Hello everyone and welcome. I’m Jennifer Urezzio and this is SuperPowers of the Soul. I’m a Super Power Expert and founder of Soul Language, and we’re with Colleen Wietmarschen today, and we’re talking about the spiritual power of purpose. Hello, Colleen.
Hi Jennifer. How are you? Thanks for having me.
I’m so excited that you’re here and, as everyone knows who’s listened to the show, our first question is always, what do you consider the superpower of your soul?
Well, I consider it that I am moving from unconscious to conscious behavior. After 50 some years, instead of automatically always jumping in to help or say yes, I’m starting to listen to what’s right for me and setting wise, healthy boundaries before I can be of service to others. You know how they say when you’re in an airplane, you need to put on the oxygen mask for yourself before you can help others? And so that’s what I’m starting to learn how to do.
I love that. That’s a great super power by the way, and I think that’s a long lasting superpower. So we all have this sacred purpose, we all have this reason for being here for ourselves and for others. What do you consider your sacred purpose?
My sacred purpose is really expressing love through daily life. I love to express love to people and everyone through my daily life.
Love it. So you’re modeling your sacred purpose.
Right, right.
Love it. Over our journey, our soul has shared us because of some common big themes. One for me is that I’m full of courage, that I’m enough, that I’m connected. What have been some common themes that your soul has shared with you?
Well, my soul has shared with me that helping through love is really wonderful as long as it’s a fit, if that makes sense. And I love doing things for people, but if it’s not a fit, if they’re not open to receiving or triggered and is upset by a nice behavior, if that makes sense. I love to be actively loving with my family and friends to the extent where they allow it. And if love can be expressed in the background, if need be, if you have to let go because something can’t be resolved in a mutual relationship, then that’s hard sometimes, but it needs to be mutually allowed in the relationship, if that makes sense or you’re both going to suffer.
Oh go on.
No, you go ahead.
Okay. What I mean by triggered by self is by self-care in my life, there have been some times where I’ve had to say no thank you to requests or demands because I have to do whatever it is to take care of myself. And one of the hardest things for me recently was that I had to back out of a wedding shower for my nephew who was getting married because I had a surgery back in March and I had planned this shower for him a year ago, and I had surgery and I was not able to do it even though I could’ve directed people to do it and had them help me, but it was going to take stress away from my healing. And that really was sad for me, but it wasn’t going to be mutually acceptable in allowing me to be taking care of myself.
Yeah. I think loving ourselves and offering ourselves love, which means being in the consciousness of enough is one of the hardest things to kind of be on this planet. And I also think that humans, what we consider human love, are so kind of messed up. There’s a lot of limiting beliefs around it that the start of any true, amazing relationship is when you have a profound love for yourself, then you can offer that love to others. So how does your soul support others? What is your way of being of service on this planet?
Well, I support others with music. In my music, I believe music is healing. It lifts other people’s spirits. It’s communication without words and vibration, which is a great other talk. But it’s a universal language and it absolves barriers. And being a true friend is transparent and respectful also. And in my relationships with people, I’m tapped into being what a true friend is and they can experience growth themselves. And for me, my personal growth models self-respect and expanding awareness to really experience myself as better and better every day. And that’s one of the ways I express my love. And at first I can see that our soul supports us and as we grow we can find that our soul is. And then as we grow, we can find that we are within our soul.
But I also support others in our business. We support others by helping them tell their story because everyone has a story to tell. And it’s the way that they tell their story that they can resonate with someone the way no one else’s story can.
I firmly believe that. I think that there’s a reason why storytelling has had the length and history that it has. And the medium of storytelling has changed over as we have evolved and with technology, but I think that it’s a fundamental kind of understanding how we are one with all human beings, and I think that’s through storytelling. So before we break, tell people how to get in touch with you. What’s a good website to have more access to Colleen?
A great website is yourliteraryprose.com
Beautiful. Everyone stay tuned. I and Colleen are going to be talking about the spiritual power of purpose when we return.
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