intuition. In her experience with clairalience, the intuitive or psychic sense of smell. And even though it is far from her only superpower, we felt excited to have a chat about this one first, because it’s not really as well known and well, it’s just fun. It’s been super fun growing up with this and watching this development and unfoldment and learning about what life is like through this super sense of hers. And let me tell you a little bit about Hannah.

She is an absolute delight. She’s super fun, a really inspiring, welcoming soul. And she has this incredibly rich relationship with life, which is just a privilege to witness, actually. It’s so cool. She’s so connected with the earth, the plants, the flowers, the animals, her ability to communicate on all these levels is fascinating. She’s a real nature spirit. It’s been a real trip getting to be her mom this lifetime and I am super thrilled that she’s agreed to be here with us today. So Hannah Marie, welcome to the show, sweetheart.

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Hannah Marie Fenn:

Hi everyone.


 Yay. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. So, wow, psychic smell. What is that like?

Hannah Marie Fenn:

It’s actually a lot of fun. I find that for myself, a conversation is really built upon words and body language, but there’s another one, scent. And when you try to speak with someone that doesn’t have words, for example, a fox that you bring home to your family from the forest named Twilight.


Yes. Okay, that actually happened. Yes.

Hannah Marie Fenn:

Yes, it did. No words, right? But there’s a scent there and you’re able to form that communication. Trying to talk to stray dogs or cats or birds that you bring home and you take care of and you love and build relationships and friends with, it’s all on scent for me. They release this scent and I do too and it’s just an entire conversation of colors and emotions and just safety of expression. A lot of my best friends were animals everywhere we went, just based on scent.


This is true. We called you the pied piper a long time with that idea of you playing the flute and the children would follow. But for you, it was all kinds of animals and children, but also I’ve seen you communicate, I think, in the same way, correct me if I’m wrong, but are you doing the same thing with plants?

Hannah Marie Fenn:



When I see you with the trees and at the flower farm where you work, it’s quite a thing to witness. Are you communicating in that same way?

Hannah Marie Fenn:

Actually, yeah. It feels really intense at times because it’s an entire world of information all at once. You know how you’re able to do a search on your phone, tape one question, and then you get countless articles and pictures all in one thing? Well, that’s what it’s like with just an inhale in a new environment or an animal, a person, energy, something in the food or a flower. Just one scent of the flower farm that I’m working at with a tomato, for example, I’m able to ascertain whether or not this one is diseased if it needs more water, or what kind of fragrance it’s giving off. It’s able to give me all of this information, which can be really overwhelming trying to have all this information all at once and maintain a conversation with a person that’s thinking and breathing as I do versus a plant or an animal, which isn’t talking. So it’s a little confusing at times.


I could see how the plants might be a little easier at times.

Hannah Marie Fenn:



Oh my gosh, this is so cool. I haven’t heard you express it quite like that before. This is awesome.

Hannah Marie Fenn:

I feel really excited about this podcast and I want to put words onto this because it’s so important to me and you and I took quite a few years trying to understand what this is and how it relates to our family and my experiences. So I want to put words to it because that’s so fun for me.


I really appreciate that. It’s definitely different being able to speak to you about this, you’re 18 now.

Hannah Marie Fenn:



This is a very different experience than being in the development of it and how it expresses at three and five and 10. There’s not a lot of reference for it.

Hannah Marie Fenn:

There really isn’t.


Well for us, where we were. I love this. Hannah Marie, I cannot wait to dive deeper into all of this with you, but first, we’re going to take a short little break here so we can just go into it with the total flow. We don’t have to break. Okay? All right, everyone. So you are listening to Superpowers of the Soul here on the Superpower Network. Today, we’re talking with my daughter, Hannah Marie Fenn, about the scent of intuition. And for those of you listening, who are feeling the call to maybe learn about your own superpowers a little more or connect more deeply with us and with others, we invite you to come to play with us over at the Superpower Universe, maybe inside the plus membership space, if that’s calling to you. Head on over to for all the info. For now, stay with us, stay tuned and we’ll be right back. You don’t want to miss this one.

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